Chapter 1, Introduction

  1. Spring Boot is a standalone, production-grade, flexible, and extensible application development framework for building enterprise-grade Spring applications with minimum code and configurations.
  2. A class annotated with the @SpringBootApplication annotation and a Java main method that calls the method with the class annotated with @SpringBootApplication and the main method arguments:
public class SpringBootIntroApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {,
  1. Spring Boot 2.0 requires at least Java 8 to develop and run applications.
  2. HTTP/2 is an improved version of HTTP that has introduced support for multiplexing, push, and header compression from the ground up to enable efficient communication between client and server.
  3. The default dispatcher type for a Spring Boot 2.0 Servlet Filter is DispatcherType.REQUEST.
  4. The next minor release version of Spring Boot 2.0, which is in milestone plan, is Spring Boot 2.1.0.
  5. A Spring Boot 2.0 application with JPA starter will by default use HikariCP, which is the fastest and most efficient connection pooling framework available at the moment.

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