Appendix B: Scales and Alphas


Managing Information

Monitor (Alpha .68)

  1. Can seek information energetically.
  2. Can probe, dig beneath the surface, test the validity of information.
  3. Can create order out of large quantities of information.
  4. Can spot problems, opportunities, threats, trends early.
  5. Am logical, data-based, rational.

Spokesperson (Alpha .80)

  1. Am crisp, clear, articulate.
  2. Am skillful in speaking to external agencies or individuals.
  3. Am a strong communicator.
  4. Can effectively represent corporate interests at multiple levels of interaction in public and private sectors.
  5. Can effectively act as agent and advocate for the organization.
  6. Can effectively represent the organization at social or civic functions.

Managing Relationships

Leader (Alpha .90)

  1. Am adept at establishing and conveying a sense of purpose within the organization.
  2. Am a team builder; bring people together successfully around tasks.
  3. Structure subordinates’ work appropriately.
  4. Recognize and reward people for their work.
  5. Am effective at managing conflict.
  6. Confront others skillfully.
  7. Make good judgments about people.
  8. Attract talented people.
  9. Consider personalities when dealing with people.
  10. Am a good coach, counselor, mentor; am patient with people as they learn.
  11. Bring out the best in people.
  12. Give subordinates appropriately challenging assignments and the opportunity to grow.
  13. Make good use of people; do not exploit.
  14. Am inspirational; help people to see the importance of what they are doing.
  15. Am able to inspire, motivate, spark others to take action.
  16. Delegate effectively.

Liaison (Alpha .75)

  1. Possess an extensive network of contacts necessary to do the job.
  2. Am skilled at selling upward, influencing superiors.
  3. Establish strong collaborative relationships.
  4. Effectively create alliances throughout the organization.
  5. Effectively create alliances external to the organization.

Managing Action

Decision Maker (Alpha .87)

  1. Am action oriented; press for immediate results.
  2. Am decisive; do not procrastinate on decisions.
  3. Am a troubleshooter; enjoy solving problems.
  4. Can implement decisions, follow through, follow up well; an expediter.
  5. Can make decisions rapidly when speed and timing are paramount.
  6. Can make good decisions under pressure with incomplete information.
  7. Can modify plans in response to changing conditions.
  8. Can create significant organizational change.
  9. Can introduce needed change even in the face of opposition.
  10. Manage the process of decision making effectively; know who to involve on what issue.
  11. Am comfortable with the power of the managerial role.

Innovator (Alpha .83)

  1. Can form novel associations and ideas that create new and different ways of solving problems.
  2. Can depart from accepted group norms of thinking and behaving when necessary.
  3. Can try new approaches.
  4. Am entrepreneurial; seize new opportunities.
  5. Consistently generate new ideas.
  6. Am good at promoting an idea or vision; persuading.

Negotiator (Alpha .79)

  1. Carefully weigh consequences of contemplated action.
  2. Can organize and manage big, long-term projects; have good shepherding skills.
  3. Can translate strategy into action over the long haul.
  4. Build work and management systems that are self-monitoring and can be managed effectively by remote control.
  5. Establish effective management practices for directing employees I see only twice a month.
  6. Negotiate adeptly with individuals and groups over roles and resources.
  7. Carry out negotiations with multiple risk factors and unknowns.


Neuroticism (Alpha .80)

Extraversion (Alpha .74)

Openness (Alpha .74)

Agreeableness (Alpha .73)

Conscientiousness (Alpha .81)



Business Knowledge (Alpha .78)

  1. Am a good general manager.
  2. Am effective in a job with a big scope.
  3. Pick up knowledge and expertise easily in a new assignment.
  4. Understand our business and how it works.
  5. Understand cash flows, financial reports, corporate annual reports.
  6. Tap local market knowledge and use it to underpin corporate strategy.
  7. Am able to analyze and choose the best format for collaboration.
  8. Know when and how to call on the specialized expertise of others.

