Colocating our gear

Thankfully, if we already have our own servers that we need to run, we can use what's called a colocated space. This is when an organization running a data center has spare space (space meaning rack space, thermal space, power space, and networking space) and will rent it to you for a fee. You still maintain total control over your own server hardware. 

The good thing about renting space in a data center is that we can reduce the number of specialist engineers that are needed to manage the hosting. We still need hardware and storage engineers, but we don't have to worry about making sure the air conditioning is operational, keeping track of the leasing and maintenance contracts, or depreciating the non-server assets over a given period of time.

Colocating can also go a step further where, instead of providing your own servers, you can rent the actual bare metal as well. This can save the burden on the finance team that's related to tracking IT assets.

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