Appendix G: Hypotheses Organized by Questions of Interest

What do global managers do?

Managerial Roles

HYPOTHESIS 1.1: Managers in contexts of high global complexity will attribute more importance to the roles of monitor and spokesperson than will managers in contexts of low global complexity. (p. 14)

HYPOTHESIS 1.2: Managers in contexts of high global complexity will attribute more importance to the role of liaison than will managers in contexts of low global complexity, but managers in both contexts will perceive the role of leader equally. (p. 15)

HYPOTHESIS 1.3: Managers in contexts of high and low global complexity will perceive the roles of decision maker, innovator, and negotiator equally. (p. 16)

Managerial Capabilities

HYPOTHESIS 3.17: Managers in contexts of high global complexity will attribute more importance to the capabilities of cultural adaptability and perspective taking than will managers in contexts of low global complexity, but managers in either context will perceive the capability of self-development equally. (p. 37)

HYPOTHESIS 3.18: Managers in contexts of high global complexity will attribute more importance to the capability of international business knowledge than will managers in contexts of low global complexity, but managers in either context will perceive the capability of business knowledge equally. (p. 37)

HYPOTHESIS 3.19: Managers in contexts of high global complexity will attribute more importance to the capabilities of time management and coping than will managers in contexts of low global complexity, but managers in either context will perceive the capability of integrity equally. (p. 37)

What does it take for a manager to be effective when the work is global in scope?

Managerial Roles

HYPOTHESIS 1.4: The role of monitor will be related to the effectiveness criterion contextually adept for managers in contexts of low and high global complexity. (p. 17)

HYPOTHESIS 1.5: The role of spokesperson will be related to the effectiveness criterion contextually adept for managers in contexts of high global complexity. (p. 17)

HYPOTHESIS 1.6: The role of leader will be related to the effectiveness criterion managing and leading for managers in contexts of low global complexity. (p. 17)

HYPOTHESIS 1.7: The role of liaison will be related to the effectiveness criteria contextually adept and interpersonal relationships for managers in high-global-complexity jobs. (p. 17)

HYPOTHESIS 1.8: The role of decision maker will be related to the effectiveness criteria knowledge and initiative and success orientation for managers in low- and high-global-complexity jobs. (p. 17)

HYPOTHESIS 1.9: The role of innovator will be related to the effectiveness criterion knowledge and initiative for managers in low- and high-global-complexity jobs. (p. 17)

HYPOTHESIS 1.10: The role of negotiator will be related to all effectiveness criteria for managers in low- and high-global-complexity jobs. (p. 17)


HYPOTHESIS 2.1: Regardless of how globally complex the context is in which the manager works, conscientiousness will be positively associated with the effectiveness criteria knowledge and initiative and success orientation. (p. 25)

HYPOTHESIS 2.2: Extraversion will be positively associated with the managerial effectiveness criteria managing and leading and interpersonal relationships when the work is more globally complex. (p. 25)

HYPOTHESIS 2.4: Agreeableness will be positively associated with the managerial effectiveness indicators managing and leading and interpersonal relationships when the managerial work is more globally complex. (p. 26)

HYPOTHESIS 2.6: Neuroticism will be significantly and negatively correlated with all of the effectiveness criteria when the managerial work is more globally complex. (p. 26)

Managerial Capabilities

Learning Behaviors

HYPOTHESIS 3.1: Self-development will share significant variance with all effectiveness criteria for managers in the low-global-context group. (p. 31)

HYPOTHESIS 3.2: Perspective taking will share significant variance with the effectiveness criteria managing and leading, interpersonal relationships, success orientation, and contextually adept when the manager’s work is more globally complex. (p. 33)

HYPOTHESIS 3.3: Perspective taking will be positively associated with the personality scale openness. (p. 33)

HYPOTHESIS 3.4: Perspective taking will be negatively associated with the personality trait neuroticism. (p. 33)

HYPOTHESIS 3.5: Cultural adaptability will share significant variance with the effectiveness criteria managing and leading, interpersonal relationships, knowledge and initiative, success orientation, and contextually adept when the work is more global in scope. (p. 34)

HYPOTHESIS 3.6: Cultural adaptability will be grounded in one’s ability to manage the anxiety associated with the dissonant messages of the foreign workplace and thus will be highly correlated with emotional stability (neuroticism). (p. 35)


HYPOTHESIS 3.8: Business knowledge will share significant variance with the effectiveness criteria knowledge and initiative and success orientation regardless of the global complexity of the job. (p. 36)

