6.3 Implementations and Systems

We briefly survey a MapReduce framework as well as popular key-value stores and document databases.

6.3.1 Apache Hadoop MapReduce

The open source map-reduce implementation hosted by Apache is called Hadoop.

image Web resources:

Apache Hadoop: http://hadoop.apache.org/

documentation page: http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/

GitHub repository: https://github.com/apache/hadoop

The entire Hadoop ecosystem consists of several modules which we briefly describe.

HDFS: Hadoop MapReduce runs on the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). In an HDFS installation, a NameNode is responsible for managing metadata and handling modification requests. A regular checkpoint (a snapshot of the current state of the file system) is created as a backup copy; all operations in between two checkpoints are stored in a log file which is merged with the last checkpoint in case of a NameNode restart.

Several DataNodes store the actual data files. Data files are write-once and will not be modified once they have been written and hence are only available for read accesses. Each data file is split into several blocks of the same size. Data integrity is ensured by computing a checksum of each block once a file is created. DataNodes regularly send so-called heartbeat messages to the NameNode. If no heartbeat is received for a certain period of time the NameNode assumes that the DataNode failed. The DataNodes are assigned to racks in a HDFS cluster. Rack awareness is used to reduce the amount of inter-rack communication between nodes; that is, whenever one node writes to another node, these should at best be placed on the same rack. Replicas of each data file (more precisely of the blocks inside each data file) are maintained on different DataNodes. To achieve better fault tolerance, at least one of the replicas must be assigned to a DataNode residing on different racks. A balancer tool can be used to reconfigure the distribution of data among the DataNodes.

MapReduce: In Hadoop, a JobTracker assigns map and reduce tasks to TaskTrackers; the TaskTrackers execute these tasks at the local DataNode. The map functionality is implemented by a class that extends the Hadoop Mapper class and hence has to implement its map method. The map method operates on a key object, a value object as well as a Context object; the context stores the key-value pairs resulting from the map executions by internally calling a RecordWriter.

As a simple example, the Apache Hadoop MapReduce Tutorial shows a Mapper class that accepts key-value pairs as input: the key is of type Object and the value is of type Text. It tokenizes the value and outputs key-value pairs where the key is of type Text and the value is of type IntWritable.

public class TokenCounterMapper

xetends Mapper <Object, Text, Text, IntWritable>{

private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);

private Text word = new Text();

public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)

throws IOException, InterruptedException {

StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(value.toString());

while (itr.hasMoreTokens()) {


context.write(word, one);




Similarly, the reduce functionality is obtained by extending the Reducer class and implementing its reduce method. This reduce method accepts a key object, a list of value objects, as well as a context object as parameters. In the Apache Hadoop MapReduce Tutorial a simple Reducer reads the intermediate results (the key value-pairs where the key is a Text object and the value is an IntWritable object obtained by map executions), groups them by key, sums up the all the values belonging to a single key by iterating over them and then outputs key-value pairs where the key is a Text object and the value is an IntWritable object to the context.

public class IntSumReducer

extends Reducer <Text,IntWritable,Text,IntWritable> {

private IntWritable result = new IntWritable();

public void reduce(Text key, Iterable <IntWritable> values,

Context context

) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int sum = 0;

for (IntWritable val : values) {

sum += val.get();



context.write(key, result); }


Tez: The Apache Tez framework extends the basic MapReduce by allowing execution of tasks which can be arranged in an arbitrary directed acyclic graph such that results of one task can be used as input of other tasks. In this way, Tez can model arbitrary flows of data between different tasks and offers more flexibility during execution as well as improved performance.

Ambari: Apache Ambari is a tool for installing, configuring and managing a Hadoop cluster. It runs on several operating systems, offers a RESTful API and a dashboard. It is designed to be fault-tolerant where a regular heartbeat message of each agent is used to determine whether a node is still alive.

Avro: Apache Avro is a serialization framework that stores data in a compact binary format. The Avro format can be used as a data format for MapReduce jobs. It also supports remote procedure calls. An Avro schema describes the serialized data; each Avro schema is represented as a JSON document and produced during the serialization process. The schema is needed for a successful deserialization.

YARN: The basic job scheduling functionality is provided by Apache YARN: A global ResourceManager coordinates the scheduling of tasks together with a local NodeM-anager for each node; the NodeManager communicates the node’s status to the ResourceManager that bases its task scheduling decisions on this per-node information. YARN offers a REST-based API with which jobs can be controlled.

