Introducing the user interfaces

There are two primary ways to interact with Bazaar—running bzr commands in a terminal program, or using the Bazaar Explorer graphical user interface. Both the interfaces have their advantages and disadvantages, but we will try to cover them equally throughout the book whenever possible.

Using the command-line interface (CLI)

bzr is the command-line client and official user interface of Bazaar. It is the clearest way to explain all the version control operations, and often the fastest way to accomplish tasks.

To use bzr, you need a terminal application (or DOS prompt in Windows systems), and basic familiarity with shell commands of your local system, in order to be able to navigate in your local filesystem.

Using Bazaar Explorer

Bazaar Explorer is the graphical user interface (GUI) of Bazaar. In Windows, you can launch it from Program Files or the Start menu. In other systems, you can launch it by running the bzr explorer command in a terminal application.

With Bazaar Explorer, it is easy to see an overview of all the files in a project and pending changes. In addition, it has many practical features for filtering, searching, and history browsing that simply wouldn't be possible by using the command-line interface. However, not all operations are available in Bazaar Explorer. For this reason, it is important to understand the command-line interface too.

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