The project structure to develop microservices

In order to develop microservices in this chapter, there may be a lot of code that could be reused between the two microservices. To accommodate this, the following project structure is used in this chapter:

spring-boot-2-taxi/: This is the parent Maven project of all the following projects:

  • ├── spring-boot-2-taxi-config/: This is a Maven project that will have all the common configurations
  • ├── spring-boot-2-taxi-model/: This is a Maven project that will have all the common data transfer objects
  • ├── spring-boot-2-taxi-service/: This is a Maven project that will be responsible for the Taxi Microservice
  • ├── spring-boot-2-taxi-book-service/: This is a Maven project that will be responsible for the Taxi Booking microservice

This project structure follows a Maven module approach, which enables code reuse and faster building of the projects.

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