New property binding API

Spring Boot 2.0 introduces a new binding API for configuration properties. The most notable change in Spring Boot 2.0 related to configuration property binding is the introduction of a new binding API with the following Address Plain Old Java Object (POJO):

public class Address {
private String number;
private String street;
private String city;
private String country;
private String zipCode;
// Getters, Setters, Equals, Hashcode

The following Binder fluent API can be used to map properties directly into the Address POJO.

This code can be written inside any initializing code such as CommandLineRunnerApplicationRunner, and so on. In the application this code is available inside the SpringBoot2IntroApplication.runner method:

List<Address> addresses = Binder.get(environment)
.bind("demo.addresses", Bindable.listOf(Address.class))

The preceding code will create a Binder instance from the given Environment instance and bind the property for a list of Address classes. If it fails to bind the property then it will throw IllegalStateException.

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