Renewable Energy Sources

Schematic illustration of the Dalles Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Columbia River, between Washington and
Oregon in the US.

The Dalles Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Columbia River, between Washington and Oregon in the US. The Dalles plant has 2160‐MW nameplate capacity and 2058‐MW summer capacity. It has a lock to move cargo vessels, and fish ladders to allow various species of fish to migrate up‐ and downstream. Overhead wires above the river protect migrating fish from avian predators.

The Mountain Ridge Wind Farm in the background has 50‐MW nameplate capacity. The facility operated by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power consists of 25 wind turbines of 2‐MW rated power each. Wind turbines are installed on 125‐m towers.

5.1 Introduction

Renewable energy sources were sufficient for all human functions in early civilizations. Sunlight, human power, animal work, blowing wind, and flowing water satisfied all energy needs for lighting, heating, hunting, agriculture, production, and transportation, as well as creating marvelous art, cities, and landmarks.

Humanity has, however, always challenged nature. As societies evolved, the need for energy has continuously increased to produce artificial light and heat when sunlight was insufficient or unavailable, produce more goods with less labor, and reach farther places in a shorter time. The industrial revolution in the mid‐nineteenth century answered the quest of humanity for more power. Since then, fossil fuels have become the essential sources of energy, while renewables turned out to be their alternatives. Fossil fuels provided great amounts of energy whenever needed and in the amounts needed, whereas energy flow from renewable resources was often unpredictable, variable in time, and insufficient for industrial development.

Currently about 80% of the world's energy is supplied by burning non‐renewable natural resources. Over the last several decades of the twentieth century, however, the pursuit of sustainable and cleaner renewable energy options has accelerated because depletion of fossil fuel reserves has become more evident, and public awareness of environmental pollution and climate change increased. In addition, energy security concerns raised by dependency on foreign fossil fuels, especially petroleum, urged industrialized countries to develop energy policies requiring an increased use of renewable energy.

Natural processes recreate continuously enormous amounts of energy that can be harnessed in many forms. Energy from sunlight, wind, water, hot springs, and combustible materials obtained from plants and animals are the most common resources that can be converted into practical secondary sources to supply energy need for various applications.

Renewable energy sources are always replenished by natural processes at a rate that exceeds their rate of use; thus, they are not depleted by consumption. Potential energy of water, kinetic energy of wind, and radiant energy of sunlight are examples of renewable sources. Conventional hydroelectric power is the leading clean energy source among all renewables. The share of wind and solar power is growing in all regions of the world. Biofuels are consequences of solar energy and the natural water cycle. Plants fed by groundwater produce hydrocarbons by photosynthesis. Firewood, sugarcane, maize, soybean, palm, and many other plants are renewable biomass reproduced by natural water and carbon dioxide cycles. Such carbohydrate‐rich plants are used to produce ethanol, methanol, and other biofuels. Biodegradable waste can be transformed into biodiesel, which can be directly used in transportation vehicles. Ethanol and biodiesel are potential alternatives to petroleum products in the transportation sector. Use of combustible waste is increasing in district heating, electric generation, and synthetic fuel production.

The technical potential of renewable energy is forecasted to exceed the projected energy demands of the world until the year 2100 (UNDP 2000). The major challenges of all renewables are efficient and effective management of resources and their integration in the existing energy supply chain.

In this chapter, we will first review the common features of all renewables, then discuss the specific characters, limitations, challenges, and potential of each particular renewable resource in separate sections. Energy conversion techniques used to transform each one of the renewable sources into usable forms of energy will be discussed further in later chapters.

5.2 Common Features of Renewables

Renewable energy sources can be separated into two categories; combustible or noncombustible. Noncombustible sources are sunlight, wind, flowing water, and geothermal energy. Combustible sources are hydrocarbons obtained from plants, animals, or microorganisms used as alternatives to fossil fuels. General properties of renewable sources are summarized below.

