Chapter 6, Building an API with Reactive Microservices

  1. A Maven module is a way to modularize large projects into smaller subprojects so that build and deployment can be sped up.
  2. Redis is an in-memory, key/value store that provides high availability, performance, and scalability.
  3. Microservices architecture is a way of designing and implementing software as a collection of independently deployable services that are highly coherent and loosely coupled.
  4. Independent isolated teams, domain-specific laying, ability to automate deployments, fault tolerance, and the ability to scale individual features.
  5. Containerization is the process of deploying applications in a portable and predictable manner by packaging components along with their dependencies into isolated, standard process environments called containers.
  6. Docker is a very popular container platform. It is used by many developers and IT operations staff to provide independence from the underlying infrastructure and applications they run. Docker can be run on-premise hardware, in the cloud, or in a hybrid setup as well. Docker containers are lightweight and ideal for Microservices development.
  7. Nginx is a load balancer/proxy server to create clusters of web servers.
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