
In this index, f denotes figure and t denotes table.


action steps. See building blocks

Acton, Amy, 135–136

adaptability, 96

addiction, 85, 86, 168

advocacy, 129

age diversity, 122, 179–180

agility, 96

Ainsworth, Mary, 78

American College of Physicians, 63

amygdala, 173

Angela Merkel (Qvortrup), 51

apologizing, 156, 160

Apple, 146, 175

appreciation, languages of, 156

Ardern, Jacinda, 138

artificial intelligence (AI), 180–181

Aspen Music Festival and School, 139–140

attachment theory, 77–78

Aubrey (1 fan), 10

autonomy, 25, 156


Bastida, Fernando, 67

Behar, Howard, 53–58, 157

Behar, Lynn, 58

belonging, 24

Berwick, Donald M., 119, 120–121

Big Jim (Starbucks customer), 54–55

biochemicals, 23, 78

Bisognano, Maureen, 119–123

Blankenbuehler, Andy, 6–8

blind spots, 17

Blunt, Emily, 10

Bock, Laszlo, 101

Boeing Corporation, 31

Bono, 109–111

book discussions, 161

Boschini, Victor J., Jr., 70–71

Bowlby, John, 77–78

Brandt, Ralph and Rich, 127–130

building blocks

value, 150–157

vision, 145–150

voice, 157–161

burnout, 174

business plan review meetings, 113, 114

“but,” in conversation, 115, 160


Cacioppo, John T., 80

calibration, 129

celebrating successes, 149, 164–165

“Chain of command” trap, 97

Character>Connection>Thrive Chain, 34, 35f, 104

character strengths, 34–36, 35f, 191–193

Christakis, Nicholas, 180

Churchill, Winston, 160

Cigna, 83

Clark, Vernon, 41–45

Clayton, Adam, 109–111

Coach K (Mike Krzyzewski), 117–118

cognitive advantage, 95

committed members. See connected members

“Common Sense” fallacy, 183

communication, 140–141, 157–158

COMPASS program, 61

competitive advantage, 19, 25–26

Conference Board, 98

Connected Leader Practices, 104, 106f

Connected Leader Virtues, 104, 106f

connected leaders, 36, 37, 37f

connected members, 36–37, 37f


biochemicals and, 23

current state of, 81–85

in healthcare, 20–22

mindset, developing, 161–162

needs, varying, 154

on personal level, 150–151

scientific evidence for, 23

terms for, 27

as universal phenomenon, 27

as X factor, 11–12

“Connection” (song), 81–82

connection culture. See also specific topics

about, 17–18

competitive advantage of, 19, 25–26

in Connection Value Chain, 104, 107f

defined, 27–28

empirical evidence supporting, 104–105, 106–107f

model overview, 28, 36, 37, 37f

operationalizing process, 161–165

“Connection Is Critical During the Coronavirus Pandemic” (Stallard & Stallard), xiii