ZooKeeper: Apache ZooKeeper is a coordination service for distributed systems. ZooKeeper stores data (like configuration files or status reports) in-memory in a hierarchy of so-called znodes inside a namespace; each znode can contain both data as well child znodes. In addition, ZooKeeper maintains transaction logs and periodical snapshots on disk storage.

Flume: The main purpose of Apache Flume is log data aggregation from a set of different distributed data sources. In addition, it can handle other event data (network traffic, social media or email data). Each Flume event consists of a binary payload and optional description attributes. Flume supports several data encodings and formats like Avro and Thrift. Event data are read from a source, processed by an agent, and output to a sink. Apache Flume allows for chaining of agents (so-called multi-agent flow), consolidation in a so-called second tier agent, as well as multiplexing (sending output to several different sinks and storage destinations).

Spark: Apache Spark provides a data flow programming model on top of Hadoop MapReduce that reduces the number of disk accesses (and hence reduces latency) when running iterative and interactive MapReduce jobs on the same data set. Spark employs the notion of resilient distributed datasets (RDDS) as described in [ZCD+12]; RDDs ensure that datasets can be reconstructed from existing data in case of failure by keeping track of lineage. With these datasets, data can be reliably distributed among several database servers and processed in parallel.

6.3.2 Apache Pig

Apache Pig is a framework that helps users express parallel execution of data analytics tasks. Its language component is called Pig Latin [ORS+08].

image Web resources:

– Apache Pig: http://pig.apache.org/

documentation page: http://pig.apache.org/docs/

GitHub repository: https://github.com/apache/pig

Pig supports a nested, hierarchical data model (for example, tuples inside tuples) and offers several collection data types. A data processing task is specified as a sequence of operations (instead of a single query statement). Pig Latin combines declarative expressions with procedural operations where intermediate result sets can be assigned to variables. Pig Latin’s data types are the following:

Atom: Atoms contain simple atomic values which can be of type chararray for strings, as well as int, long, float, double, bigdecimal, or biginteger for numeric types; in addition, bytearray, boolean and datetime are supported as atom types.

Tuple: A collection of type tuple combines several elements where each element (also called field) can have a different data type. The type and name for each field can be specified in the tuple schema so that field values can be addressed by their field names. This schema definition is only optional; an alternative to addressing fields by name is hence addressing fields by their position where the position is specified by the $ sign – for example, $0 corresponds to the first field of a tuple.

Bag: A bag in Pig Latin is a multiset of tuples. The tuples in a bag might all have different schemas and hence each field might contain different amounts of fields as well as differently typed fields.

Map: A map is basically a set of key value pairs where the key part is an atomic value that is mapped to a value of arbitrary type (including tuple, map and bag types of arbitrary schemas). Looking up a value by its key is done using the # symbol – for example, writing #[quotesingle.ts1]name[quotesingle.ts1] would return the value that is stored under the key [quotesingle.ts1]name[quotesingle.ts1].

Data processing tasks are specified by a sequence of operators. Some available operators are briefly surveyed next.

LOAD: With the LOAD command the programmer specifies a text file to be read in for further processing. An optional schema definition can be specified by the AS statement. For example, a file containing name, age and address information of persons (one person per line) can be read in and converted into one tuple for each person as follows:

input = LOAD ‘person.txt’ AS (name,age,address);

Explicit typing and nesting is also possible; additionally, a user-defined conversion routine can be specified with the USING statement. For example, a JSON file (where a person is represented by a name, an age and a nested address element) can be read in by the JsonLoader as follows:

input = LOAD ‘person.json’ USING JsonLoader(‘name:chararray,







Once the file is read in, it is represented as a bag of tuples in Pig: a line in the file corresponds to a tuple in the bag.

STORE: The STORE statement saves a bag of tuples to a file. It is only then, when the physical query plan of all the preceding commands (that is, all bags that the output tuples depend on) is generated and optimized. This is called lazy execution.

DUMP: The DUMP statement prints out the contents of a bag of tuples.

