
0-9, and symbols

23 things, 73

A, 130
Arab Spring of 2011, 11
Atlas of New Librarianship, The, 143
attention of users, 8–13
Audacity, 62
authentic experiences, 50
awareness knowledge, 112


benefits to the organization (of a policy), 95
Black Swan, The, 147
Blockbuster, xx
Bloglines, 132
Blowers, Helene, 73
Bin Laden, Osama, 85
books (stereotype), 147–9
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 85
budgets, 20, 89, 100–1
building community, 36, 49-51, 141, 143–5


calling card, 47
capturing knowledge, 28–31, 63–5, 79
cell phone, 47, 80
change, 25, 81, 88–9, 93, 141–3
Charles I, 10
Charles II, 10
challenge the process, 142
CNN, 84
collaboration, 31–2, 65–6, 89, 115
collection development, 7–8
communication, 28, 67–8, 79–80
complaints, 113–15
conundrum of control, 81–9
coordination problems, 78–9
coordination tools, 16–22, 89–105
Cowen, Tyler, 149
crowdsourcing, 62–3
culture (organizational), 20, 89, 101–5
curated content, 54–7
curriculum (of a library), 144–5


data theft, 86
death of social media, 135–6
decision making, 22, 66–9, 79–80
Delicious, 1
departmental structure, 108
Diffusion of Innovations (by Everett Rogers), 112
disintermediation, 40–2


East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, 84
ebooks, 147–9
email, 75–6, 94
enable others to act, 142
encourage the heart, 142–3
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 148
English Civil War, 10
epistolary writing, 11
events (in the library), 6, 8, 14, 26, 28, 30, 53, 58–62, 65, 70–1, 145
Everything is Miscellaneous (by David Weinberger), 121


Facebook timeline, 102
fast food, 44–5
filtering, 4–8, 55–6
Flickr, 26, 59–60
focus, 13–14, 71–5, 88, 115
Foursquare, 6, 59, 109
freedom of speech, 102
Fry, Thomas, 148
Fullerton Public Library, 103
future, 145–50


gadget phase, 47–9
Gadsden, Gloria, 84
Gerolimos, Michalis, xvi
Gleick, James, 5
giving librarians a voice, 34–8
Google (search), 6–7, 147
Google+, 3, 64, 75
Google Voice, 62
GPS, 6
Great Stagnation, The (by Tyler Cowen), 149


Halifax Public Library, 35
hashtag, 53, 60
Henry VIII, 10
Hi5, 47
Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX), 67
homepages, 119–23, 137
how-to knowledge, 112


identity crisis (in libraries), 150–1
iGoogle, 132
Information, The (by James Gleick), 5
Infovores, 149
innovation, 81–2, 88, 112–13
innovation champion, 112
inspire a shared vision, 142
intellectual property risks, 86
integrating social media into library websites, 128–31
integrated library system (ILS), 135
Intrade, 67
involuntary information leakage, 86
Israeli Defense Force, 84
iTunes, 61
Ivell Marketing and Logistics Limited, 84


Jefferson, Thomas, 9
joining the conversation, 51
journalism, 35, 39, 41, 54–5, 57, 109


Kouzes, Jim, 141


Lankes, R. David, 143
latent ambiguity, 101–2
leadership, 67–9, 140–2, 146, 151
legal concerns, 93
Lessig, Lawrence, 101–2
letters, 11
location-based tools, xxii, 6, 59
library websites, 118–19, 128–31
liking (a webpage), 49–50
live blogging, 60–1
loosely-coupled systems, 22–6, 28, 34, 71–2, 81–3, 89


maintenance costs and productivity loss, 87
malware, 86
Mapping the Republic of Letter, 11
marketing, 32–3, 36, 49–51
Martin, Roland, 84
mashups, 118, 132
Megatrends (by John Naisbitt), 47
messaging (promotion), 33–4
mistakes, 113–15
mobile, 5–6, 38, 59, 65, 75, 101
model the way, 141–2
motivating employees, 110–13
MP3, 60–1, 100, 112
music, 149
MySpace, 1, 136


Naisbitt, John, 47
Netflix, xx
news (about libraries), 57–8
news channel structure, 106
network vulnerability, 86
Netvibes, 132
new librarianship, 143–5
newspapers, 9–11, 49, 57, 148, 150
New York Times, 9, 132
Ning, 3, 63, 65
Northwestern University, 8


Obama Administration, 85
Obama, Barack, 85
Occupy Wall Street, 35
OPAC, 134–5
open structure, 107
organizational culture See culture
organizational reputation, 85
organizational structure, 106–10
organizational values See values


participation rules, 20–1, 89, 101–5, 110–11
People’s Library, 35
phishing, 86
physical space, 38–40, 121
Pinterest, 102–3, 146
podcasting, xv, 61–2, 131
policies, 16, 19–21, 28, 64, 73, 80, 82, 89–100, 103, 115
Posner, Barry, 141
postal service, 41
prediction markets, 67
Presidio Trust, 17
principles knowledge, 112
print, 10–11, 40–1, 58, 148
procedures, 99–100
protestors, 11, 34–8, 53, 59
Public Act 195, 63–4
Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, 73
punishments, 104
purpose statement (of a policy), 95


Read/Write Library, 35
Restoration, the, 10
Rogers, Everett, 112
RSS, 75, 129, 131–4
RSS Graffiti, 133


searching, 5–6, 67, 147
schedules, 113
Skokie Public Library, 39
Skype, 62
Slideshare, 65
social media, xvii, xxi, 7, 30–1, 33, 35, 46, 49, 51, 60, 68–9, 75–6, 79, 88-105, 113, 123, 135–6
social networking, 47
spam, 86
standardized services, 44–6, 76
Staples (office supply store), 121
Starbucks, 45
storytelling, 37
structure to manage multiple sites, 109
Surowiecki, James, 66–7
Swann, Kimberley, 84


Taleb, Nassim, 147
technology adaption, 47–9
tightly-coupled systems, 23
Too Big to Know (by David Weinberger), 67
training, 73, 111
tsunami of 2004, 38
Tumblr, 53–4, 64, 81
Twitter, 3, 5–7, 11, 53, 60, 64, 85, 100, 108, 113–14, 130, 133–4, 141, 146
Twitterfeed, 133–4
Twitter Revolution, 11


Undergrad Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 146
Urbahn, Keith, 85
usability testing, 124–8
use guidelines (of a policy), 96–8
user generated content, 54–7


video, xx-xxi, 6, 34–5, 39, 52–3, 60, 75, 127, 130, 134, 148, 150
virtual space, 38–40, 121–2
visibility (of the library in the community), 69–71
vision, 101–5, 142
visioning exercise, 74


Weick, Karl, 22–3
Weinberger, David, 67, 82, 121
wikis, 37, 64–5, 69, 131
Wisdom of Crowds, The (by James Surowiecki), 66–7
world wide web (web), 2, 30, 33, 48, 54–5, 67, 72, 83
WYSIWYG (what you see if what you get), 33, 119


XML, 112, 131


YouTube, 1, 11, 14, 34, 60–1, 108, 127, 134


Zuccotti Park, 35
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