connection skills, 154–157

“Connection Value Chain, The” (Rugg), 3, 104–105, 106–107f

“constructive friction,” 44

contentment, 170, 170t

“continuous improvement” meetings, 148

core motivations inventory, 152

core values, 147–148

cortex, 23, 173

Costco, 91–94, 146

COVID-19 pandemic

Aspen Music Festival and School, 139–140

communicating during, 140–141

Costco, 94

effects, xiii–xiv, 89

Germany, 52

healthcare workers, 61–63

leaders, 52, 133–141

mental health, xii–xiii, 137

New York, 136–137

New Zealand, 138

Ohio, 135–136

quarantine, 87, 135, 138

remote work, 84, 176

social distancing, xii–xiii, 87

statistics, xi

trauma, 173

unemployment, xiii

Craftwork Coffee, 89

creative friction, 159–160

creative outlets, 172

cultural naivete, 128–129

culture carriers, 149, 164–165

culture committees, 72, 165

culture surveys, 163–164

cultures of connection. See connection culture

cultures of control, 15–16, 38–39, 38f

cultures of indifference, 17, 38–39, 38f

Cuomo, Andrew, 136–137

Curry, Dell, 47

Curry, Sonya, 47

Curry, Steph, 45–48


Davidson College basketball, 46

de Geus, Arie, 100–101

Dear Evan Hansen, 81

DeBurgh, Ken, 136

decision making, 95

desensitization, 174

DeWine, Mike, 136

diet, 171

Diggs, Daveed, 8

discrimination, 86–87, 151

disrespect, 129, 151

diversity, 7–8, 72, 122, 127–130, 179–180

dopamine, 168–170, 170t

Drucker, Peter, 114, 116

Duhigg, Charles, 102

Duke University basketball, 117–118

Dun and Bradstreet, 32

Durant, Kevin, 47

Dying for a Paycheck (Pfeffer), 103


E Pluribus Partners, 27

“Edge, the” (musician), 109–111

empathy, 4, 155

empathy, shared. See value

employee engagement, 18, 95, 98–100, 132, 176–177

employee motivation, 104, 107f

endocrinology, 23, 78

engagement, employee, 18, 95, 98–100, 132, 176–177

exercise, 171

expectancy, positive, 129


“Failure to Measure” fallacy, 183

fallacies, 183

Fauci, Anthony, 134

“Fiefdom” trap, 97

filtering, unconscious, 129

Fired Up or Burned Out (Stallard), x, 20, 23, 34, 148

Fletcher, Alan, 139–140

flocking, 128

Ford Motor Company, 112–114, 148

Freestyle Love Supreme, 5, 6


Gallup Research, 18, 85, 99, 132, 176, 177

Gawande, Atul, xiv

George, Ted, 172–173, 174

Germany, 48–52

gig economy, 177–178

Gilmartin-Willsey, Judy, 68

Girl Scouts, 114–116

Gladwell, Malcolm, 79

Golden State Warriors, 45, 46–48

Google, 101–102, 146, 157

Griffith, Tricia, 130–131

growth, xiv, 25, 63, 89


habits, 162, 172

Hacking of the American Mind, The (Lustig), 170, 170t

Hall, Todd, 102, 104, 152

Hallowell, Edward, 23

Hamilton, 4, 6, 7–11

Hamilton Education Program, 11

Harper, Laurel, 57

Harter, James, 78–79, 99–100

Hartman Value Profile, 168

Harvard Grant Study, 79

hate groups, 34

health, x, 23, 78–81, 95, 103, 124–126

healthcare, 20–22, 58–64, 171

healthcare workers, 61–63

Hebb’s Law, 162

Heerdt, Alexandra, 22

helplessness, learned, 16

Here and Now molecules/circuits, 169–170

heroes, 135–136

Hesselbein, Frances, 35–36, 114–116

hierarchy, 15–16

hiring, developing, and promoting, 149–150

Hitler, Adolf, 34

Holt-Lunstad, Julianne, 82, 83

hope, 134

humility, 134

humor at expense of others, 113, 114, 162


IBM, 175

identity, reconnecting people to, 148–149

identity, shared. See vision

identity phrases, 145–146

In the Heights, 5

inclusion, 7–8, 72, 122, 127–130


current state of connection, 81–85

disconnection, dangers of, 85–87

optimism, reasons for, 87–89

wellness, well-being, and performance, x, 77–81

inner circle, 15–16

innovation, 95

“Inside Scoop,” 126

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 119–123

intentional connectors, 167

intentional disconnectors, 167

“Internal rival” trap, 97

interviewing job applicants, 120, 123

“Isolationist culture” trap, 98


Jelinek, Craig, 93–94

Jim (Starbucks store manager), 55

Jones, Shawn C., 174

Judgment Index, 168


Kail, Thomas, 6–7, 8–9, 10, 11

Kaiser Family Foundation, xiii

Kasner, Herlind, 49

Kasner, Horst, 49

Kerr, Steve, 45, 48

Kiltz, Riley, 88–89

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 35, 65, 110

Kneaded Bread, 67

knowing-doing gap, 182–183

knowledge flows sessions, 158–159

knowledge traps, 96–98, 96f

Kohl, Helmut, 50

Kohn, Jeffrey, 67

Krasinski, John, 10

Kräusslich, Hans-Georg, 52

Krzyzewski, Mickie, 117–118

Krzyzewski, Mike (Coach K), 117–118


Lacamoire, Alex, 6–7, 8–9

languages of appreciation, 156

“Leader lacks humility” trap, 96–97


COVID-19 pandemic, 52, 133–141

defined, 36

qualities, 134

training, 149, 153–154

learned helplessness, 16

Lee, Damion, 47–48

Levenson, Steven, 81

Lieberman, Daniel Z., 169–170

listening, 56, 66, 115, 158. See also voice

living alone, 84

“Living Company, The” (de Geus), 100–101

loneliness, x, 80, 82–83, 125, 170

Long, Michael E., 169–170

Loren, Allan, 32

Lustig, Robert H., 170, 170t


“Main Street” connectors, 67–68

Maniac, 82

Mass General Brigham, xiv

Mayo, Charlie, 60

Mayo Clinic, 59–61

McCann Worldgroup, 88

McKillop, Bob, 46

McLean, Robert, 63

MD Anderson Cancer Center, 59, 146

meaning, 25

Medina, Mark, 48

Medley, Nick, 20, 21