International Business Knowledge (Alpha .91)

  1. Can integrate local and global information for multi-site decision making.
  2. Can discern and manage cultural influences on business practices and marketing.
  3. Can create innovative corporate culture to leverage unique cultural-based knowledge and information for new product and service development.
  4. Can negotiate effectively in different business environments, even with jet lag and through translation.
  5. Can apply knowledge of public regulatory framework in multiple countries.
  6. Am able to make deliberate choices about how to conduct business successfully in a given part of the world.

Learning Behaviors

Cultural Adaptability (Alpha .85)

  1. Can effectively select and develop people in multiple cultural settings.
  2. Can motivate multicultural teams effectively.
  3. Can evaluate the work of others in a culturally neutral way.
  4. Can inspire information sharing among individuals who do not know/see each other and who may represent different cultures.
  5. Can adapt management style to meet cultural expectations.

Self-Development (Alpha .85)

  1. Can compensate for my own weaknesses.
  2. Can capitalize on my own strengths.
  3. Respond well to new situations that require me to stretch and grow.
  4. Learn from experience; am not set in my ways.
  5. Make needed adjustments in my own behavior.
  6. Am eager to learn and grow.
  7. Seek out new and diverse work experiences.

Perspective Taking (Alpha .70)

  1. Listen well.
  2. Take into account people’s concerns when trying to effect change.
  3. Succeed in viewing a situation through other people’s eyes.
  4. Recognize the limits of own point of view.

Resiliency Behaviors

Managing Time (Alpha .79)

  1. Can set priorities well; can distinguish clearly between important and unimportant tasks.
  2. Can make the most of the time available; am extremely productive.
  3. Can deal with interruptions appropriately; know when to admit interruptions and when to screen them out.
  4. Avoid spreading myself too thin.
  5. Am able to work on planes, in airports, in hotels.
  6. Exhibit a high degree of comfort with high-tech communications.
  7. Can balance inflow of information from a variety of sources—voice mail, e-mail, fax, cellular phones, or pagers—with the need to get things done.

Managing Adversity (Alpha .68)

  1. Am capable, cool in high-pressure situations.
  2. Can deal well with setbacks; resilient; bounce back from failure, defeat.
  3. Am optimistic; take the attitude that most problems can be solved.
  4. Use constructive outlets for tension and frustration.

Integrity (Alpha .68)

  1. Am willing to admit ignorance.
  2. Have integrity; am trustworthy.
  3. Do not put my own ambitions ahead of the organization’s objectives.

Criterion Effectiveness Measures

Managing and Leading (Alpha .87)

  1. Is able to establish and communicate common long-term goals.
  2. Is an expert communicator.
  3. Is an inspirational leader.
  4. Is an effective manager.
  5. Excels at selecting and developing good people.
  6. Consistently helps staff produce high-quality work.
  7. Establishes and maintains good relationships with subordinates.
  8. Is extremely effective in managing conflict to enhance the quality of the decision.

Interpersonal Relationships (Alpha .80)

  1. Works with senior managers effectively.
  2. Has excellent relationships within the company.
  3. Works well with peers and other departments to get the work done.
  4. Works extremely well as a team member.

Knowledge and Initiative (Alpha .78)

  1. Takes calculated entrepreneurial risks.
  2. Demonstrates independence and initiative.
  3. Has broad business knowledge of political, economic, and technological issues.
  4. Demonstrates confidence in the face of ambiguity.
  5. Is professionally competent.
  6. Has superior knowledge of the business.

Success Orientation (Alpha .68)

  1. Consistently drives for better outcomes.
  2. Meets company goals and expectations for the position.
  3. Could effectively handle the most senior position in the company.
  4. Uses the complexity of the job to help produce innovative outcomes.

Contextually Adept (Alpha .68)

  1. Is a good judge of character, even across cultures.
  2. Is effective at managing important external relationships.
  3. Uses cultural difference as a source of organizational strength.
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