Chapter 16: How to Prepare and What to Expect

Are you planning to take the UiPath RPA Associate Exam to achieve the certification credential (UiRPA) and grow your RPA expertise? If so, this chapter, along with the information available on the UiPath Certified Professional website (, will help you understand more about the exam and the certification credential. Preparing for a certification exam can be very stressful as it puts a lot of pressure on you to perform well, but these resources are designed to provide guidance and assistance as you prepare for the exam.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Introducing the UiRPA and its target audience
  • Exam sections and topics
  • Question types and available practice tests
  • Exam details and exam registration
  • Managing your certification

Introducing the UiRPA and its target audience

The UiRPA certification exam is for anyone who works with the UiPath platform or wants to build their expertise in designing and developing RPA solutions.

This exam requires strong foundational RPA knowledge and/or hands-on experience. The exam assesses your problem-solving and process identification skills, as well as your ability to build simple automation solutions using UiPath Studio, Robot, and Orchestrator. In addition, the UiRPA certification credential is the first step to becoming an advanced RPA developer, solution architect, or RPA architect.

As of March 2022, the UiPath Certified Professional examination is categorized into two tracks:

  • The General Track, which is for anyone who works with the UiPath platform and requires strong foundational technical knowledge and skills
  • The RPA Developer Track, which is for anyone in a technical role who is looking to gain and/or possesses a deeper level of expertise in designing and developing complex RPA solutions in the Robotic Enterprise Framework

The UiRPA certification is included in both tracks.

The target audience for the UiPath RPA Associate exam includes anyone who is in a technical or semi-technical role. This includes anyone working as a junior RPA developer, RPA developer, solution architect, business analyst, or system administrator.

At a minimum, the qualified exam candidate should fit into one of the following categories:

  • A graduate or college/university student who wants to pursue a career in the RPA industry
  • A UiPath or UiPath Partner employee in a role such as pre-sales, services, support, and so on
  • Someone who has 3-6 months' RPA hands-on experience

Now that you have a brief idea about the UiRPA exam, we will take a closer look at the exam's sections and topics.

Exam sections and topics

As an organization, UiPath has an array of products in its portfolio. However, the UiRPA certification exam tests you on the following three products:

  • UiPath Studio
  • UiPath Robot
  • UiPath Orchestrator

It is important to understand each exam section and its associated exam topics. Having a clear understanding of this, as well as hands-on practice with the relevant products, will help you prepare for the exam. Let's do that now.

Exam sections

The UiPath RPA Associate exam contains the following exam sections:

  • RPA Fundamentals
  • UiPath Studio Overview
  • UiPath Studio – Variables and Arguments
  • UiPath Studio – Selectors
  • UiPath Studio – Control Flow
  • UiPath Studio – Data Manipulation
  • UiPath Automation Concepts and Techniques
  • UiPath Orchestrator Overview

Exam topics

Now, let's look at the topics within each section.

RPA Fundamentals

  • Describe the processes that are suitable for automation and the processes that are executed with the different robot types; for example, attended versus unattended.
  • Explain the functionality and interactions with UiPath Studio, Orchestrator, and Robot/Assistant.

UiPath Studio Overview

  • Understand the debug functions and how they are used; for example, using breakpoints.
  • Identify how to use Manage Dependencies and understand the significance of connecting an automation project to a version solution.

UiPath Studio – Variables and Arguments

  • Describe the different variable types, how they are used, and the best practice for using the variable scope.
  • Describe the functions and differences between variables and arguments, including how arguments are used, managed, and their best practices.

UiPath Studio – Selectors

  • How dynamic versus static selectors are used.
  • How partial versus full selectors are used.
  • How and when to use Indicate Anchor in UI Explorer and the Anchor Base activity.
  • Demonstrate and describe the use of a reliable selector and how to use UI Explorer to modify selectors.

UiPath Studio – Control Flow

  • How to use Control Flow activities and workflow types such as sequences and flowcharts.
  • Identify and describe the various Control Flow activities, such as If, Switch, While, DoWhile, For Each, and more.
  • Explain the importance of error handling and how it can be implemented.