  • Quantity. All forms of renewable energy sources are reproduced naturally, and their quantity is practically independent of their consumption, but the quantity available for conversion is limited. The amount of solar and wind energy that can be converted into a usable form depends on the size of the land where they are captured. The total potential energy of a river is limited to the elevation of its source from sea level. Energy of water in a reservoir or lake is restricted by the surface area, depth, and height above the conversion system. Evaporation and leakages reduce the available energy from water. Energy produced from plants depends on the land area where they grow and their growth rate. Geothermal heat has thermodynamic limitations.
  • Availability. Renewable energy is available at every location in the world in various amounts depending on the climate, elevation, and topography. Resource and reserve classifications developed for fossil fuels and nuclear energy do not apply to renewable energy sources since they reproduce by natural processes. Rather than their available amount, the flow rate available for conversion is more significant in estimating their potential.
  • Intermittency. The amount of wind, solar, and hydro energy available for conversion into a usable form changes randomly over time. These sources significantly depend on local climate, atmospheric conditions, weather changes, and precipitation. Whereas yearly total amount, average, and frequency distribution of such resources can be predicted at a certain level of confidence, forecast of short‐term variations and predictions of changes in longer timescale of several years or decades are based on assumptions and complex models.
  • Conversion. Most renewable sources are delivered to consumers in the form of electricity or heat. Whereas windmills and watermills produce directly mechanical work, such applications are negligible in modern energy systems.
  • Energy transfer. Biofuels are transported by conventional methods like fossil fuels. However, other renewable sources are transferred through the energy system and delivered to end users in the form of either electricity or heat. Whereas wind and hydro energy can be used directly to produce mechanical work, in modern energy systems these applications are negligible. Worldwide, about three‐quarters of renewables are delivered to energy users in the form of electric power and one‐quarter as heat (REN21, 2019). Electricity is a convenient energy carrier to transmit renewable energy to consumers for a broad range of end uses. Electric generation, transmission, and distribution systems transform uncontrollable and sporadic renewables into predictable, continuous, reliable energy supplies for end users. In the form of electric energy any type of renewable source can supply lighting, appliances, computers, communication devices, and many other devices.
  • Energy storage. Among renewable energy sources, only biofuels can be stored directly in fuel stacks or tanks similar to fossil fuel storage. Hydro and tidal power is stored in reservoirs or lakes. Storage of wind and solar energy requires specialized advanced conversion techniques. Both can be stored in the form of chemical energy in battery banks after being converted into electricity. Batteries are convenient for either stationary or portable storage. While the energy density and unit cost of modern battery types (such as lithium ion, metal hydride, etc.) is continuously improving, storage of wind and solar energy still present practical and economic challenges. Concentrated solar power (CSP) plants and solar thermal systems can store solar energy in the form of heat. Wind power can be stored in the form of potential energy by pumping water in a tank elevated from the ground or in the form of kinetic energy using flywheels. Hydrogen production and storage using wind or solar energy is an emerging technology. However, such advanced storage techniques are still at the experimental phase.
  • Integration. The intermittent nature of wind and solar energy presents challenges in their integration into the conventional electric grid. Because the storage of electric energy is expensive, generation must always be equal to the consumption in an interconnected electric grid. Penetration of large amounts of electric power generated from uncontrollable, time variable, and discontinuous sources may cause stability issues. Electric utility companies use advanced forecasting and energy management techniques to balance generation and demand at all times. Hydroelectric generation is the only renewable that has been part of the conventional electric power system since the early years. Biofuels are also controllable energy sources and can be used to power steam or gas turbines similar to the ones used in fossil fuel fired electric generation.
  • Environmental impacts. In common culture, renewable energy is often considered as a clean, or green source of energy. This is true for wind, solar, and hydro energy, which are completely carbon‐free and do not pollute air and water with toxic chemicals, particles, and solid waste. Biofuels are cleaner than fossil fuels, but burning them still produces carbon dioxide. Geothermal electric generation plants emit toxic gases, including considerable amounts of sulfur dioxide. Even non‐combustible renewables impact the environment like any large‐scale energy conversion unit. Wind and solar farms impact the ecology, vegetation, bird population, and animal migrations. Hydroelectric and tidal dams present obstacles to fish migration. Large hydroelectric projects require relocation of a population and historic landmarks. However, dams constructed on rivers regulate the water flow, prevent flooding, provide irrigation water for agriculture, and create recreational parks.
  • Land use. Renewable sources require greater land area for the same amount of energy produced by a fossil fuel fired or nuclear power plant. Turbines on a wind farm can be arranged to allow use of land for roads and agriculture. Commercial scale solar generation units, hydroelectric reservoirs, and fields used to grow plants for bioenergy occupy huge land area that cannot be used for other purposes.
  • Public acceptance. Social reactions to renewable energy development are often controversial. Groups that support renewable energy development at large expect reduction of carbon dioxide and toxic gas emissions as well as air and water pollution. Populations affected by wind farm development often raise concerns about visual impact, noise, impacts on bird population, and change of vegetation. Reactions to solar generation units include land use, tree removals, and impacts on ecology. Development of large hydroelectric power plants generates public reactions because of relocation of local population, flooding of cultural treasures, fish migration, and use of water for energy rather than irrigation of farmlands.

5.3 Energy Supply from Renewable Sources

Renewable energy sources have immense potential to supply all the energy need of humanity, even considering future increases. Such resources, however, are scattered in a wide area and often available at remote places. Potential, kinetic, thermal, or radiant energy available in renewable resources is not suitable for transmission to long distances or direct use for the broad range of practical applications. Diverse conversion systems transform nature's raw energy into high quality energy carriers in the form of heat, electricity, and fuels.

In energy vocabulary, the term capacity means the maximum energy that a conversion system can produce under its design conditions. It is also stated as installed capacity or nameplate capacity. Generator capacity is usually expressed in megawatts (MW). Capacity of thermal converters can be expressed in British thermal units (Btus) or a metric multiple of Joule [megajoule (MJ), gigajoule (GJ), exajoule (EJ)].

Installed capacity does not necessarily imply that the conversion system will always produce that power. In fact, because renewable power available for conversion continuously changes, the output power also changes. Mathematically, delivered energy is the integral of power converted over a time interval. In the first expression in Eq. (5.1) the initial time is 0 and the final time is T, P(t) represents the value of power at the instant t.

In energy calculations, yearly energy output is more relevant since natural processes can be assumed to repeat every year if climate variations from one year to another are neglected. In practice, energy output of a conversion unit is calculated by adding up the products average power over a certain time interval and the length of the interval. In most practical calculations, one‐hour intervals give sufficiently accurate results. In yearly energy calculations, the total length of time is 24 × 365 + 6 = 8766 hours.

5.3.1 Installed Renewable Power Capacity

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the share of renewable energy in the world's total primary energy supply (TPES) was about 14% in 2016, including solid biofuels extensively used in developing countries for conventional residential heating and cooking (IEA 2018b). In modern energy systems, renewable energy sources are used at a commercial scale either for electric generation or industrial heat production. If residential use of conventional solid biofuels (firewood, charcoal, manure, etc.) is excluded, modern renewables account for 10.6% in the world's TPES (REN21 2019, p. 31, fig. 1). The share of renewable sources in electric generation and heat production are shown in Figure 5.1 (REN21 2019). Figure 5.2 shows the installed renewable energy capacity of electric and thermal conversion units in 2018 (REN21 2019, p. 186, Table R1).

