
  1. Which service provides natural language understanding using artificial intelligence?

A) Amazon Polly
B) AWS Lambda
C) Amazon Rekognition
D) Amazon Lex

  1. In a Lex-based bot, what are we attempting to match a user's question to?

A) Another question
B) An intent
C) A wish
D) A prompt

  1. Which dialog action type do we use when we need more information?

A) ElicitSlot
B) Close
C) Delegate
D) ElicitIntent
E) ConfirmIntent

  1. Amazon Lex can invoke Lambda functions for fulfillment.

A) True
B) False

  1. What type of bot is a Slackbot?

A) AI bot
B) Rule-based bot
C) Command bot

  1. Which type of authentication mechanism does Slack use for bots?

B) Basic
C) Kerberos
D) OAuth

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