UiPath Studio – Data Manipulation

  • Describe the importance and reasons why data manipulation is used; for example, converting from one data type into another.
  • Explain how strings can be manipulated; for example, by using VB string methods and RegEx.
  • Explain how to iterate and manipulate data on various collection types and data tables.

UiPath Automation Concepts and Techniques

  • Identify and explain how email automation is used.
  • Identify and describe Microsoft Excel and data table functions, as well as how Excel activities are used for data manipulation purposes.
  • Describe the functions that are used to extract data from a PDF file; for example, reading native text or using OCR to scan PDFs.

UiPath Orchestrator Overview

  • Identify and describe how UiPath Orchestrator queues and assets are used.
  • Identify and explain how to publish projects to UiPath Orchestrator.

Now that you have become familiar with the exam topics, let's look at the types of questions you may be asked in the UiRPA exam.

Question types and available practice tests

The UiPath RPA Associate exam is not lab-based and does not include or require any project submissions. Rather, the exam includes the following question types:

  • Multiple choice:
    • Straightforward questions with and without graphics
    • Scenario-based questions
    • Graphics as answer choices
    • Code as answer choices
  • Drag and drop:
    • Designed to test a candidate's understanding of a particular "process"
    • Involves logical thinking and reasoning by the candidate
  • Simulation-based:
    • Active screens allow interaction and automatic scoring with different display elements.
    • Emulates a user's interaction with UiPath Studio and/or Orchestrator displays.
    • Fully integrated with other question types.
    • No need to exit the testing event.

This book includes two practice tests – Chapter 17, Mock Exam 1, and Chapter 18, Mock Exam 2. These tests will allow you to practice before taking the proctored UiPath RPA Associate exam. In addition, the UiPath Certified Professional program offers a practice test at

These practice tests are designed to help you prepare for the UiPath RPA Associate exam. They allow you to become familiar with the exam topics and the type of questions that you may come across in the proctored exam.

Exam details and exam registration

In this section, you will learn more about the exam and how to register for it.

Exam details

The following are some additional details about the UiPath RPA Associate exam:

  • Exam number: UiPath-RPAv1
  • Exam title: UiPath RPA Associate v1.0 Exam
  • Exam duration: 90 minutes
  • Passing score: 70%
  • Exam fee: $150.00 (US dollars)

You won't be marked negatively if you choose the wrong answer. So, please attempt all the questions in the UiRPA exam.

Based on your location, the $150 exam fee may be subject to local taxes. In addition, students of UiPath Academic Alliance partner institutions are eligible for a 50% discount. If you are an educator, please contact the UiPath Academic Alliance team for student discount exam vouchers at [email protected].

Now, let's learn how to register for the exam.

Exam registration

UiPath Certified Professional exams are offered in secured proctored environments at Pearson VUE test centers worldwide, as well as through remotely proctored exam delivery at your private location through OnVUE.

To schedule the exam, visit to register, pay the exam fee, and schedule the day and time of your exam. If you have an exam voucher, you can enter the voucher number before the checkout process.

You should now have a brief understanding of how you can register for the exam. The next step is to understand how you can manage your certification credential once you have successfully passed the exam.

Managing your certification

All your exam and certification credential details will be saved on the UiPath Certification Manager (CertMetrics) website, where you can view and download your eCertificate and digital badge. CertMetrics is located at For tracking purposes, each eCertificate will include a unique verification code. If required, your employer can verify and validate your credential by entering the verification code on the UiPath Certification Manager verification page (


In this chapter, you learned how to prepare for, register, and take the UiPath RPA Associate exam. This included details about the exam, the target audience for the exam, the exam's sections and topics, and the type of questions that you will come across. Finally, you were provided with additional exam details and learned how to manage your credential after successfully passing the exam.

If you require further information about the UiPath Certified Professional Program, its program policies, candidate agreement, and frequently asked questions (FAQs), please visit

We wish you all the best in successfully passing the UiPath RPA Associate exam and achieving the UiRPA credential!

In the next chapter, you will have the opportunity to practice for the exam by completing the first of this book's mock tests.

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