Pie charts depict the total electric generation and direct heating capacity of renewable energy sources in the world as of 2018.

Figure 5.1 Total electric generation and direct heating capacity of renewable energy sources in the world as of 2018.

Source: Global Status Report 2019 (REN21 2019).

Bar chart depicts the installed renewable energy capacity of electric and thermal conversion
units in 2018.

Figure 5.2 Installed capacity and end‐uses of renewables in the world as of 2018.

Source: Global Status Report 2019 (REN21 2019, p. 186, Table R1).

Hydropower traditionally has been the biggest source of renewable energy. In modern energy systems hydropower is delivered to end users solely as electric energy.

Use of solar energy has significantly grown since the beginning of the twenty‐first century and almost reached hydropower. In 2018, the world's solar energy conversion capacity was composed of 54% photovoltaic (PV) electric generation facilities and 46% solar thermal units. The largest amount of solar thermal energy is used for water heating by residential scale solar collectors. Commercial scale CSP facilities produce heat for industrial processes or electric generation.

Wind power is the third renewable source but second in electric generation because, like hydropower, wind power is also entirely used for electric generation. Direct conversion of wind force into mechanical work is negligible since sailboats are no longer used for transportation, and mechanical windmills have become antique.

The largest amount of bio‐power is converted into heat. More than two‐thirds of biofuels are used for heat production; including liquid biofuels used in transportation. The rest of bio‐power capacity is used for electric generation.

Although the Earth's crust contains immense geothermal power, only a small portion of it is currently converted to usable forms of energy. About two‐thirds of geothermal capacity produces heat for end‐users. Direct end‐use of geothermal power is either through thermodynamic heat pumps for space heating or hot springs for recreational purposes. At a commercial scale, geothermal energy is delivered to end users in the form of electricity. Geothermal electric generation systems use thermal energy from the Earth to produce steam, and then generate electricity by turbine‐generator units similar to conventional thermoelectric plants.

Among all renewables, bio‐power and industrial scale geothermal power plants emit greenhouse gases. Small‐scale geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) used for space heating have negligible carbon footprint and other gas emissions. Other renewables are carbon‐free and do not emit greenhouse gases during their operation.

Figure 5.3 shows the use of renewable energy sources by geographic regions in 2016 (IRENA 2019). In all regions, hydropower is the leading renewable source for electric generation. Asian countries, in particular China and India, exploit the highest renewable energy potential. Hydroelectric generation in Asia is more than double that of any other region, and solar electric generation is also highest in Asia. Western European countries use wind power more than all other regions. Electric generation from biofuels is also greatest in western Europe. Use of wind, solar, and geothermal energy is insignificant in Eurasia, which includes the Russian Union and former Soviet Union countries in Europe. In the chart, “others” includes Oceania, Central America, and the Caribbean Islands, where the combined renewable electric generation is less than all other regions.

The share of renewable energy in electric generation has considerably increased since the 1980s, and reached 25% in 2017 (BP 2018). The trend of yearly electric generation from major renewable energy sources in the world is shown in Figure 5.4. At the end of the twentieth century, hydropower was generating more than 90% of the renewable electricity and the contribution of other renewable sources was less than 10%. Between 2000 and 2016, wind, sun, and biomass contributed 30% to electricity generated worldwide from all renewable sources.

Bar chart depicts an electric generation in the year 2016 which is powered by renewable.

Figure 5.3 Electric generation in 2016 powered by renewables.

Source: IRENA statistics (IRENA 2019).

Graph depicts an electric generation from renewable energy sources.

Figure 5.4 Electric generation from renewable energy sources.

Source: BP (2018).

5.3.2 Capacity Factor

Since renewable sources are not regularly available at all times, the energy output of a renewable conversion unit changes continuously. Such units, operating at variable power, cannot deliver the maximum energy that corresponds to their continuous operation at full capacity. For example, consider a generation unit that has 1‐MW generation capacity that operates only four hours a day and does not produce any energy for the rest of the day; it would produce 4 × 365 = 1460 MWh of energy. On the other hand, if this unit operated at full capacity at all times in a year, it would deliver 8766 MWh of energy. Thus, such a unit is equivalent to a smaller unit with a capacity of 1460/8766 = 0.166 MW capacity.

The capacity factor of an energy conversion unit is the ratio of the electrical energy produced over a certain time interval to the electrical energy that the unit could have produced if it operated continuously at full power during the same period. Suppose that an electric generation facility with Pc kW installed capacity generates Wout kWh output energy over one year. The yearly capacity factor is obtained using the Eq. (5.2), where the factor 8766 is the number of hours in a calendar year, Pc is the rated capacity, and Wout represents the total actual energy output.

Energy output of generation units powered by fossil fuels, and nuclear reactions are more predictable and easier to control. Biofuel fired plants, conventional hydroelectric power plants, and pumped storage hydroelectric units also deliver steady output energy since their input is controllable. The capacity factor of such generation plants depends on the control strategies applied by system operators to balance electric generation and demand on the interconnected network.

On the other hand, wind and solar powered units, as well as small hydropower plants without a reservoir produce variable output energy depending on the uncontrollable input they receive. The capacity factor of such conversion units depends on the frequency distribution of the renewable energy source. Therefore, conversion facilities with the same capacity at separate locations may produce different yearly total energy.

