Getting help

Bazaar has a superb built-in help system. Simply type bzr in a terminal without any parameters, and it will give you a list of the basic commands and how to get more detailed help:

$ bzr
Bazaar 2.5.0 -- a free distributed version-control tool

Basic commands:
 bzr init     makes this directory a versioned branch
 bzr branch    make a copy of another branch

 bzr add      make files or directories versioned
 bzr ignore    ignore a file or pattern
 bzr mv      move or rename a versioned file

 bzr status    summarize changes in working copy
 bzr diff     show detailed diffs

 bzr merge     pull in changes from another branch
 bzr commit    save some or all changes
 bzr send     send changes via email

 bzr log      show history of changes
 bzr check     validate storage

 bzr help init   more help on e.g. init command
 bzr help commands list all commands
 bzr help topics  list all help topics

You can use the bzr help command to read the documentation of any Bazaar command, as well as common topics.

  • bzr help: This command provides a brief summary of the basic commands (same as simply bzr without parameters)
  • bzr help some_command: This command provides a detailed help on some_command
  • bzr help commands: This command lists all commands
  • bzr help topics: This command lists all topics

All the commands accept the -h or --help flag consistently, and print the same help message as the bzr help some_command command.

If you cannot find something in the built-in documentation, then you can explore the official online documentation, which contains everything from short tutorials to complete in-depth references, FAQ, glossary, and further resources at

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