Why Should You Read This Book?

Pair programming can be emotionally draining. You have to cooperate with other programmers, their personal preferences, and their schedules. But making these compromises can greatly increase the quality of the products you create, and it can hone your technical skills. You have to ensure that you don’t burn out, and with the right techniques you won’t.

The most common causes of pair-programming burnout are technical issues. If you spend an hour before a pairing session just trying to get connected or if your connection drops midsession, then you’re going to grow weary. Likewise, if you’re using a textual editor that gives one half of the pairing team too much control, you might grow tired of feeling that you are not contributing to the work product.

In this book, you’ll learn about networking techniques, textual editors, and many other tools that make the practice of pairing fun. They will eliminate the technical challenges that drain your energy.

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