Table 5.1 shows the regional capacity factors of electric generation plants powered by various types of renewable energy sources. Geothermal, biogas, and large hydroelectric power plants are typically used at a higher capacity factor. Solar and wind powered generation units, however, have a lower capacity factor due to the occurrence cycles and frequency distribution of natural phenomena that produce them. Generation stations powered by waste and bioenergy usually have a smaller capacity compared to fossil fuel, nuclear, and conventional hydroelectric plants. They are mostly used to balance the electric generation and demand. This is reflected by the lower capacity factor of such stations.

5.4 Renewable Resource Potential

Resource and reserve definitions used for fossil and nuclear fuels do not apply to renewable energy. The amount of energy in renewable resources is enormous but its conversion into usable forms depends on many factors including existing technologies, available land, and population density. End‐users are more interested in energy services rather than the energy itself. In assessment of a renewable resource potential, rather than the actual total amount that the resource contains, energy that can be conveyed to the consumers is more relevant. Availability, accessibility, and time variations are among the primary considerations in assessment of a renewable energy resource.

Table 5.1 Regional yearly capacity factors of electric generation plants in 2016.

Source: Renewable Capacity Statistics (IRENA 2019).

Hydro power Wind Solar Bioenergy Geothermal
World 0.38 0.23 0.13 0.51 0.77
Africa 0.44 0.31 0.18 0.23 0.81
Asia 0.37 0.18 0.12 0.48 0.68
Central America and Caribbean 0.37 0.18 0.12 0.48 0.68
Eurasia 0.37 0.31 0.14 0.12 0.66
Europe 0.44 0.31 0.18 0.23 0.81
North America 0.41 0.32 0.16 0.58 0.82
Oceania 0.33 0.33 0.15 0.50 0.87
South America 0.48 0.36 0.25 0.44

5.4.1 Assessment of Non‐combustible Resources

Wind and hydro energy are mainly delivered to end users in the form of electricity. Currently, more than two‐thirds of the harnessed solar energy is converted into electric power and one‐third is used for water heating. Yearly total energy potential of a wind, hydro, or solar energy resource can be roughly estimated using the yearly average or mean values. Since wind speed, solar irradiance, and water flow of rivers continuously change in time, a more realistic evaluation should be done based on frequency distributions rather than the long‐term averages. Depending on the type of the renewable source, the maximum, minimum, average, and standard deviation of the variables used in energy calculations are measured and recorded over a monthly or yearly cycle. In practice, 10‐minute or 1‐hour data sampling intervals are adequate for a realistic evaluation.

5.4.2 Assessment of Biomass Resources

Biofuels are evaluated based on their heating value, similar to fossil fuels. The difference between bioenergy sources from fossil fuels is that they are cultivated instead of being extracted. The capacity of a field to grow biofuel resources is estimated similarly to other agricultural products. Land area, water availability, and transportation are the main considerations. Existing farmlands are sometimes used to grow sugar cane, soybean, corn, or other carbohydrate‐rich plants for energy production. Seasonal and yearly production of bioenergy can be estimated at high confidence levels. Forecasting the harvest variations due to climatic changes over several years and even decades is more complicated and depends on projections and assumptions.

Energy production from waste relies on the amount, disposal rate, and composition of the collected waste. Industrial and municipal wastes have different heating values. For example, timber and furniture industries produce considerable amounts of sawdust, wood chips, and pellets, which can be directly used for heating. Municipal waste contains a mixture of combustible and non‐combustible substances. The direct heating value of municipal waste is not suitable for direct energy conversion. Municipal waste must be screened and processed to obtain a liquid or gas fuel. Energy produced from waste depends on the fraction of combustible components and process technologies used to convert waste into synthetic fuel.

The potential of waste to energy in a region is assessed by the type of waste and the rate it is produced. In densely populated areas like European cities, municipal waste has greater potential for district heating. In sparsely populated areas, it is more convenient to produce either biogas or generate electric energy from waste.

5.5 Benefits and Challenges of Renewable Energy

Non‐combustible renewables such as wind, solar, hydro, and marine energy do not produce carbon dioxide and toxic gas emissions, water pollution, solid waste, or particulate matter, nor do they contribute to climate change by greenhouse gas emissions. Their inevitable impacts on the natural balance are less severe compared to fossil and nuclear fuel cycles.

Combustible renewables such as biofuels and waste are cleaner than coal or petroleum, but they are not carbon‐free since burning any hydrocarbon produces carbon dioxide. Any source of energy provided at the scale required to supply modern societies impacts the balance of the nature. Hydroelectric dams change the initial ecosystem in a large area.

Wind and solar energy are available everywhere in the world from deserts to Polar Regions. In rural and suburban areas where energy services are unavailable, they provide electric power independent from energy providers like electric utilities and gas stations. Small PV units and wind turbines can serve as portable power supply for remote places, small islands, camping areas, or sailing boats. Use of renewable resources locally available in a nation's territories reduces dependence on foreign oil and gas, and thus enhances national energy security.

Decentralized generation systems developed by the residential, commercial, and industrial users can harness renewable energy on private properties. Electric generation by small‐scale units spread on a wide area, rather than centralized conventional power stations, is known as distributed generation. Generation at the point of use avoids the losses on transmission lines and increases the reliability of the distribution network. Consumers benefit from their individual energy generation from renewables by avoiding service surcharges, energy related taxes, and increasing energy costs. Local generation backed up with energy storage provides energy security to consumers. In many countries, governments are developing policies to encourage distributed generation to take advantage of small‐scale renewable energy development.

