Testing controllers

You should test the controller for successful business logic execution and response generation. The following test case is written for MovieController, which is annotated with @WebFluxTest and has an autowired WebTestClient, which will be used to invoke the endpoints:

class MovieControllerTest {

lateinit var movieService: MovieService;

lateinit var movieRepository: MovieRepository;

lateinit var webTestClient: WebTestClient;

The preceding code snippet performs creates mocking beans and the testing utility:

fun `List Movies - Happy Path`() {
// Given
var movieFlux: Flux<Movie> = Flux.fromIterable(listOf(getMovie()));

// When
.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")

// Then
verify(movieService, times(1)).findAll();

The preceding code snippet performs the controller testing for the List Movies scenario's happy path:

fun `Rate Movie - Happy Path`() {
// Given
var movie = getMovie();
movie.ratings.add(MovieRating("Great", 5, Date()))
`when`(movieService.rate(1, "Great",

// When

// Then
verify(movieService, times(1)).rate(1, "Great", 5)

The preceding code snippet performs the controller testing for the Rate Movie scenario's happy path:

fun `Rate Movie - Failure Path`() {
// Given
`when`(movieService.rate(2, "Great",

// When
.json("""{"code":400,"message":"Movie by id 2, not

// Then
verify(movieService, times(1)).rate(2, "Great", 5)

The preceding code snippet performs the controller testing of the Rate Movie scenario's failure path:

fun `Get Movie by Id - Happy Path`() {
// Given

// When

// Then
verify(movieService, times(1)).findOne(1);

The preceding code snippet does the controller testing of the Get Movie by Id scenario's happy path:

    fun getMovie() : Movie {
return Movie(1, "Avengers", 2018, MovieGenre("Action",
"Action"), ArrayList<MovieRating>(), ArrayList<Actor>())

The preceding code snippet creates mock Movie data for testing.

In the preceding controller test case, WebTestClient is used to hit particular endpoints of the controller and verify whether it returns the correct status codes, bodies, and so on. 

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