Auditing sessions

When the audit is performed, it is important to be able to identify the originating host, username, and logon and logoff time for sessions. In this recipe we will enable an audit on sessions created by users HR, DRAPHEAL, and SMAVRIS.

Getting ready

All steps from this recipe will be performed on the HACKDB database.

How to do it...

  1. Connect as user SYSTEM, and start to audit sessions for user HR, DRAPHEAL, and SMAVRIS as follows:
    SQL> conn system
    Enter password:
    SQL> audit session by HR, DRAPHEAL, SMAVRIS;
    Audit succeeded.
  2. Next connect as user HR and wait for 10 seconds, then disconnect.
  3. Connect also as user DRAPHEAL and SMAVRIS and wait for 10 seconds or more, then disconnect.
  4. One source of information for audit trails related to the session can be found by querying the DBA_AUDIT_SESSION dictionary view. Check the generated audit records by OS_USERNAME, USERNAME, USERHOST, TERMINAL, TIMESTAMP, ACTION_NAME, and LOGOFF_TIME as follows:
    How to do it...

How it works...

The information about the session audit can be found in DBA_AUDIT_SESSION, DBA_COMMON_TRAIL, and USER_AUDIT_SESSION dictionary views.

There's more...

If you want to audit all sessions then use the following statement:

audit session by access;

To disable audits on all sessions use the noaudit command as follows:

noaudit session;

To disable audits only for specific users execute the following:

noaudit session by HR, DRAPHEAL, SMAVRIS;

It is highly recommended to couple session audit with a real time alarming mechanism that fires when a user logs on.

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