The cost of energy obtained from renewable resources is independent of oil price fluctuations, economic circumstances, or political tensions. Once the conversion facility has been developed, the fuel is free over the economic lifetime of the project.

In spite of many benefits, renewable energy has also limitations and challenges. Renewable energy resources are not always available for conversion. Sunlight is unavailable at night, the amount of solar energy per unit area changes during the day. Daily total solar energy that can be harvested depends on the daylight duration, hence changes every day of the year. In addition, solar energy received on the surface depends on the air clarity and cloudiness of the atmosphere. Air pollution, smog, and humidity affect the power of the solar radiation per unit area called irradiance. Clarity and cloudiness are difficult to predict, therefore solar irradiance at a location changes randomly within a range. The variation of wind speed is hard to predict as well. Availability of both solar and wind power are probabilistic and uncontrollable variables.

The time‐rate of energy that can be extracted from a renewable resource is limited in time and space. Whereas biofuels and combustible waste can deliver controllable and consistent energy flow like fossil fuels, energy yield of non‐combustible renewables is uncontrollable and randomly changes in time unless it is regulated by some kind of storage technique.

At any location, the amount of solar energy received on unit area changes continuously during the day, reaching its maximum when the sun is at the highest point in the sky. Therefore, solar energy that can be harnessed depends on the surface area, time of the day, and day of the year. Electric power that a wind turbine can generate is a function of the wind speed and the swept area of its blades. Although wind is available at any time of the day, wind speed may change randomly within a few minutes to hours. Like solar power, wind power also varies in daily or seasonal cycles. The total amount of hydraulic energy that can be produced on a river depends on its flow rate as well as the elevation of its source from the sea level. The river flow changes daily or seasonally with precipitation and melting of the snow in the mountains.

Availability of all forms of renewable energy depends on location and time. The amount of electric power generated by wind and solar units change instantly in a time scale as short as a few minutes and vary significantly on daily or seasonal cycles. Hydroelectric resource potential depends on seasonal precipitation and water level in reservoirs. Drought conditions have considerable effect on the energy production of hydroelectric power plants.

The amount of precipitation and other weather conditions change every seven or eight years by natural cycles known as El Niño and La Niña. Yearly rainfall affects the flow of rivers and consequently the amount of water stored in reservoirs. Seasonal changes also affect renewable energy resources; for example, more hydropower is available in spring, when melting mountain snow and rainwater supply the rivers. During the summer, however, the limited water flowing in rivers or stored in dams is needed more for agricultural irrigation. Solar energy incident on Earth's surface depends on its angle entering the atmosphere, and therefore changes by the time of day and day of the year. Wind power also changes with local temperature changes during a day or from seasonal atmospheric changes. Biofuel production may change with yearly harvest variations in agricultural fields where hydrocarbon rich plants are cultivated.

Large amounts of renewable energy are generally harnessed at remote locations such as mountain ridges for wind, deserts for solar power, and river basins for hydropower. The energy produced from such resources can be transferred to end users only in the form of electricity. The intermittent character of wind, solar, and small hydropower presents challenges for interconnected electric networks. Large amounts of energy generated from irregular renewables must be stored in various forms to stabilize the electric generation.

Renewable energy is not necessarily sustainable. For instance, biofuels are sustainable only if they are consumed at a rate equal or less than they are reproduced. Firewood is an example of a renewable source but not necessarily a sustainable energy source; it takes many years for a redwood, oak, pine, or any other tree to grow but they can be consumed in a short time as a heat source. Before petroleum, whale oil was used as fuel to light lamps, and there was a time in the past when whales were near extinction because of lamp oil production. As a consequence, whaling has been banned worldwide to prevent extinction of whales.

Integration of renewable energy into interconnected electric power systems presents technical challenges. Controllable and predictable energy sources like hydropower, geothermal energy, and bioenergy are easier to integrate into electric transmission networks. Uncontrollable and probabilistic variation of solar and wind energy present significant challenges for electric power systems supplied by various conventional centralized generation plants.

Renewable resources are delivered to consumers in the form of electric power, direct heat, or liquid fuels used in the transportation sector as alternatives to petroleum. Electricity is the most efficient, clean, and convenient energy carrier to deliver most renewable resources. In an electric power system, generation and consumption must be equal at all times. The interconnected transmission network is supplied by a large number of generators operating synchronously to maintain the system frequency constant. If the generation exceeds the consumption at any time, the frequency tends to increase and some of the generators temporarily experience electromechanical oscillations until all the system frequencies settle to a new value. When the generation suddenly decreases, the prime movers and generators experience similar transient oscillations.

River dams block the migration path of fish that need to swim upstream to lay their eggs, and for the newborn fish to swim downstream to reach habitat to grow. Hydroelectric projects also affect river transportation and regional trade activities. The Dalles Dam and hydroelectric power plant shown in the photo on the title page of this chapter has a lock for river transportation vessels and fish ladders to allow various fish species migrate upstream or downstream. Figure 5.5 shows a fish separation facility installed at McNary Dam near Umatilla, Oregon. Many dams on the Columbia River in the northwest United States are designed similarly. Reservoirs of large hydroelectric power plants flood a vast area, causing thousands, and sometimes millions, of persons living in the area to be relocated. In addition, cultural heritage, archeologic, and historic sites must be protected or transported to other places.