FOREACH: The FOREACH statement is used to iterate over the tuples in a bag. The GENERATE statement then produces the output tuples by specifying a transformation for each input tuple. To allow for parallelization (by assigning tuples to different servers), the GENERATE statement should only process individual input tuples. Moreover, a flattening command can convert a tuple containing a bag into several different output tuples each containing one member of the bag. For example, assume we store for each person a tuple with his/her name at the first position (written as $0) as well as the names of his/her children as a bag at the second position (written as $1), then flattening will turn each of these tuples into several tuples (depending on the number of children):


output = FOREACH input GENERATE $0, FLATTEN($1);

In this case the output will consist of four tuples as follows:

DUMP output;




(‘bob’,’emily’) }

FILTER BY: The FILTER BY statement retains those tuples that comply with the spec-ified condition. The condition can contain comparisons (like ==, !=, < or >), or string pattern matching (matches with a regular expression); several conditions can be combined by using logical connectives like AND, OR and NOT. For example, from the following input we only want to retain the tuples with a number at their first position ($0):

input={ (1,’abc’), (‘b’,’def’) };

output=FILTER input BY ($0 MATCHES ‘[0-9]+’);

In this case only the first tuple remains in the output:

DUMP output;


GROUP BY: The GROUP statement groups tuples by a single identifier (a field in the input tuple) and then generates a bag with all the tuples with the same identifier value:

input={ (1,’abc’),(2,’def’),(1,’ghi’),(1,’jkl’),(2,’mno’) };

output = GROUP input BY $0;

DUMP output;



COGROUP BY: The COGROUP statement does a grouping over several inputs (several relations) with different schemas. As in the GROUP statement, an identifier is selected; this identifier should appear in all inputs. For each input, a separate bag of tuples is created; these bags are then combined into a tuple for each unique identifier value:

input1 = { (1,’abc’),(2,’def’),(1,’ghi’),(1,’jkl’),(2,’mno’) };

input2 = { (1,123),(2,234),(1,345),(2,456) };

output = COGROUP input1 BY $0, input2 BY $0;

DUMP output;

(1, {(1,’abc’),(1,’ghi’),(1,’jkl’)}, {(1,123),(1,345)})

(2, {(2,’def’),(2,’mno’)}, {(2,234),(2,456)})

JOIN BY: The JOIN operator constructs several flat tuples by combining values from tuples coming from different inputs that share an identical identifier value.

input1 = { (1,’abc’),(2,’def’),(1,’ghi’),(1,’jkl’),(2,’mno’) };

input2 = { (1,123),(2,234),(1,345),(2,456) }; output = JOIN input1 BY $0, input2 BY $0;

DUMP output;











As a simple example we look at a Pig Latin program to count words in a document. We load a text file consisting of several lines, such that we have a bag of tuples where each tuple contains a single line. The TOKENIZE function splits each line (referred to by $0) into words and outputs the words of each line as a bag of strings. Hence to obtain an individual tuple for each word, flattening of this bag is needed. Next, we group the flattened tuples by word (one group for each word); the grouping results in tuples where the first position ($0) is filled with each unique word and the second position ($1) contains a bag with repetitions of the word according to the occurrences in the document.

myinput = LOAD ‘mydocument.txt’;

mywordbags = FOREACH myinput GENERATE TOKENIZE($0);

mywords = FOREACH mywordbags GENERATE FLATTEN($0);

mywordgroups = GROUP mywords BY $0;

mycount = FOREACH mywordgroups GENERATE $0,COUNT($1);

STORE mycount INTO ‘mycounts.txt’;

To illustrate this, assume that mydocument.txt contains the following text:

data management is a key task in modern business

data stores are at the core of modern data management

Then the following values are generated for the variables. The variable myinputlines contains a bag of tuples as can be seen in the DUMP output.

DUMP myinput;

(data management is a key task in modern business)

(data stores are at the core of modern data management)

The variable mywordbags contains a bag of tuples where each tuple consists of a bag of tuples containing the words of each line.

DUMP mywordbags;



({(data), (stores), (are), (at), (the), (core), (of), (modern),

(data), (management)})

We next get rid of the inner bag by flattening; the variable mywords then consists of a bag of tuples where each tuple corresponds to an occurrence of a word:

DUMP mywords;

(data) (management) (is)

















The next step – grouping – produces a tuple for each word where the first position is filled with the word and the second position contains a bag of occurrences of this word.

DUMP mywordgroups;

(data, {data, data, data})

(is, {is})

(a, {a})

(management, {management, management}) (key, {key})

(task, {task})

(in, {in})

(modern, {modern, modern})

(business, {business})

(stores, {stores})

(are, {are})

(at, {at})

(the, {the})

(core, {core})

(of, {of})

Finally, we generate the output tuples containing each word and the count of its occurrences.

DUMP mycount; (data, 3)

(is, 1)

(a, 1)

(management, 2)

(key, 1)

(task, 1)

(in, 1)

(modern, 2)

(business, 1)

(stores, 1)

(are, 1)

(at, 1)

(the, 1)

(core, 1)

(of, 1)

Using positional access (with the $ sign) is a good option for schema-agnostic data handling; the specification of a schema as well as assigning names to tuple positions however allows for explicit typing and improves readability of the code.

