The use case diagram

The following use case diagram shows the requirements for the microservice, which is nicknamed Saber:

There are two main actors, named the Driver and the Passenger of the Saber. The use cases are grouped into two different microservices.

The Taxi Microservice has the following use cases:

  • Register Taxi: This use case is required to register a Taxi by a driver, a physical vehicle with a vehicle type to provide a transportation service to passengers
  • Update Taxi Location: This use case is required to update the location of a registered Taxi while it moves around
  • Update Taxi Status: This use case is required to update the status of a registered Taxi such as available, occupied, and so on
  • Get Taxi StatusThis use case is required to get the status of a registered Taxi
  • Search TaxiThis use case is required to search for registered Taxis close to a passenger, given a geographical coordinate (latitude, longitude) and a radius in kilometers

The Taxi Booking microservice has the following use cases:

  • Book Taxi Ride: This use case is required to book a Taxi ride by a passenger, given a start location, end location, taxi type, and so on
  • Accept Taxi Ride: This use case is required to accept a Taxi booking made by a passenger by a driver
  • Cancel Taxi Ride: This use case is required to cancel a Taxi booking made by a passenger, either by the driver or by the passenger
  • Search Booking: This use case is required to search Taxi Bookings close to a driver, given a geographical coordinate (latitude, longitude) and a radius in kilometers
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