
The bot that we create will have one or more intents. An intent is an interaction that you want to perform with the bot and is something that you want to do or make happen. You would expect the bot to respond to an intent by performing an action or providing some form of useful information.

When you're thinking about which intents to create for your bot, you should think about all of the actions on each of the entities that the user expects to interact with. For example, if you were creating a bot for an airline customer service desk, a caller would typically want to book a flight, update or cancel an existing flight, add bags, or check their air miles points balance. Therefore, you would want to give clear names to intents – BookFlight, UpdateFlight, CancelFlight, AddBags, and CheckPointsBalance. Intent names can't be changed later, so put some thought into your entity relationships upfront.

For each intent, we add a number of utterances and slots, which we will find out about next.

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