A version of the word count example that uses schema information and named tuple fields is the following:

myinput = LOAD ‘mydocument.txt’ AS (line:chararray);

mywordbags = FOREACH myinput GENERATE TOKENIZE(line) AS wordbag;

mywords = FOREACH mywordbags GENERATE FLATTEN(wordbag) AS word;

mywordgroups = GROUP mywords BY word;

mycount = FOREACH mywordgroups GENERATE group,COUNT(mywords);

STORE mycount INTO ‘mycounts.txt’;

Note that the position that is used for grouping in the GROUP operation implicitly gets assigned the name group in the output (that is, in mywordgroups) and can later on be referenced by this name in the GENERATE statement; the second position is implicitly called as the bag of tuples that is grouped – mywords in our case – so that this name can be used later on in the COUNT operation.

6.3.3 Apache Hive

Apache Hive is a querying and data management layer on top of distributed data storage. The original approach is described in a research paper [TSJ+09].

image Web resources:

Apache Hive: http://hive.apache.org/

– documentation page: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/

– GitHub repository: https://github.com/apache/hive

The basic data model in Hive corresponds to relational tables; it however extends the relational model into nested tables: apart from simple data types for columns, collection types (array, map, struct and union) are supported, too. Tables are serialized and stored as files for example in HDFS. Serialization can be customized by specifying so-called serdes (serialization and deserialization functions). Its SQL-like language is called HiveQL. HiveQL queries are compiled into Hadoop MapReduce tasks (or Tez or Spark tasks).

Considering the word count example, we can read in our input document into a table that contains one row for each line of the input document. Next, a table containing one row for each occurence of a word is created: the split functions turns each input line into an array of words (split around blanks); the explode functions flattens the arrays and hence converts them into separate rows. Lastly, grouping by word and counting its occurences gives the final word count for each word:

CREATE TABLE myinput (line STRING);


CREATE TABLE mywords AS SELECT explode(split(sentence, ‘ ‘))

AS word FROM myinput;

SELECT word, count(*) AS count FROM GROUP BY word ORDER BY count;

6.3.4 Apache Sqoop

Sqoop is a tool that can import data from relational tables into Hadoop MapReduce. It reads the relational data in parallel and stores the data as multiple text files in Hadoop.

image Web resources:

Apache Sqoop: http://sqoop.apache.org/

documentation page: http://sqoop.apache.org/docs/

ASF git repository: https://github.com/apache/sqoop

The number of parallel tasks can be specified by the user; the default number of parallel tasks is four. For parallelization, a splitting column is used the partition the input table such that the input partitions can be handled by parallel tasks; by default, the primary key column (if available) is used as a splitting column. Sqoop will retrieve the minimum and maximum value as the range of the splitting column. Sqoop will then split the range into equally-sized subranges and produce as many partitions as parallel tasks are required – hence by default four partitions. Note that this can lead to an unbalanced partitioning in case that not all subranges are equally populated. In this case it is recommended to choose a different splitting column.

Sqoop uses Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to connect to a relational database management system; it can hence run with any JDBC-compliant database that offers a JDBC driver. For example, with the Sqoop command line interface, the columns personid, lastname and firstname are imported from table PERSON in a PostgreSQL database called mydb as follows:

sqoop import --connect jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mydb

--table PERSON --columns “personid,firstname,lastname”

Tabular data are read in row-by-row using the database schema definition. Sqoop generates a Java class that can parse data from a single table row. This includes a process of type mapping: SQL types are mapped to either the corresponding Java or Hive types or a user-defined mapping process is executed. In the simplest case, Sqoop produces a comma-separated text file: each table row is represented by a single line in the text file. However, text delimiters can be configured to be other characters than commas. A binary format called SequenceFile is also supported.

As an alternative to importing relational data into HDFS files, the input rows can also be imported into HBase (see Section 8.3.2) or Accumulo (see Section 8.3.4). Sqoop generates a put operation (in HBase) or a Mutation operation (in Accumulo) for each table row. The HBase table and column family must be created first before running Sqoop.

