Integration testing

To verify the everything works as expected in a real world scenario, an integration test can be written that, which puts everything together and tests each endpoint. The following is an integration test for the Moviee web service:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class SpringBoot2MovieRatingApplicationTests {

lateinit var webTestClient : WebTestClient;

fun `Get Movies - Happy Path`() {
.header("Authorization", getBasicAuthorization())
[{"name":"Lionardo Dicaprio","inAs":"Jack","noOfAwards":1},
{"name":"Kate Winslet","inAs":"Rose","noOfAwards":2}]}]"""

The preceding code snippet performs the integration testing for the Get Movies scenario's happy path:

fun `Get Movies - Failure Path (No Authorization)`() {

The preceding code snippet performs the integration testing for the Get Movies scenario's failure path:

fun `Get Movie - Happy Path`() {
.header("Authorization", getBasicAuthorization())
[{"name":"Lionardo Dicaprio","inAs":"Jack","noOfAwards":1},
{"name":"Kate Winslet","inAs":"Rose","noOfAwards":2}]}"""


The preceding code snippet performs the integration testing for the Get Movie scenario's happy path:

fun `Rate Movie - Happy Path`() {
.uri("/movies/1/rate?comment=Ok Movie&rating=3")
.header("Authorization", getBasicAuthorization())
[{"comment":"Good Movie","rating":5},{"comment":"Ok

The preceding code snippet performs the integration testing for the Rate Movie scenario's happy path:

fun getBasicAuthorization() : String {
val plainCreds = "user:password"
val plainCredsBytes = plainCreds.toByteArray()
val base64CredsBytes =
val base64Creds = String(base64CredsBytes)

return "Basic $base64Creds";


The preceding code snippet returns the Base64 encoded username and password to be sent as part of the authorization header.

The preceding integration test class is annotated with @SpringBootTest, which configures a webEnvironment that will start on a random port. By using WebTestClient, each particular endpoint can be invoked with a proper basic authentication header and verified responses. Integration tests are used to test from end to end before deploying to production.

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