Energy conversion systems supplied by renewable sources have a larger footprint compared to fossil fuel burning and nuclear power plants. Based on data generated from the US Energy Mapping System (EIA 2019b), yearly electric generation per unit land area of a typical coal burning power plant is about 8000 times the generation per unit area of a solar PV facility in the Midwest region of the US. A 103‐MW capacity wind farm in West Virginia that generates an average 300,000‐MWh per year has 45 wind turbines, each with 2.1‐MW rated power, installed on a 5‐mi corridor.

Photo depicts the fish separation facility at McNary Dam, Oregon.

Figure 5.5 Fish separation facility at McNary Dam, Oregon. Source: H. & O. Soysal.

Increased use of renewables is directly reflected on electric generation. Until the 1980s, the main renewable energy supply was from hydroelectric generation. Large amounts of water stored in a reservoir allow conventional hydroelectric power plants to operate in steady conditions. Electric power output of hydroelectric generators can be controlled easily to match the electric demand.

Use of solar, wind, and biomass energy has increased sharply in the twenty‐first century. Vigilance of climate change issues played the primary role in increasing use of renewable energy systems. At the same time, advanced conversion systems, especially regarding solar and wind energy, made renewable energy more affordable and economically feasible.

Geothermal energy is also a potential alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power for electric generation. Heat produced in deep layers of the ground by the decay of radioactive minerals is not renewable in principle, but using geothermal heat does not accelerate the consumption of such minerals. On the other hand, the temperature difference between the above and below ground water converted into heat by geothermal heat pumps (GHP) for direct heating or cooling is a renewable resource with significant potential.

The initial investments needed to develop renewable energy projects are generally higher than developing comparable fossil fuels and nuclear power plants. Development of such plants needs financial incentives. Historic trends of wind and solar powered generation systems reflect the political decisions of governments.

5.6 Solar Energy

The Earth receives an immense amount of energy from the Sun; in fact, life on Earth is powered by the Sun. Solar energy is sustainable and available at all locations. Sunlight is the source of all types of energy resources, except nuclear and geothermal energy. Energy of the Sun reaches the Earth in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Irradiance is the incident flux of radiant energy per unit area. Solar irradiance at the top of the atmosphere is called solar constant and often represented by S. While this value changes day by day as the distance of the Earth to the Sun changes, 1367 W/m2 is a commonly accepted value for solar constant.

The total energy flux of solar radiation incoming to the Earth is obtained by multiplying the solar constant S and the area of a circle with the radius of the Earth, that is πR2. The average flux on the external surface of the atmosphere can be calculated by dividing this number by the total surface area of the globe, Eq. (5.3).

This is the total energy per second received on the Earth. Note that since the total surface is considered, this average power density is constant at any time, independent of the Earth's rotation. Out of the 342 W/m2, 105 W/m2 is reflected back into space and the remaining 237 W/m2 is absorbed to heat the atmosphere, oceans, and land, and powers the photosynthesis in green vegetation (Markvart 2000).

During the daytime, the extraterrestrial irradiance above any point on Earth is the same. Solar energy is attenuated as sunlight passes through the atmosphere due to the absorption and scattering caused by gases, water vapor, and solid particles. Average power density received at sea level around noon on a surface perpendicular to the sunbeam is approximately 1 kW per square meter.

Solar energy available on Earth is well above the total primary energy consumption worldwide. Obviously, the actual amount of solar energy that can be harnessed is limited due to several reasons. First, solar energy is unavailable at night, and when available, it changes during the day and throughout the year. Second, it changes with latitude and altitude. Finally, clarity of the sky due to cloudiness, fog, haze, and pollution affects the radiant energy received on the Earth's surface.

5.6.1 Solar Resource Potential

Maximum irradiance at a location mainly depends on the latitude, elevation from sea level, and clarity of the air. Direct normal irradiance (DNI) on the Earth's surface at a certain location is the power per unit area orthogonal to the solar beam, measured in W/m2. DNI is equal to the solar radiation that reaches the top of the atmosphere minus atmospheric losses. The length sunlight travels in the atmosphere changes during the day by the solar elevation called zenith angle. In addition, clarity of the sky changes with atmospheric conditions, motion of the clouds, pollution, and precipitation. Consequently, DNI significantly changes in time.

Diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI) is the radiation received on the Earth's surface from sunlight scattered in the atmosphere by clouds, fog, or haze. DHI is also measured on a horizontal surface in kW/m2 and its value depends on the opacity of the air and reflection of the surrounding ground. The radiation emitted from the sun disk (circumsolar radiation) is subtracted from the radiation diffused in the atmosphere. The maps in Figure 5.6 show long‐term average of daily and yearly sums of DNI and global horizontal irradiance (GHI) (Solargis 2017).

GHI is the total radiant power received from the sun on a horizontal surface on Earth. It is the sum of DHI and the component of the DNI perpendicular to the horizontal surface. At an instant when the incident angle of the Sun's ray with the perpendicular to the surface (zenith angle) is z, GHI can be calculated using Eq. (5.4).

Solar energy at a certain location is defined as solar irradiation or simply insolation and measured in kWh/m2. Insolation changes throughout the year with the length of daylight time. Yearly total insolation depends on the latitude and clarity of the sky at a particular location. The average of daily irradiations over a year allows a rough estimation of the yearly total solar energy received at a location. Solar irradiation received at a location is obtained by integrating GHI over a certain time interval, typically one day. If DHI and DNI are recorded with a sampling interval of Δt and GHI is calculated for each record, then the integral operation can be simplified with a summation as in the second part of Eq. (5.5).