After processing data with MapReduce, the results can be stored back to the relational database management system. This is done by generating several SQL INSERT statements and adding rows to an existing table; alternatively Sqoop can be configured to update rows in an existing table. For example, on the command line one can specify to export all data in the file resultdata in the results directory into a table EMPLOYEES as follows:

sqoop export --connect jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mydb

--table EMPLOYEES --export-dir /results/resultdata

6.3.5 Riak

Riak is a key-value store with several advanced features. It groups key-value pairs called Riak objects into logical units called buckets. Buckets can be configured by defining a bucket type (that describes a specific configuration for a bucket) or by setting its bucket properties.

image Web resources:

Riak-KV: http://basho.com/products/riak-kv/

documentation page: http://docs.basho.com/

GitHub repository: https://github.com/basho

Riak comes with several options to configure a storage backend: Bitcask, LevelDB, Memory and Multi (multiple backends within a single Riak cluster for different buckets).

Riak offers a REST-based API and a PBC-API based on protocol buffers as well as several language-specific client libraries. For example, a Java client object can be obtained by connecting to a node (the localhost) that hosts a Riak cluster:

RiakNode node = new RiakNode.Builder()


RiakCluster cluster = new RiakCluster.Builder(node).build();

RiakClient client = new RiakClient(cluster);

A bucket in Riak is identified by its bucket type (for example “default”) and a bucket name (for example “persons”); in Java a Namespace object encapsulates this information. Accessing a certain key-value pair in Riak requires the creation of a Location object for the key in the given namespace (for example “id1”):

Namespace ns = new Namespace(“default”, “persons”);

Location location = new Location(ns, “person1”);

Simple Riak objects can be created to store arbitrary binary values (for example “alice”) under a key (for the given location):

RiakObject riakObject = new RiakObject();


StoreValue store = new StoreValue.Builder(riakObject)



For reading the value of a key (for a given location), a FetchValue object can be used:

FetchValue fv = new FetchValue.Builder(location).build();

FetchValue.Response response = client.execute(fv);

RiakObject obj = response.getValue(RiakObject.class);

Riak implements some data types known as convergent replicated data types (CRDTs) that facilitate conflict handling upon concurrent modification in particular if these modifications are commutative (that is, can be applied in arbitrary order). Currently supported CRDTs are flag (a boolean type with the values enable or disable), register (storing binary values), counter (an integer value for counting cardinalities but not necessarily unique across distributed database servers), sets, and maps (a map contains fields that may hold any data type and can even be nested).

Before storing the CRDTs, it is decisive to create a new bucket type that sets the datatype property to the CRDT (for example, map) and then activate the bucket type:

riak-admin bucket-type create personmaps


riak-admin bucket-type activate personmaps

For example, we can use the person bucket to store a map under key “alice” containing three registers (for the map keys “firstname”, “lastname” and “age”). In Java, a map would then be stored as follows (for a given namespace consisting of bucket type “personmaps” and bucket name “person” and location for key “alice”) by creating a MapUpdate as well as three RegisterUpdates:

Namespace ns = new Namespace(“personmaps”, “person”); Location location = new Location(ns, “alice”); RegisterUpdate ru1 = new RegisterUpdate(BinaryValue.create(“Alice”)); RegisterUpdate ru2 = new RegisterUpdate(BinaryValue.create(“Smith”)); RegisterUpdate ru3 = new RegisterUpdate(BinaryValue.create(“31”)); MapUpdate mu = new MapUpdate(); mu.update(“firstname”, ru1); mu.update(“lastname”, ru2); mu.update(“age”, ru3); UpdateMap update = new UpdateMap.Builder(location, mu).build(); client.execute(update);

Riak’s search functionality is implement based on Apache Solr in a subproject called Yokozuna. Search indexes are maintained in Solr and updated as soon as some data affected by the index change. Indexes can cover several buckets. To set up indexing for a bucket it has to be associated to that bucket by setting the bucket property search_index to the index name. A so-called extractor has to parse the Riak objects in the buckets to make them accessible to the index. In the simplest case, the object is parsed as plain text. Built-in extractors are available for JSON and XML that flatten the nested document structures as well as for the Riak data types; custom extractors can also be implemented. Indexes require schema information that assigns a type to each field name to be indexed.

For example, when indexing a person JSON document in an index person_idx, a search request can be issued to return information on people with lastname Smith:


The returned document contains information about all the documents found (including the bucket type _yz_rt, the bucket name _yz_rb and the key _yz_rk matching the search). Range queries and boolean connectors are supported, too, as well as advanced search constructs for nested data.

Riak implements dotted version vectors (see Section 12.3.5) to support concurrency and synchronization. This reduces the amount of siblings as compared to conventional version vectors but required a coordinator node for each write process. The current version vector is returned in an answer to a read request and must be included in a write request as the context to enable conflict resolution or sibling creation on the database side.

