Extracting Image Features and Descriptors

In this chapter, we will discuss feature detectors and descriptors, along with various applications of different types of feature detectors/extractors in image processing. We will start by defining feature detectors and descriptors. We will then continue our discussion on a few popular feature detectors such as Harris Corner/SIFT and HOG, and then their applications in important image processing problems such as image matching and object detection, respectively, with scikit-image and python-opencv (cv2) library functions.

 The topics to be covered in this chapter are as follows:

  • Feature detectors versus descriptors, to extract features/descriptors from images
  • Harris Corner Detector and the application of Harris Corner features in image matching (with scikit-image)
  • Blob detectors with LoG, DoG, and DoH (with scikit-image)
  • Extraction of Histogram of Oriented Gradients features
  • SIFT, ORB, and BRIEF features and their application in image matching
  • Haar-like features and their application in face detection
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