The available solar potential on Earth is estimated to exceed all global energy needs, even considering the projected energy use until 2100 (UNDP 2000). Development of utility scale solar generation facilities depends on the availability of suitable land and the population density of the region. In addition, air quality and shading considerably affect the energy output. Figure 5.7 shows the range of technically available solar energy potential by geographic regions based on UNDP (2000, Table 5.19). According to the Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2011), the total global solar potential is estimated between 1,575 and 49,837 exajoules (EJ) which is well above the current primary energy supply of 576 EJ worldwide reported by International Energy Agency (IEA 2018a).

The estimated amounts reflect the availability of solar energy as a primary resource; thus, they do not consider the limitation and efficiency of solar conversion technologies, nor technical issues regarding the integration of solar electric generation to the interconnected grid. The minimum and maximum limits are based on the assumptions of the land available for solar generation.

5.6.2 End‐use of Solar Energy

End‐uses of solar energy include heating, lighting, and electric generation. Passive solar technologies use natural sunlight without any energy conversion element or system. Active solar technologies convert solar irradiance into heat or electricity for transfer to a point of use.

Map depicts the direct normal irradiation and global horizontal irradiation maps.
Graph depicts the direct normal irradiation and global horizontal irradiation maps.

Figure 5.6 Direct normal irradiation (DNI) and global horizontal irradiation (GHI) maps. These maps are published in color by the World Bank Group, funded by ESMAP, and prepared by Solargis. For more information and terms of use please visit http://globalsolaratlas.info.

Source: © 2017 The World Bank. Solar resource data: Solargis; Black and white rendering; Soysal.

Bar chart depicts an estimated annual solar potential.

Figure 5.7 Estimated annual solar potential.

Source: UNDP (2000, p. 174, Table 5.19). Passive Solar Buildings

All buildings benefit of the sun for natural interior lighting. Sunlight reduces the cost of artificial heating in cold climates and winter. In contrast, in the summer excessive sunlight entering the buildings is less desirable since it increases the indoor temperature. If the building has artificial ventilation and air conditioning, contribution of the sun to the interior temperature increases the energy consumption. Buildings designed with properly oriented large, high emissivity glass windows and efficiently insulated envelop are referred to as passive solar buildings. Such buildings are primarily heated by solar energy in winter, but they are designed to minimize the sunlight in summer. Solar energy potential for passive solar buildings depends on the climate of the location. Heat Production

Solar thermal systems convert solar irradiance directly into heat using a solar thermal collector for space or water heating. Solar collectors may be stationary or moving to track the position of the sun in the sky. Produced heat is transferred to the point of use or to thermal storage by circulating a working fluid.

Contemporary solar thermal conversion systems are mainly used for space and water heating, desalination of seawater, and electric generation. Industrial solar thermal systems are used for process heating or metal melting. Smaller scale commercial and residential solar thermal applications include desalination, greenhouse heating, drying, pool heating, water heating, and space heating. Solar thermal conversion has the highest efficiency among all solar conversion technologies. Solar Electric Generation

Solar energy can be converted into electricity either directly by using PV arrays or indirectly by using solar thermal collectors to produce steam and convert the thermal energy into electricity through turbine‐generator units similar to conventional electrothermal power plants.

PV arrays consist of modules mounted on the ground, a pole, or building roofs. PV modules are a series and parallel combination of semiconductor cells that convert solar irradiance directly into electric power. CSP plants generate electric energy indirectly from the solar heat. In a CSP plant sunlight is reflected by mirrors on a tower where a fluid is heated. The heat transfer fluid circulated through heat exchangers boil water, and steam turbines drive electric generators. Such power plants can store solar energy as heat and continue electric generation at night.

Direct PV conversion does not suffer from thermodynamic efficiency of the heat engines, but the efficiency of practical PV cells is in the range between 15% and 25%. CSP generation has also low efficiency due to the thermodynamic cycle of the heat engines and electromechanical losses in the generators. Both types of generation units have lower running costs compared to conventional power plants since there is no fuel cost or operational cost due to fuel transportation and waste disposal. The maintenance and service costs of PV generation units are significantly lower, hence, the efficiency impacts mainly the initial investment for material and procurement of the installation area.

Commercial‐scale solar generation units are generally mounted on the ground. In densely populated areas, the land dedicated for PV array installation is a considerable part of the initial cost. Uninhabited lands with adequate solar exposure are more suitable for large‐scale solar power plants. However, if the location is not close to the interconnected grid, the cost of additional high voltage power transmission systems increases the initial investment.

PV generation has the benefit of being modular and can be easily installed on the building roofs and unused land. Grid‐tie residential and small commercial PV systems supply the excess power they generate at times of low consumption back to the electric grid. Distributed generation by small‐scale units spread in a wide area reduces the transmission losses of the electric grid.

5.6.3 Strengths and Challenges of Solar Energy

Sunlight is the most environmentally friendly energy source. Solar conversion systems do not release carbon dioxide, any toxic gas, any form of pollutant, or water vapor during their operation. Unlike electromechanical energy conversion systems, PV generation units do not have any moving parts (other than a solar tracker if installed). Therefore, they create no noise and do not need water for cooling. CSP generation systems that use steam turbines are similar to other thermal energy conversion systems in water use, but they are cleaner since no combustion is involved.

Solar thermal and PV systems present minimal risk of accident, and if even an accident occurs, it remains local; unlike nuclear accidents and oil spills, which present life‐threatening and long‐lasting contamination of a large area. Solar energy does not cause any land or water pollution like fossil fuels, or radioactive contamination like nuclear power plants.

