
So, this was a long chapter but for good reasons because there is a lot of functionality in the Model layer to cover. So far we've looked at what the Model layer and Data Interface layers are in a SproutCore application, at SproutCore's client-side data store, at modeling data in the application, and at modeling relationships in the application. We also studied the entire life cycle of a SproutCore record and looked at how to query local and remote data stores. Lastly, we looked at how we would write our own data source adaptors to synchronize local records with a remote store.

At this point, you should be able to define an entire data model for your own applications and use a SproutCore data store to retrieve and modify the data locally. You should also be able to recognize the difference between local and remote queries and know how to run queries against local or remote stores. Most importantly, you should completely understand the life cycle of a SproutCore record including the methods you use to move the record from one state to another.

Don't be alarmed if it seems like a lot to digest all at once. When you begin working on your own application, you can come back to this chapter as and when needed, to review the fundamentals.

In the next chapter, we will tie it all together by connecting our models to our views and adding the logic that will really turn our application into software.

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