About the Reviewers

Alexander Belchenko is a software developer from Ukraine. He worked on hardware and software designs of embedded systems and radio-electronic devices as a Radio Engineer and Software Developer. In his free time, Alexander contributes to open source projects. In 2005, he started contributing to the Bazaar VCS project, and later worked on GUI tools for Bazaar VCS.

John Arbash Meinel is a software developer currently living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He was one of the primary developers of Bazaar, and is currently working on cloud technologies. He was employed by Canonical Ltd.

Yavor Nikolov is a software professional living in Sofia, Bulgaria. His professional background is mostly in Oracle Database technologies and data warehousing, and being involved in software development, database administration, tweaking server OS, and technical consulting.

Yavor's interests are in bettering everything in the software/knowledge world—from personal level to team, products, and organizations as a whole. He is trying to bring innovation and good practices in tools, technologies and infrastructure, process of work, project management, collaboration and learning culture.

As a proponent of Kanban, Lean, Agile, Scrum methods, approaches, and related practices, Yavor has been actively involved in the local communities, which have emerged around these topics (most notably Scrum Bulgaria—http://scrumbulgaria.org/).

Yavor often uses open source software. He uses Linux as his main OS on his computer at work and at home. He's also been contributing to a few open source projects, most notably DbFit—http://benilovj.github.io/dbfit, and pbzip2—http://compression.ca/pbzip2.

Yavor discovered Bazaar and Launchpad in his way while trying to find an online collaboration platform and source control repository for the previously mentioned pbzip2 project. He loved the power and flexibility of Bazaar and since then has been using it in some other projects and personal work.

When not at work, Yavor loves spending time with nature and is often found hiking in nearby mountains.

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