Lastly, on database side write operations can be checked: pre-commit hooks are validations executed before a write takes place and they can lead to a rejection of a write; post-commits hooks are processes executed after a successful write. The commit hooks can be specified in the bucket type.

6.3.6 Redis

Redis is an advanced in-memory key-value store that offers a command line interface called redis-cli.

image Web resources:

Redis: http://redis.io/

documentation page: http://redis.io/documentation

GitHub repository: https://github.com/antirez/redis

Redis supports several data types and data structures. In particular, it supports the following data types:

string: strings are used are the basic data type for keys and simple values. New key-value pairs can be added and retrieved by the SET and GET commands – or the MSET and MGET commands for multiple key-value pairs; for example: MSET firstname Alice lastname Smith age 34 MGET firstname lastname age

linked lists: a sequence of string elements where new elements can be added at the beginning (that is, at the head on the left with the LPUSH command) or at the end (that is, at the tail on the right with the RPUSH command). The LRANGE command returns a subrange of the elements by defining a start position and an end position; positions can be counted from the head (starting with 0) or from the tail (starting with -1). The LPOP and RPOP commands remove an element from the head and tail, respectively, and return it. As a simple example, consider the addition of three elements A, B, C to a list and then printing out the entire list (ranging from position 0 to -1) and then removing one element from the tail and one from the head:

RPUSH mylinkedlist A

RPUSH mylinkedlist B

LPUSH mylinkedlist C

LRANGE mylinkedlist 0 -1

1) “C”

2) “A”

3) “B”

RPOP mylinkedlist

LPOP mylinkedlist

LRANGE mylinkedlist 0 -1

1) “A”

unsorted set: an unsorted set of unique string elements. The SADD command adds list elements and the SMEMBERS command returns all elements in the set.

sorted set: a set where each element has an assigned score (a float) and elements are sorted according to the score. If scores are identical for two elements, lexicographic ordering is applied to these elements. The ZADD command adds an element and its score to the list. For example, persons can be maintained in order sorted by their ages:
ZADD persons 34 “Alice” ZADD persons 47 “Bob” ZADD persons 21 “Charlene” When printing out the entire set (with ZRANGE starting from the head at position 0 up to the tail at position -1) we obtain:
ZRANGE persons 0 -1 1) “Charlene” 2) “Alice” 3) “Bob”

hash: a map that maps keys to values. Each hash has a name an can hold arbitrarily many key values pairs. The HMSET command inserts values into a hash (with the provided name) and the HGET command returns individual values from a key in the hash: HMSET person1 firstname Alice lastname Smith age 34 HMGET person1 lastname

bit array: A bitstring for which individual bits can be set and retrieved by the SETBIT and GETBIT commands. Several other bitwise operations are provided.

hyperloglog: a probabilistic data structure with which the cardinality of a set can be estimated.

Redis supports data distribution in a cluster as well as transactions with optimistic locking. With the EVAL command execution of Lua scripts is possible.

6.3.7 MongoDB

MongoDB is a document database with BSON as its storage format. It comes with its command line interface called mongo shell.

image Web resources:

MongoDB: https://www.mongodb.org/

documentation page: http://docs.mongodb.org/

GitHub repository: https://github.com/mongodb

BSON specification: http://bsonspec.org/

The db.collection.insert() method adds a new document into a collection. Each document has an _id field that must be the first field in the document. To create a collection named persons containing a document with the properties firstname, lastname and age, the following command is sufficient:



firstname: “Alice”,

lastname: “Smith”,

age: 34



Each insertion returns a WriteResult object with status information. For example, after inserting one document, the following object is returned:

WriteResult({ “nInserted” : 1 })

Instead of a single document, an array of documents can be passed to the insert method to insert multiple documents. The find method with an empty parameter list returns all documents in a collection:


A query document can be passed as a parameter specify selection conditions; for example, equality conditions on fields:

db.persons.find({age: 34})

Other comparison operators can be specified by appropriate expression; for example, less than:

db.persons.find({age{$lt: 34}})

An AND connector is represented by a comma:

db.persons.find({age: 34, firstname: “Alice”})

An OR connector is represented by an or expression operating on an array of query objects:

db.persons.find($or[{age: 34},{firstname: “Alice”}])

Nested fields have to be queried with the dot notation. The same applies to positions in arrays.

