
In many ways, I consider writing a book very similar to writing code. Like writing code, writing a good book depends on the combined efforts of many people. I could not have completed this project without the help of my colleagues, family, and publisher.

Thank you to Joe Moore, Jay Hayes, and Justin Searls for sharing their experiences with remote pair programming. These folks were extremely generous with their time, and I highly recommend you pair with them if you have the chance.

I would also like to thank my reviewers: Ernie Miller, Avdi Grimm, Chad Taylor, Chris Johnson, Mark Anderson, Matt Blackmon, Nathan Claburn, Wilson Leong, and Vamsi Krishna Jandhyala. This is a first-class group of professionals who I’m proud to call my friends. Their insight and feedback helped shape this book’s direction.

I must also thank my generous publisher. This is my third book with The Pragmatic Bookshelf, and I couldn’t imagine having written it for anyone else. Thank you to Brian P. Hogan, Susannah Pfalzer, David Kelly, Andy Hunt, and Dave Thomas. As always, you have been remarkably supportive and helpful along the way.

Finally, thank you to my family. My wife and son are the reason I get up in the morning and stay up late at night to work on projects like this. Without their love and support, I’d probably get lost in my own house.

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