List of Figures

1.1Database management system and interacting components

1.2ER diagram

1.3UML diagram

2.1An algebra tree (left) and its optimization (right)

3.1Example for semantic overloading

4.1A social network as a graph

4.2Geographical data as a graph

4.3A property graph for a social network

4.4Violation of uniqueness of edge labels

4.5Two undirected hyperedges

4.6A directed hyperedge

4.7An oriented hyperedge

4.8A hypergraph with generalized hyperedge “Citizens”

4.9A nested graph

5.1Navigation in an XML tree

5.2XML tree

5.3XML tree with preorder numbering

5.4Pre/post numbering and pre/post plane

5.5DeweyID numbering

5.6Chained memory pages

5.7Chained memory pages with text extraction

5.8B-tree structure for node IDs in pages

5.9Page split due to node insertion

5.10Conflicting accesses in an XML tree

5.11Locks in an XML tree

6.1A map-reduce example

6.2A map-reduce-combine example

7.1Finite state machine for record assembly

8.1Writing to memory tables and data files

8.2Reading from memory tables and data files

8.3File format of data files

8.4Multilevel index in data files

8.5Write-ahead log on disk

8.6Compaction on disk

8.7Leveled compaction

8.8Bloom filter for a data file

8.9A Bloom filter of length m = 16 with three hash functions

8.10A partitioned Bloom filter with k = 4 and partition length m0 = 4

9.1Generalization (left) versus abstraction (right)

9.2Unnormalized objects

9.3First object normal form

9.4Second object normal form

9.5Third object normal form

9.6Fourth object normal form

9.7Simple class hierarchy

9.8Resident Object Table (grey: resident, white: non-resident)

9.9Edge Marking (grey: resident, white: non-resident)

9.10Node Marking (grey: resident, white: non-resident)

10.1A hash tree for four messages

11.1XML fragmentation with shadow nodes

11.2Graph partitioning with shadow nodes and shadow edges

11.3Data allocation with consistent hashing

11.4Server removal with consistent hashing

11.5Server addition with consistent hashing

12.1Master-slave replication

12.2Master-slave replication with multiple records

12.3Multi-master replication

12.4Failure and recovery of a server

12.5Failure and recovery of two servers

12.6Two-phase commit: commit case

12.7Two-phase commit: abort case

12.8A basic Paxos run without failures

12.9A basic Paxos run with a failing leader

12.10A basic Paxos run with a dueling proposers

12.11A basic Paxos run with a minority of failing acceptors

12.12A basic Paxos run with a majority of failing acceptors

12.13Lamport clock with two processes

12.14Lamport clock with three processes

12.15Lamport clock totally ordered by process identifiers

12.16Lamport clock with independent events

12.17Vector clock

12.18Vector clock with independent events

12.19Version vector synchronization with union merge

12.20Version vector synchronization with siblings

12.21Version vector with replica IDs and stale context

12.22Version vector with replica IDs and concurrent write

13.1Interfering operations at three replicas

13.2Serial execution at three replicas

13.3Read-one write-all quorum (left) and majority quorum (right)

15.1Polyglot persistence with integration layer

15.2Lambda architecture

15.3A multi-model database

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