Using user profiles to enforce password policies

A user profile controls user password policies and resource control. Every user has an allocated profile.

The DEFAULT profile will be assigned if another profile is not specified for a user. It is recommended that you use your own custom profiles to enforce password aging policies, strong passwords, and resource utilization. In this recipe, we will create a customized profile named CUSTPROF that establishes a strong password policy through the use of password related profile resources and the use of a password verification function.

Getting ready

All the steps will be performed on the HACKDB database.

How to do it...

The profile CUSTPROF will be assigned to the HR user in the following steps:

  1. Create a new profile named CUSTPROF using the following statement:
    SQL> create profile custprof limit password_reuse_max 15;
    Profile created.
  2. To find information about the profile CUSTPROF, issue the following query:
    SQL> select PROFILE,RESOURCE_NAME,LIMIT from dba_profiles where profile='CUSTPROF';
    PROFILE       RESOURCE_NAME                LIMIT
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
    CUSTPROF                       COMPOSITE_LIMIT                  DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       SESSIONS_PER_USER                DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       CPU_PER_SESSION                  DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       CPU_PER_CALL                     DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION        DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL           DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       IDLE_TIME                        DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       CONNECT_TIME                     DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       PRIVATE_SGA                      DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS            DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME               DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME              DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX               15
    CUSTPROF                       PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION         DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME               DEFAULT
    CUSTPROF                       PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME              DEFAULT
    16 rows selected.
  3. Set password life time period to 50 days and the grace time to 10 days as follows:
    SQL> alter profile custprof limit PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME 50 PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME 10;
    Profile altered.
  4. Limit the failed login attempts to 15 and password lock time to 3 days by setting the following profile resources:
    SQL> alter profile custprof limit FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 15 PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME 3;
    Profile altered.
  5. Set the password history policy resources, the number of days after which a password cannot be reused to 20 and the number of changes before which a password cannot be reused to 1.
    SQL> alter profile custprof limit PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME 20 PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX 1;
    Profile altered.
  6. Connect as the user system and create the password verify function, as follows:
    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlpwdmg.sql
    Function created.
    Profile altered.
    Function created.
  7. Next we will modify the password verify function. The code is located in the downloadable code bundle of this chapter; here are listed only some parts along with the modified code lines. We will increase the minimum password size from 8 to 15 characters, and we will even make use of the special characters.
    create or replace FUNCTION verify_function_11G
    (username varchar2,
      password varchar2,
      old_password varchar2)
      RETURN boolean IS
       n boolean;
       m integer;
       differ integer;
       isdigit boolean;
       ischar  boolean;
       ispunct boolean;
       isspecchar boolean;
       reverse_user varchar2(32);
       specialchars varchar2(30);
       digitarray:= '0123456789';
       chararray:= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
       specialchars:= '~@#$%^&*()[];;.><?|:_=+-'; -- add special characters as manadatory 
       -- Check for the minimum length of the password
       IF length(password) < 15 THEN
          raise_application_error(-20001, 'Password length less than 8'),
       END IF;
       3. Check for the special characters
       FOR i IN 1..length(specialchars) LOOP
          FOR j IN 1..m LOOP
             IF substr(password,j,1) = substr(specialchars,i,1) THEN
                 GOTO findspecialchar;
             END IF;
          END LOOP;
       END LOOP;
       IF isspecchar = FALSE THEN
          raise_application_error(-20009, 'Password must contain at least one 
                  digit, one character, and one special character such as ~@#$%^&*()[];;.><?|:_=+-'),
       END IF;
       END IF;
       -- Everything is fine; return TRUE ;
  8. Add the function to a profile by modifying the password_verify_function resource, as follows:
    SQL> alter profile custprof limit password_verify_function verify_function_11g;
    Profile altered.
  9. Finally, assign the custprof profile to the user HR as follows:
    SQL> alter user hr profile custprof;
    User altered.

How it works...

It is recommended that you have separate profiles for a group of users, such as application users, administrative users, and so on. In this way, very sensitive users may have more restrictive password policies than others.

There's more...

Profiles can also be used to control user resource management by modifying the following resources:

CUSTPROF                       COMPOSITE_LIMIT                  DEFAULT
CUSTPROF                       SESSIONS_PER_USER                DEFAULT
CUSTPROF                       CPU_PER_SESSION                  DEFAULT
CUSTPROF                       CPU_PER_CALL                     DEFAULT
CUSTPROF                       LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL           DEFAULT
CUSTPROF                       PRIVATE_SGA                      DEFAULT

And we can set the maximum connection idle time and connect time by modifying the following resources:

CUSTPROF                       IDLE_TIME                        DEFAULT
CUSTPROF                       CONNECT_TIME                     DEFAULT
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