
Excellent work, you've made it through a lot of new concepts and even building your first SproutCore app! You should now know what SproutCore is, why it exists and why you would use it; and most importantly you should have successfully installed the platform and seen some of the powerful features in action.

While it all may be a bit overwhelming, don't fear since we will review everything in greater detail soon. For now, this is a good time to reflect on how much functionality we achieved with so little code. If you perused your Contacts application's files once more, I think you'd agree that there is remarkably little code, yet the app in the browser is already exhibiting some advanced behaviors. With only a few more additions we would have something that we could even give to a user. This reminds us that the true power of SproutCore is that it allows us to offload all the time consuming dirty work onto the framework so that we can spend our energy on fine tuning the user experience that will set our application apart.

In the next chapter, we will begin our detailed look into the SproutCore puzzle, starting with the runtime environment. This set of technologies is what really runs our apps at the base level and which provides the foundation for every additional component that SproutCore provides.

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