Using the update method, a document can be replaced by the document speci-fied in the second parameter. The first parameter of the update method specifies the matching documents (like persons with first name Alice); the second parameter contains the new values for the document; further conditions can be set (for example, an upsert will insert a new document when the match condition does not apply to any document):


{ firstname: “Alice” }, {

firstname: “Alice”, lastname: “Miller”, age: 31


{ upsert: true }


An update method with the set expression allows for modifications of individual fields (without affecting other fields in the document); again, the first parameter of the update method specifies the matching documents (like persons with first name Alice):


{ firstname: “Alice” }, {

$set: {

lastname: “Miller”} }


Several aggregation operators are supported. MongoDB implements an aggregation pipeline with which documents can be transformed in a multi-step process to yield a final aggregated result. The different aggregation stages are specified in an array and then passed to the aggregate method. For example, documents in a collection can be grouped by a field (like lastname where each unique value of lastname is used as an id of one output document), and then values can be summed (like the age). The output contains one document for each group containing the aggregation result:

db.persons.aggregate( [

{ $group: { _id: “$lastname”, agesum: { $sum: “$age” } } } ] )

MongoDB supports a specification for references between documents. These may be implemented by so-called DBRefs that contain the document identifier of the referenced document; cross-collection and even cross-database references are possible by specifying the full identifier (database name, collection name and document id) in the DBRef subobject. That is, a DBRef looks like this:

{“$ref”: “collection1”, “$id”: ObjectId(“89aba98c00a”), “$db”: “db2”}

However, these references are only a notational format: There is no means to automatically follow and resolve these references in a query to obtain the referenced documents (or parts thereof). Instead, the referenced ID value has to be read from one document and with this ID a second query has to be formulated to retrieve the data from the referenced document.

In MongoDB, indexes are defined at the collection level. It supports indexes for individual fields as well as compound indexes and multikey indexes. Compound indexes contain multiple fields of a document in conjunction so that queries that specify conditions on exactly these fields can be improved; sort order of values can be spec-ified to be ascending (denoted by 1) or descending (denoted by -1). The createIndex method is used to create an index on certain fields; for example a compound index on the lastname and the firstname both ascending:

db.persons.createIndex( { “lastname”: 1, “firstname”: 1 } )

A multikey index applies to values in an array. It means that MongoDB creates an index entry for each value in the array as soon as an index is created for the field holding the array. For arrays containing nested documents however, the dot notation has to be used to add the nested fields to the index.

6.3.8 CouchDB

CouchDB is an Erlang-based document database. It stores JSON documents in so-called databases and supports multi-version concurrency control.

image Web resources:

CouchDB: http://couchdb.apache.org/

– documentation page: http://docs.couchdb.org/

GitHub repository: https://github.com/apache/couchdb

CouchDB exposes conflict handling to the user: a user has to submit the most recent revision number of a document when writing data to it. Otherwise the user will be notified of a conflict and his modifications are rejected; he has to manually resolve the conflict by editing the most recent version again.

Each CouchDB document has an _id and a _rev field. For example, a person document might look as follows:


( [“_id”:”5B6CAB…”, “_rev”:”C7654…”,

“firstname”:”Alice”, “lastname”:”Smith”, “age”:”34”


CouchDB’s retrieval process heavily relies on views. They are computed on the stored data dynamically at runtime in a Map-Reduce fashion. CouchDB views are themselves defined in JSON documents called design documents. A design document defines the map and reduce functions and may look like this:


“_id”: “_design/myapplication”, “_rev”: “7D17…”,

“views”: {

“myview”: {

“map”: “function(doc) { … }”,

“reduce”: “function(keys, values) { … }” }



The view functionality inside a design document is defined by a Javascript function that maps a single input document to zero, one or more rows of the output view consisting of a key and a value. The emit function is called to produce such an output row. For example, to retrieve persons by lastname, the lastname has to be used as a key in the output view; the if statement ensures that values indeed exist for the requested fields (documents without the fields lastname and age do not produce output rows):

function(doc) {

if(doc.lastname && doc.age) { emit(doc.lastname, doc.age);

} }

Executing the map function on person documents results in a new document consisting of row count, offset and an array of row definitions; each row consists of id (refering to the original document) as well as key (to be used for querying) and value:





CouchDB allows arbitrary JSON structures as keys of the output views; the key values are then used to collate and hence sort the output rows. For example, when using an array as the key, the output documents will first be sorted by the first element, then by the second and so on. For example, if we had several persons with identical last name and we wanted to sort them by age in descending order, the age could be emitted as the second component of the key (the emitted value can then be null if we are not interested in any further information on the persons):

function(doc) {

if(doc.lastname && doc.age) { emit([doc.lastname, doc.age],null);

} }

If multiple view functions are defined in the same design document, they form a so-called view group. The views are indexed to improve performance of view computation. These indexes are updated whenever data is modified in the database. More precisely, upon a read the index will be refreshed by only considering those documents that were changed since the last refresh.

