Building an API with Reactive Microservices

This chapter will help readers get started on developing reactive microservices using Spring Boot 2.0. It will enable experts as well as beginners in Spring Boot web application development to understand the concepts behind a microservice and how easy it is to use Spring Boot 2.0 to develop a microservice application. It will explain these concepts by walking the reader through the process of developing two microservices related to a Taxi Hailing System, where one will be for the Taxi Service, including functions such as getting available taxis, finding the status of a taxi, updating taxi location, and registering taxis, and the other one will be for the Taxi Booking Service, which will allow users to book a taxi, cancel a taxi, and so on. These two microservices will be running inside a container platform named Docker and will use a Redis instance for persistence, Spring Data Redis Reactive for the model and repository, and Spring WebFlux for controllers.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • Using Spring Data Redis for persistence
  • Using Spring WebFlux for controllers
  • Using asynchronous data transfer for cross-microservice communication
  • Using Docker to support microservices
  • Demonstrating Saber

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