Centralized version control systems (CVCS)

Centralized version control systems were created to make it possible for multiple collaborators to work on projects together. In these systems, the history of revisions is stored on a central server, and all the version control operations by all collaborators must go through this server. If a collaborator records a new revision, then all other collaborators can download and apply the revision in their own environments to update their project to the same state as the central server:

Centralized version control systems (CVCS)

To avoid conflicting changes on the same file by multiple collaborators, such as concurrent modifications to the same lines, collaborators have to work in lockstep—after collaborator A has made some changes, collaborator B must first download those changes before he can add any new changes of his own.

Thanks to its simplicity, this is still a very popular workflow today, used by many large and famous projects and organizations. However, despite their popularity, centralized systems have serious drawbacks:

  • Network access to the central server is required for all the operations that change the repository or access the revision history. As such, network outage and slowness can seriously impact productivity.
  • The central server is a single point of failure—if the server is unavailable or lost, so is the revision history of the entire project.
  • Administrative overhead—to prevent unauthorized access, user account and permission management must be configured and maintained.
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