

  1. Auto updates

    1. build application

    2. generate an update

    3. Heroku

    4. macOS

    5. server options

    6. signing your application

    7. testing

    8. update server

    9. user feedback

    10. windows applications

      1. downloaded dialog

      2. Electron Builder

      3. generate an update

      4. No Update dialog

      5. sign in

      6. Squirrel Installer


  1. BrowserWindow

    1. argument

      1. alwaysOnTop property

      2. basic window properties

      3. frameless window

      4. movable properties

      5. ready-to-show’ event

      6. resizable property

      7. title property

      8. transparent window

      9. center, x and y properties

    2. Chrome DevTools

    3. code updation

    4. show() method


  1. Chrome Dev tools

    1. debug menu

    2. extensions

  2. Chromium

  3. createWindow method


  1. Debugging, main process

    1. node-inspector

    2. target option

    3. in VS Code

  2. Devtron

    1. accessibility audit

    2. description

    3. event listeners

    4. IPC monitor

    5. linter

    6. Require Graph pane

    7. user interface

  3. Dialog module

    1. BrowserWindow parameter

    2. error dialogs

    3. file directories

      1. delete

      2. read

    4. file open dialog

    5. file selection

    6. message dialog

      1. callback function

      2. custom icons

      3. error type

      4. on macOS

      5. showMessageBox method

      6. warning type

    7. Node’s FS module

      1. access flag values

      2. delete

      3. file information

      4. method

      5. open method

      6. to read

      7. to write

    8. showOpenDialog properties

    9. showSaveDialog method

    10. title property

  4. Dock icon

    1. Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines

    2. application setting

    3. badges

    4. bounce

    5. change icon

    6. npm start command

    7. package.json file


  1. Electron

    1. advantages

    2. APIs

      1. ClientRequest (main process)

      2. community resources

      3. crashReporter (both processes)

      4. desktopCapturer (renderer process)

      5. DownloadItem (main process)

      6. electron forge

      7. .net (main process)

    3. beyond sandbox

    4. chromium

    5. definition

    6. FlexBox support table

    7. main process

    8. node

    9. NW.js

    10. overview

    11. package.json file creation

    12. render process

    13. window title properly

  2. Electron Builder

    1. app icon configuration

      1. macOS DMG

      2. windows installer

    2. configuration options

    3. directory structure

    4. dist directory

    5. Linux on macOS

    6. OSX installer window

    7. package.json file

    8. testing

    9. windows on macOS

F, G

  1. Finding locales

  2. Frameless window


  1. Heroku

I, J, K

  1. Installation

    1. electron

    2. git

    3. Node

  2. Inter-process communication (IPC) module

    1. asynchronous message

    2. communication bridge

    3. event listeners

    4. synchronous message


  1. loadURL method

M, N

  1. Menus

    1. additional values

    2. checkmark

    3. contextual menu

    4. edit

    5. hierarchy diagram

    6. keyboard shortcuts

    7. macOS’s application

    8. modifier

    9. role property

    10. submenus

    11. super key

    12. templates

    13. window modification

O, P

  1. Online/offline detection

    1. checkIsOnline method

    2. checkOnlineStatus method

    3. combined approach

    4. main process

    5. render process

    6. updateOnlineStatus method


  1. Quick Start code


  1. Renderer process


  1. Screens

  2. Shell

    1. package.json file

    2. shell.beep

    3. shell.beep method

    4. shell.openExternal(filePath) method

    5. shell.openItem(filePath) method

    6. shell.showItemInFolder(filePath) method

  3. Spectron testing

    1. add test.js file

    2. browserWindow API

    3. click method

    4. describe method

    5. getWindowCount method

    6. log statement

    7. package.json file

    8. project creation

    9. renderer process

    10. screen size

    11. window.webContents.send() method

  4. Splash window

    1. file creation

    2. installation

    3. load main window

    4. renderer.js file

    5. set up

    6. version number


  1. Transparent window

U, V

  1. url.format() method

W, X, Y, Z

  1. WebContents

    1. capturePage method

    2. createWindow() method

    3. did-finish-load event

    4. did-start-loading event

    5. empty array

    6. events

    7. getAllWebContents() method

    8. imageCaptured method

    9. overview

    10. printToPDF method

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