
Congratulations on completing this chapter, where the skills and knowledge required to build a simple blog management system nicknamed Bloggest were discussed in detail. This chapter started off by explaining what a web application is and how a web application can benefit from the MVC pattern both in terms of development and maintenance. It talked about the requirements of the web application being developed and used a UML use case diagram to explain the requirements visually.

This chapter also talked about how to understand the domain models of an application based on the requirements (Bloggest) and how to use Spring Data Elasticsearch to convert those domain models into documents in the Elasticsearch data store. A UML class diagram was used to explain the domain models in detail.

Furthermore, the chapter explained how to write data repositories for those documents using Spring Data Elasticsearch with minimum effort for commonly used CRUD operations. Moving on, it also explained how to write custom query methods in data repositories, and how to encapsulate business logic inside Spring Service components. 

Subsequently, the chapter talked about how to write presentation views to create and display comments using Apache FreeMarker Framework. In addition, it explained how to use Apache FreeMarker syntax to list articles, add an article, edit an article, and show an article.

Eventually, the chapter talked about how to use Spring WebFlux Controllers to provide routing and coordinating of different services. Furthermore, it talked about how to protect controller endpoints using Spring Security to allow proper authentication and authorization for users.  The chapter also demonstrated the usage of Bloggest in detail. We'll learn more about some interesting features of Spring Boot 2.0 in coming chapters.

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