Reduce functions corresponding to range queries on keys (of the rows emitted by the map functions) can be executed on the indexes to retrieve the final result. CouchDB has the three built-in reduce function written in Erlang and executed more efficiently in CouchDB: _sum, _count and _stats. Querying the view corresponds to sending a GET request to the database referring to the appropriate design document and the view inside it; selection condition on the view’s key can be appended:


Range queries can be issued by providing a start and an end key:


?startkey=“Miller”& endkey=“Smith”

6.3.9 Couchbase

Couchbase is a document database that merges features of CouchDB and Membase. It stores JSON documents (and other formats like binary or serialized data) in buckets.

image Web resources:

Couchbase: http://www.couchbase.com

documentation page: http://docs.couchbase.com/

GitHub repository: https://github.com/couchbase

In contrast to CouchDB, each document is stored under a unique key (which serves as the document id) and is accompanied by some metadata; the metadata include the document id, a check-and-set (CAS) value for optimistic concurrency control, a time-to-live value to automatically expire some documents, or information regarding the document type. Couchbase comes with a command line interface, a REST API and a SQL-like query language called N1QL.

Similar to CouchDB, one way to interact with Couchbase is by defining and using views. Views contain of a map and a reduce part and are defined in design documents. The map function accepts a document and metadata associated to the document. In particular, if searching by document ID is required, a view has to be created that contains these documents IDs as the row keys:

function(doc,meta){ emit(meta.id,null);


As a N1QL command the primary index on a bucket called persons can be created as follows:


Several language bindings and software development kits are available. In the Java Couchbase SDK, for example, a cluster object is obtained from the localhost in which a bucket is opened for further interaction.

Cluster cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create();

Bucket bucket = cluster.openBucket(“persons”);

Storing an object with the Java API requires creation of a new JSON document and filling it with key-value pairs; calling the create method assigns a unique ID (like “alice1”) to the document.

For example:

JsonObject alice = JsonObject.empty()

.put(“firstname”, “Alice”)

.put(“lastname”, “Smith”)

.put(“age”, 31);

JsonDocument stored =

bucket.upsert(JsonDocument.create(“alice1”, alice));

Querying a view in the Java SDK requires a ViewQuery object based on the design document name as the first parameter and the name of the view to be executed as the second parameter. In Java, a view execution returns a ViewResult object that contains output rows.

ViewQuery query = ViewQuery.from(“mydesigndoc”,

“myview”); ViewResult result = bucket.query(query);

for (ViewRow row : result)


System.out.println(row); }

The Java SDK also accepts queries expressed in N1QL:

QueryResult queryResult =

bucket.query(Query.simple(“SELECT * FROM persons” + “ WHERE lastname = ‘Smith’”));

or the more type-safe query methods acting as a domain-specific language (DSL) wrapper for N1QL:

Statement select = select(“*”).from(“person”) .where(x(“lastname”).eq(s(“Smith”)));
QueryResult query = bucket.query(select);

The Java SDK offers several advanced features like prepared statements.

6.4 Bibliographic Notes

Due to their simple data structure, key-value stores are widely used and the variety of key-value stores available on the market is immense. They differ in the functionality they provide, for example, in terms of expressiveness of their query language, replication scheme and version control. Amazon’s description of its Dynamo system [DHJ+07] has popularized several of the underlying technologies.

The Map-Reduce paradigm has received considerable attention in the research community since it was introduced in the seminal article [DG04]; afterwards it has produced a row of discussions, improvements and benchmark results as for example [PPR+09, ABPA+09, DG10, CCA+10, DQRJ+10, FTD+12]. Lee et al [LLC+11] give an extensive survey of existing Map-Reduce tools and techniques; they discuss pros and cons of Map-Reduce and recommend it as a complement to DBMSs when processing data in parallel. A discussion of Map-Reduce and related techniques is given by Lin [Lin12].

JSON [ECM13] as compact human-readable text format has been widely adopted and several databases use JSON as their primary storage format – in particular, several open source document databases like ArangoDB, CouchDB, Couchbase, MongoDB, OrientDB, RavenDB or RethinkDB.

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