Chapter 7
Remote Pairing in the Wild

Most programmers have suffered from Impostor Syndrome at some point in their career. Impostor Syndrome is characterized by self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy that overshadow personal success and accomplishments. For some reason, programmers are particularly prone to this trait, and pairing sessions sometimes make it worse by putting your programming skills to the test in front of another person. But pairing isn’t a test, and with the right etiquette, methods, and courtesies, it won’t feel that way. In this chapter, we’ll explore common guidelines that help relieve the pressures of pairing. We’ll examine case studies of real teams that pair remotely every day, and you’ll learn how they deal with the human element when working with another person.

Pair programming can act as an antidote for Impostor Syndrome by providing external validation of your abilities and bolstering your confidence. You’ll still make occasional mistakes in your sessions, but you’ll learn that other programmers make mistakes, too. These mistakes should be thought of as learning experiences. Through them, you and your partner will acquire new abilities and techniques that improve your productivity. Let’s meet a few programmers who know this firsthand.

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