

accountability, 77, 8084

agenda items, 182187

ALPEDoT, 5764

American English and British English, 215218

appraisal meetings, 180

aptitude tests, 11, 2228, 91

kinds of, 2628

purpose, 23

tips for taking, 2426

attitude, 18, 39, 50, 6768, 7678, 85, 134, 137 , 148, 220

about time management, 5758

been-there-done-that, 131

‘let them wait,’ 65

positive, 18, 5758, 68, 138, 204205

win/lose, 149

work ethics and, 78

to work hard, 6970

audience analysis, 90, 100



barriers to communication. see distortions

big Picture, 52, 7071, 7778, 82, 144, 149 , 184

body language, 9899, 105107

elements, 110115

during group discussions, 3335, 114115

during interviews, 114115

during listening, 112, 118119

in synchronous communication, 9295

brainstorming meetings, 180



campus placement cell/placement centres

checklist, 9

office, 3

communication, 7, 11, 29, 33, 39, 41, 48 , 79, 82, 8485. see also body language; listening

asynchronous, 91, 9395

cycles, 91

distortion and barriers in, 97101

elements of, 9091

modes of, 9195

spoken, 102109

synchronous, 9195

types, at workplace, 9697

conference calls, 55, 84, 121, 164, 179, 183

phone, 195196

continuing formal education, 126

core competence, 39, 50, 77

Covey, Stephen, 60, 71, 82, 117, 131



diagonal communication, 97

differently-abled persons, 136, 138139

distortions, 95, 97100


cultural, 135

differently-abled persons, 136, 138139

gender, 135

geographic, 135

importance and usefulness, 136

improving, 136139

individual, 136

linguistic, 135

downward communication, 96

dream job, 910, 13

dress, 38, 85, 195



e-learning opportunities, 127


advantages and disadvantages, 198199

to apply for a job, 199200

enquiry, 200205

etiquettes, 211212

problem-reporting, 205207

responding to problems over, 208210

status-reporting, 210211

emotional intelligence

benefits of, 156157

components of, 153156

enhancing, 156

stages of, 154

at work, 152153

emotional self-awareness, 154

enquiry email, 200205

ethics, 39, 7678, 219, 223

expectation management, 48, 5051, 70, 84 , 112, 207

steps in managing, 159164

eye contact, 33, 3839, 9395, 111112, 114115, 118. see also body language



facial expression, 92, 112113

factual communication, 97

fillers, 107108

formal communication, 97



gesture, 35, 39, 93, 98, 111115, 135, 217

Goleman, Daniel, 153

grapevine communication, 97

group discussion, 11, 2935, 89, 9192, 110115, 120, 130

group think, 149



horizontal communication, 97



incidental/tacit learning, 126

informational privacy, 171

internal workshops/training sessions/short courses, 126

interview, 7, 9

first-level, 13

interviewers’ perspectives, 39

personal, 11, 30

preparing for, 38

questions to tackle, 4044

right frame of mind for, 37

technical, 11

tips for carrying yourself through an, 3839



Johari Window, 6, 156, 220



leadership skills, 3334, 57, 146148, 221

lifelong learning, 77, 125132, 220

avenues for, 126127

challenges to, 131132

effective learning, 130131

misconceptions about, 132

stages in, 127130


active, 3334, 82, 91, 100, 112, 117120 , 130, 155156, 170, 181, 193

interruptions and, 120

during interviews and GDs, 112, 11819

skills in phone communication, 120121



meetings, 65, 74, 84, 89, 92, 94, 114, 145, 164165

participants’ perspectives, 180181

PROOF method, 182188

types of, 179180

minutes of meetings, 186188, 194

MoM. see minutes of meetings

Murphy’s Law, 51



Nervousness, 36, 99, 112

no-nosense communication, 97

nonverbal communication. see body language



official communication, 97

one-on-one meetings, 180

on-the-job training, 126

organizational privacy, 171

ownership. see accountability



pace, 105106

pauses, 107108

peer-review meetings, 180

performance expectation management. see expectation management

performance management cycle, 160

personal excellence, 219221

personal integrity, 222223

phone communication, 195196

phone interview, 194195

physical privacy, 171

pitch, 106

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, 7173

posture, 3335, 39, 92, 108, 111112, 118

Powell, Colin L., 224

privacy, 167, 170172

professionalism, 14, 21, 33, 181, 191, 195, 204 , 219220

case of true professional, 79

developing, 8084

foundation of, 7779

psychometric tests

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 67



recruitment process

selection process, 4, 910, 22

resilience, 42

résumé, 3, 56, 10, 1219, 22, 35, 38, 40, 43 , 91, 195, 199

5F Principle of writing, 14

steps in writing, 1416

structure and content, 1619

risk management, 48, 51



saying ‘no,’ 167, 172175

self-actualization, 126, 150, 219

self-actualization, learning for, 126

self-awareness, 39, 41, 43, 154, 156

skill-enhancement programs, 126

SMAART Goals, 51, 84

small talk, 135, 138, 146, 167170, 185, 194 , 197, 215

social responsibility and giving back to the society, 224

spoken communication. see voice

status reports, 210211

status review meetings, 179180

SWOT analysis, 45, 7, 41, 47



team chemistry, 141, 143144, 149

teamwork, 17, 41

characteristics of modern teams, 141142

factors weakening, 149

stages of team development, 143144

team-individual relationship, 149150

tips on being a good team player, 144146

time management

bad practices, 6465

classification of activities, 5763

six-step approach to (ALPEDoT), 5764

symptoms of problems, 5657

for transitions, 5456

Toastmaster’s Club, 218



Unique Selling Proposition (USP), 10 , 16

unprofessionalism, signs of, 8486. see also professionalism

upward communication, 96



video conferencing, 9394, 183. see also body language


characteristics of, 4849

significance of, 4748

tips for developing a successful, 5253

visioning process, 5052

voice, 83, 9394, 99

effectiveness of, 108109

elements of, 102108

volume, 106107



working hard, 68, 70, 74

dimensions and characteristics of, 6774

myths and fallacies about, 7475

working smart, 75

work–life balance, 221222

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