meetings, 113, 114, 148, 159, 160, 183–184

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 20–22, 31, 58

Mendoza, KP, 62–63

mental health, xii–xiii, 137

mentors, 32, 43, 71, 122, 153–154, 164

Merkel, Angela, 48–52

mindset, 156, 161–162

Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 4–9, 10, 11

mirror neurons, 155

mission, 31–32

Molecule of More, The (Lieberman & Long), 169–170

monoculturalism, 129

Montpelier Command Philosophy, 148

motivation, employee, 104, 107f

Mulally, Alan, 112–114, 148

Mulcahy, Anne, 33–34

Mullen, Larry, Jr., 109–111

multi-generational workforce, 122, 179–180

multitasking, 171

Mumbai terrorist attack, 32

Murthy, Vivek, 123–127


names, remembering, 119

National Academy of Medicine, 86

National Research Council, 86

nature, 172

Nazis, 31, 34

needs, universal human, 23–25, 102–103

negotiating, 156

networking, 128

neuroscience, 23, 78, 172–173

new employee orientation, 149

New York–Presbyterian Hospital, 59


Ohio Department of Health, 135–136

OneRepublic, 81–82

“Only Give Me the Practical” fallacy, 183

opportunity, 18–19

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy, 65

optimism, 134

organizational culture, assessing health of, 28–31

organizational effectiveness, 104, 107f

organizations. See also specific organizations and topics

about, 91–94

connection benefits for, 95–96

disconnection as risk to, 105, 108

empirical evidence supporting connection culture, 104–105, 106–107f

engagement and connection, 98–102

health and connection, 103

knowledge traps, 96–98, 96f

“Out of sight, out of mind” trap, 98


Pardes, Herbert, 59

paternity leave policies, 121

pejorative behavior, 129

personal development, 152–154

personal growth, 25

personal time, 32

Pfeffer, Jeffrey, 103, 182

Pfizer Corporation, 151

physical environment, 172

physical exam, annual, 171

positive expectancy, 129

positive psychology, 34, 104

positives, emphasizing, 155

post-traumatic growth, xiv, 63, 89

present, being, 154–155

priorities, setting, 146

progress, 25

Progressive Corporation, 130–131

Project Aristotle, 101–102

Project Oxygen, 101

psychological safety, 102

psychology, positive, 34, 104

Pygmalion Effect, 136–137


Q12 survey, 99

quarantine, 87, 135, 138

Qvortrup, Matthew, 51


Race Together initiative, 57

Rath, Tom, 78–79

recognition, 24

refugee policy, 51

relational needs, 24

relationship skills, 156

remote work, 84, 157, 160, 175–177, 178

reputation, 32, 92, 120

resilience practices, 171–172

respect, 24, 129, 151

rest, 171

reward, 170, 170t

Richards, Jason, 46

Rogers, Greg, 56–57

Rojo Alvarez, Isabel, 68

roles, getting people in right, 151–152

Roseto Effect, 79

Rugg, Jon, 3, 104–105, 106–107f


safety, psychological, 102

Schmidt, Frank, 99–100

Schultz, Howard, 53, 55–56, 57, 147

screen time, 84–85

“Seduced by a Management Fad” fallacy, 183

Seidman, Dov, 133–134

self-care, 168, 171–172

self-fulfilling prophecy, 136–137

sensitivity, 128–129

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 44

serotonin, 170, 170t

servant leaders. See connected leaders

“SGN” (Some Good News), 10

shared empathy. See value

shared identity. See vision

shared understanding. See voice

side hustles, 179

Sinegal, Jim, 93

social distancing, xii–xiii, 87

social exclusion, 80

social skills, 156

Southwest Airlines, 37–38, 165

Starbucks, 53–57, 148, 157

start-stop-continue meetings, 159

strategic alignment, 95

stress, 85

subcultures, 163–164, 181–182

successes, celebrating, 149, 164–165

suicide, 85–86

surveys, 99, 163–164

Sutton, Robert, 182


task excellence, 17, 28, 30–31, 36, 37, 37f

task mastery needs, 24, 25

Tata, Ratan, 32, 33

Tata Group, 32–33

TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine, 44

team effectiveness, 104, 107f

Tedder, Ryan, 81–82

telecommuting. See remote work

Texas Christian University (TCU), 69–73

Thorp, Frank, 42

Threads and Treads, 68

tone of voice, 155

Traina, Tiffany, 22

training, 149, 153–154, 159–160

trauma, 172–174

trust, 134


U2, 109–112

UCLA basketball, 36

unconscious filtering, 129

understanding, shared. See voice

unemployment, xiii

unintentional disconnectors, 167

U.S. Health in International Perspective, 86

U.S. Navy, 41–45, 148



about, 32–33

building blocks, 150–157

connecting with, 8, 27–28

Costco, 92–93

demonstrating, 184

responses about, 29–30

Texas Christian University, 70

Winfrey, Oprah, 65

values, 32, 92, 120, 147–148

VIA Institute on Character, 191–193


about, 31–32

building blocks, 145–150

communicating, 184

connecting with, 6–8, 27

Costco, 92

responses about, 29

Texas Christian University, 70

Winfrey, Oprah, 64–65


about, 33–34

building blocks, 157–161

connecting with, 8–9, 28


Girl Scouts, 115

giving, 184

responses about, 30

Starbucks, 56–57

Texas Christian University, 71

U.S. Navy, 44

Winfrey, Oprah, 65


Wellbeing (Rath & Harter), 78–79

Wheless, Hewitt, 31

Winfrey, Oprah, 64–66

Wooden, John, 36

worrying, 171


Xerox Corporation, 33–34


Yale New Haven Health, 20, 146, 153–154

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