Frequency domain Gaussian blur filter with scipy signal.fftconvolve()

The following code block shows how the SciPy signal module's fftconvolve() function can be used to run the convolution in the frequency domain (internally by just a multiplication and the convolution theorem):

im = np.mean(misc.imread('../images/mandrill.jpg'), axis=2) 
# (224, 225)
gauss_kernel = np.outer(signal.gaussian(11, 3), signal.gaussian(11, 3)) # 2D Gaussian kernel of size 11x11 with σ = 3
im_blurred = signal.fftconvolve(im, gauss_kernel, mode='same')
fig, (ax_original, ax_kernel, ax_blurred) = pylab.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(20,8))
ax_original.imshow(im, cmap='gray')
ax_original.set_title('Original', size=20)
ax_kernel.set_title('Gaussian kernel', size=15)
ax_blurred.imshow(im_blurred, cmap='gray')
ax_blurred.set_title('Blurred', size=20)

The following screenshot shows the output of the preceding code block in the spatial domain:

The following code block shows how to plot the original and the blurred image spectrum after convolution:

import scipy.fftpack as fftpack
F1 = fftpack.fft2((im).astype(float))
F2 = fftpack.fftshift( F1 )
pylab.subplot(1,2,1), pylab.imshow( (20*np.log10( 0.1 + F2)).astype(int),
pylab.title('Original Image Spectrum', size=20)
F1 = fftpack.fft2((im_blurred).astype(float))
F2 = fftpack.fftshift( F1 )
pylab.subplot(1,2,2), pylab.imshow( (20*np.log10( 0.1 + F2)).astype(int),
pylab.title('Blurred Image Spectrum', size=20)

The following screenshot shows the output of the preceding code block in the frequency domain:

The same code block as the previous one is used to compute a blurred version of the Victoria Memorial Hall image, but this time the fftconvolve() function is invoked with a larger (50 x 50) Gaussian kernel with σ=10. The following screenshot shows the output of the same code with the new image and the modified kernel:

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