HYPOTHESIS 3.9: International business knowledge will share significant variance with the effectiveness criteria knowledge and initiative and success orientation when the manager’s work is more globally complex. (p. 36)

HYPOTHESIS 3.10: The capability insightful will share significant variance with the effectiveness criteria knowledge and initiative and success orientation regardless of the global complexity of the job. (p. 36)

HYPOTHESIS 3.11: Conscientiousness will be related to bosses’ ratings of business knowledge and international business knowledge. (p. 36)


HYPOTHESIS 3.13: The ability to cope with stress will share significant variance with all effectiveness criteria when the manager’s work is more globally complex. (p. 36)

HYPOTHESIS 3.14: Integrity will share significant variance with managing and leading and interpersonal relations regardless of global complexity. (p. 36)

HYPOTHESIS 3.15: The skill of coping will be negatively associated with the trait neuroticism. (p. 37)

HYPOTHESIS 3.16: Time management will be positively associated with conscientiousness. (p. 37)


There are no hypotheses for the demographic variables. However, to the extent permitted by sample size, mean differences on boss and direct report criterion scores will be examined as a function of race, gender, age, and ethnicity of target manager. If indicated, these variables could then be used as covariates.


[Eventually the authors intend to combine these variables into a composite variable called cosmopolitan. However, in this paper they are to be considered as independent measures.]

HYPOTHESIS 4.1: Cosmopolitanism will be positively correlated with bosses’ ratings of effectiveness. (p. 46)

HYPOTHESIS 4.2: Individuals who spoke/speak more languages in early life and adult life, who have lived in more countries, and who were educated in more countries will have higher scores on knowledge and initiative, success orientation, and contextually adept than individuals who have not had these experiences, regardless of the global complexity of their current jobs. (p. 46)

HYPOTHESIS 4.3: Cosmopolitanism will be positively related to the personality trait openness. (p. 46)

HYPOTHESIS 4.4: Managers who speak multiple languages and who have lived in multiple countries will have higher scores on the personality trait openness. (p. 46)

HYPOTHESIS 4.5: Cosmopolitanism will be positively related to self-ratings of the capabilities perspective taking, cultural adaptability, and international business knowledge. (p. 46)

HYPOTHESIS 4.7: Experience as an expatriate will be positively related to international business knowledge and cultural adaptability. (p. 47)

Early Life and Adult Life

HYPOTHESIS 4.6: Number of languages spoken before the age of 13 and number of countries educated in will each be positively associated with the capabilities of perspective taking, cultural adaptability, and international business knowledge. (p. 46)

There are no hypotheses for variables related to tenure and time in current role but the authors plan to investigate these relationships in their future work.

Heterogeneity of Workgroup in Most Recent Domestic Job

HYPOTHESIS 5.1: When the work is more globally complex, managers with a history of working in heterogeneous workgroups in their most recent domestic job will have higher scores on all effectiveness criteria than will their counterparts without this history. (p. 53)

Organizational Demography

HYPOTHESIS 5.2: As the similarity of an individual’s organizational tenure to that of others in a group increases, the perception of that individual’s managerial effectiveness increases. (p. 55)

HYPOTHESIS 5.3: As the similarity of an individual’s national culture to that of others in a group increases, the perception of that individual’s managerial effectiveness increases. (p. 55)

HYPOTHESIS 5.4: As the dissimilarity of an individual’s educational attainment (college degree, for example) to that of others in a group increases, the perception of that individual’s managerial effectiveness increases. (p. 56)

HYPOTHESIS 5.5: As the similarity of an individual’s gender to that of others in a group increases, the perception of that individual’s managerial effectiveness increases. (p. 57)

HYPOTHESIS 5.6: As the similarity of an individual’s race to that of others in a group increases, the perception of that individual’s managerial effectiveness increases. (p. 57)

HYPOTHESIS 5.7: As the similarity of an individual’s age to that of others in a group increases, the perception of that individual’s managerial effectiveness increases. (p. 57)

What do organizations need to know and do in order to select and develop people who will manage and lead effectively in the global economy?

Personality and Its Relationship to Role Behaviors and Capabilities

HYPOTHESIS 2.3: Openness will be positively associated with the role behavior innovator. (p. 26)

HYPOTHESIS 2.5: Agreeableness will be positively associated with the role behavior skills that are related to managing people: leader and liaison. (p. 26)

HYPOTHESIS 3.7: Openness will be positively associated with the learning scale cultural adaptability. (p. 35)

Experience and Its Relationship to Role Behaviors and Capabilities

HYPOTHESIS 3.12: Business knowledge and international business knowledge will be positively associated with conscientiousness. (p. 36)

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