Clock distribution

Once the bus clocks are available, the RCC logic can be programmed to distribute the clock to single peripherals. To do so, the RCC exposes bit-mapped peripheral clock source registers. Setting the corresponding bit in one of the registers enables the clock for each mapped peripherals in the microcontroller. Each register can control clock gating for 32 peripheral.

The order of the peripherals, and consequently the corresponding register and bit, are strictly dependent on the specific microcontrollers. The STM32F4 has three registers dedicated to this purpose. For example, to enable the clock source for the internal watchdog, it is sufficient to set the bit number 9 in the clock enable register at address 0x40021001c:

#define APB1_CLOCK_ER (*(uint32_t *)(0x4002001c))
#define WDG_APB1_CLOCK_ER_VAL (1 << 9)


Keeping the clock source off for a peripheral that is not in use saves power, thus, if the target supports clock gating, it can implement optimization and fine-tuning of power consumption by disabling the single peripherals at runtime through their clock gates.

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