Slice and Dice the Task

Don’t try to eat big frogs in one bite—you may just choke! Instead, break large tasks up into bite-size morsels. Beyond breaking up large tasks, develop within yourself a compulsion to closure. The more tasks you complete, the better and more elated you’ll feel—and the greater the jolt of personal power and energy you’ll get.


1. One approach to making large projects feel more manageable is the “salami slice” method. Instead of succumbing to the temptation to tackle the whole thing at once, lay out the task in detail, writing down every step of the task in order. Then resolve to do just one slice at a time. As you finish, move on to the next one.


2. For larger projects—say, projects that will take weeks or months to complete—try the “Swiss cheese” method. Say you’re writing a book or working on some other enormous project. Instead of balking at the enormity of the task, commit to picking away at a piece of it, every day—drill holes in it, like holes in a block of Swiss cheese.

What are some big projects that you could pick away at, over time?

1. _____________________________________

Once you’ve identified them, choose the one with the greatest potential to increase your success. Set aside some time each day to devote to it.


Shane felt like she had a good handle on her day job. When she was there, she put her head down and knocked out every thing she had to finish. And with her new assistant really blooming and taking on new tasks, she also felt like her chocolate business was in great shape. But her schoolwork, well, it was getting a little bit neglected. She had this one huge paper due at the end of the semester, and it hung over her head like a dark cloud. Instead of letting it get the best of her or overwhelm her with its size, she decided to break it into pieces. She put 60 minutes of time into research and writing each day. By the time the paper was due, she had been finished with it for two weeks.

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