Image I/O and display with Python

Images are stored as files on the disk, so reading and writing images from the files are disk I/O operations. These can be done using many ways using different libraries; some of them are shown in this section. Let us first start by importing all of the required packages:

# for inline image display inside notebook
# % matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
from PIL.ImageChops import add, subtract, multiply, difference, screen
import PIL.ImageStat as stat
from import imread, imsave, imshow, show, imread_collection, imshow_collection
from skimage import color, viewer, exposure, img_as_float, data
from skimage.transform import SimilarityTransform, warp, swirl
from skimage.util import invert, random_noise, montage
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from scipy.ndimage import affine_transform, zoom
from scipy import misc

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