Using Oracle Enterprise Manager for managing VPD

Next, we will create a policy that will be applied on UPDATE statements that will ensure that the salaries of employees who currently make less than 3000 USD and who do not earn a commission will receive an additional 1500 USD raise when the UPDATE statement is executed.

Getting ready

All steps will be performed on the HACKDB database.

How to do it...

  1. Connect as HR and create a new table named employees_test_vpd, based on the employees table as follows:
    SQL> conn HR
    Enter password:
    SQL> create table employees_test_vpd as select * from employees where salary is
    not null and commission_pct is null;
    Table created.
  2. Connect as system and create the SALRISE_POL_FUNC policy function defined on the UPDATE statement as follows:
    SQL> conn system
    Enter password:
      FUNCTION salrise_pol_func
          schema_v IN VARCHAR2,
          tbl_v VARCHAR2)
        ret_val VARCHAR2(200);
        ret_val := 'commission_pct is null and salary < 3000';
        RETURN ret_val;
     SQL>   /
    Function created.
  3. Connect to OEM with the user system, navigate to the Server tab, and in the Security panel click on Virtual Private Database:
    How to do it...
  4. Above current policies, click on the Create button:
    How to do it...
  5. The Create Policy page will be loaded. Enter the following values:
    • Policy Name: SALARY_RISE_POLICY
    • Policy Type: STATIC
    • Check the Enabled checkbox
    • Policy Function: SYSTEM.SALRISE_POL_FUNC
    • For Enforcement check the UPDATE checkbox
    • Click on the OK button to finish
    How to do it...
  6. To retrieve the current policies defined on the tables from the HR schema, in the Policy tab type HR in Schema Name and click on the Go button as follows:
    How to do it...
  7. Now verify the users whose conditions fit our policy definition as follows:
    SQL> select first_name,last_name,salary from hr.employees_test_vpd where sal
    <3000 and commission_pct is null order by 3 desc
      2  ;
    FIRST_NAME           LAST_NAME                     SALARY
    -------------------- ------------------------- ----------
    Shelli               Baida                           2900
    Timothy              Gates                           2900
    Michael              Rogers                          2900
    Vance                Jones                           2800
    Sigal                Tobias                          2800
    Girard               Geoni                           2800
    Mozhe                Atkinson                        2800
    John                 Seo                             2700
    Irene                Mikkilineni                     2700
    Randall              Matos                           2600
    Donald               OConnell                        2600
    FIRST_NAME           LAST_NAME                     SALARY
    -------------------- ------------------------- ----------
    Douglas              Grant                           2600
    Guy                  Himuro                          2600
    Joshua               Patel                           2500
    Randall              Perkins                         2500
    Karen                Colmenares                      2500
    Martha               Sullivan                        2500
    Peter                Vargas                          2500
    James                Marlow                          2500
    Ki                   Gee                             2400
    James                Landry                          2400
    Hazel                Philtanker                      2200
    FIRST_NAME           LAST_NAME                     SALARY
    -------------------- ------------------------- ----------
    Steven               Markle                          2200
    TJ                   Olson                           2100
    24 rows selected.
  8. Next, proceed to raise the salaries by 1500 USD for those with a salary of less than 3000 USD using the following policy:
    SQL> update employees_test_vpd set salary=salary+1500;
    24 rows updated.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.

How it works...

Practically OEM provides a very intuitive interface for managing VPD, being a good alternative to command line and less error-prone.

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