Pricing model

Let's segue straight into the next benefit: when the batch processing jobs from the preceding example have completed, there is no extra compute cost. With a server, you always pay for when it is running, but with AWS Lambda, you only pay for the amount of time the code is executing. The pricing model is actually a little more complex than that. Let's explore this further. With each Lambda function, you are charged per-request based on a combination of the following:

  • How long the function executes (rounded up to the nearest 100 ms)
  • The allocated memory that the function was configured with

AWS calls this combination gigabyte-seconds or GB-sec. You can find a pricing table showing the cost per 100 ms of execution here: Remember that there is still a storage charge to host the deployment artifacts in S3, as well as data charges for network ingress and egress.

An awesome thing about the free tier ( is that you can do 1 million invocations per account per month (or the equivalent of 400,000 GB-secs) for free!
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