
Many years ago, I was assigned to deliver Mr. E Toyoda to the Augusta National Golf Course, via his corporate plane. During this journey, this icon of industry gave me some words of instruction: It is incumbent on you to teach the next generation of logistics professionals, the lessons you have learned at Toyota. To this day, those words still ring in my ears and are the main reason I became a teacher at Portland State University: We receive and we should give away—pass it on.

So, it’s with this thought, that I decided to write this book as a way for me to say thank you to all those that took the time to teach and support me as a supply chain leader.

First and foremost, I’d like to thank my family for supporting me through all of these years, moves, angst, and triumphs.

Next, many academics influenced and taught me along the way. To you all, I am eternally grateful:

Mark Moon—University of Tennessee

Paul Dittmann—University of Tennessee

Ray Mundy—University of Missouri, St. Louis

Manus Rungtusanatham—The Ohio State University

Kate Vitasek—University of Tennessee/Vested

Daniel Wong—PSU

Through my 40 years in industry, most of the time, I was blessed with some incredibly smart bosses that took the time to coach me. Furthermore, I learned early on that I had the ability to recruit great teams. So, I’d like to acknowledge all of the folks I worked with along the way:


Bob Bennett

Hiroshi Imai

Joe Williamson

Fred Arnow

Mickey Sakai

E. Toyoda

All of my senseis in Japan


Earl Brinkley

Mark Ward

Ken Carlson

Dave Nelson

Hans Becherer

Bob Lane


David Graham

Anne Bruggink

Hendrikje Genung

John Hellriegel

Martin Oettinger

Jens Schuemann

Bryce Wu

Karl Laskas

Joe DeSarla

Jeff Muradian

Jeff Soholt

Dave Cote

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