Environmental impacts of large‐scale solar energy systems are mainly related to land use. A commercial size PV array changes the vegetation and animal habitat on the land it covers, thus animal migration and biodiversity may be affected of the fragmentation of the land and change of vegetation.

The efficiency of commercially available PV modules ranges between 10% and 20%, which seems lower compared to other energy conversion systems. The significance of efficiency is, however, different for renewables from fossil fuels. A 30–40% efficient fossil fuel powered generation unit burns approximately three units of primary‐source energy to deliver one unit of energy. Solar power plants, on the contrary, do not diminish the available solar energy on site. In addition, on‐site PV generation has no cost to transfer of the energy source to the point of use. Since the fuel is freely available independent of the production rate, efficiency affects the initial cost and the area dedicated to the conversion unit. Lower efficiency PV modules are generally less expensive, therefore, rather than the efficiency of a particular module type, the cost per unit power is more relevant when comparing different technologies. Higher efficiency is particularly desirable at locations where the area is limited, like the roof of a building or the land available for larger commercial solar farms. In some applications, solar trackers may be used to maximize the energy conversion by continuous position control to maintain the collector or module orthogonal to the incident sunlight. The additional cost of a solar tracker versus using fixed solar array is a decision to be made based on a comprehensive economic cost analysis.

Unavailability of sunlight at night and variable irradiance during the day is the biggest challenge of PV generation. The magnitude of daily, monthly, and yearly insolation is predictable at any location. However, the short‐term forecast of fluctuations of irradiance is more complicated and always includes uncertainties.

Integration of PV generation to the interconnected grid supplied by conventional generation systems requires comprehensive analysis and monitoring techniques. In an interconnected network supplied by diverse power plants, sudden changes of the supply or demand can cause electromechanical oscillations that may lead to serious instability problems. Random fluctuations of electric power injected into the distribution system is called penetration. To prevent the risk of instability, utility companies restrict the penetration ratio according to the power variations that can be tolerated by other types of conversion systems. Electric supply cannot depend on solar PV generation unless some form of energy storage provides backup energy. CSP generation systems regulate the short‐term fluctuations by storing thermal energy in the working fluid. Small‐scale off‐grid PV systems are generally supported by a battery backup.

5.7 Wind Energy

Wind power has been an essential driving force of economic development since the early civilizations. Sailboats carried voyagers and merchandise on rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans for thousands of years. Throughout centuries, windmills powered water pumps, grain grinding mills, and various mechanical equipment.

Windmills, like waterwheels have supported the economy for many centuries. In mid eighteenth century, however, they could not compete with the power of steam during the industrial revolution as fossil fuels became preferred sources of energy. Whereas the idea of using windmills to generate electricity stems back to late nineteenth century, wind power appeared to be a feasible option in 1970s during the energy crisis. As Figure 5.4 shows, wind has become the fastest growing primary energy source in renewable electric generation since 2000. This section will focus on the electric generation potential of wind power, its benefits, strengths, and challenges.

5.7.1 Electric Generation Potential of Wind Resource

Wind energy is basically the kinetic energy of a moving air mass, which can be either used directly as mechanical work or converted into electric power. For example, linear mechanical work caused by the force of the wind moves a sailboat. Windmills transform wind power directly into mechanical power to turn a grinder, pump, or a mechanical apparatus. Wind turbines drive an electric generator to convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy.

Although in earlier applications wind power was used to directly produce mechanical work, modern conversion systems are mostly based on electric generation. For cost‐effective generation, wind turbines must be exposed to consistent, steady, and sustained wind with a suitable average velocity. Energy output of a turbine depends on the wind regime at the site and characteristics of the selected turbine type. Fast changes of wind velocity, gusts, and turbulence are not desirable for wind powered electric generation.

Electric generation potential of wind resource in a region is generally estimated by using the yearly average wind power density and the land area available for wind farms. Wind power density is the power delivered by a wind turbine per unit area swept by the blades. Realistic assessment of the wind potential, therefore, highly depends on the mean wind speed and frequency distribution at the height at which the wind energy is harnessed, as well as the available energy conversion technologies. Figure 5.8 shows the estimated wind power density at 100‐m above the ground (DTU 2018). The map is obtained by downscaling meteorological data and interpolating wind speed, considering terrain topography and surface roughness.

The maximum electric generation potential of global wind resource is estimated about 6000 EJ, assuming that development of a wind generation facility is feasible at regions where the average wind power density is at least 250–300 W/m2 at 50‐m height, and all available area can be used for wind farms (Grubb and Meyer 1993). This estimation considers an overall efficiency of 30% representing wind turbine and transmission line losses.

Wind farms consist of arrays of properly spaced wind turbines. Distance between wind turbines affect the overall efficiency because of the turbulence and wake created by rotating blades. Land area required for commercial wind farms depends on the number of turbines, selected turbine types, rotor diameter, and tower height. For a reasonable generation efficiency, the minimum distance between turbines must be about seven times the rotor diameter, which can be as large as 110–130 m for a 2‐ to 2.5‐MW turbine. A 50‐MW wind power facility utilizing 25 of the 2‐MW turbines would therefore require more than ten square kilometers of land. During construction, each turbine blade is carried by one truck and towers are shipped in separate sections. Figure 5.9 shows a wind farm in the midwestern plains of the US and a truck carrying a wind turbine blade.

Graph depicts the estimated wind power density at 100-m above the ground.

Figure 5.8 Wind power density in W/m2 estimated for wind speed at 100‐m. Map obtained from the Global Wind Atlas 2.0, a free, web‐based application developed, owned, and operated by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in partnership with the World Bank Group, utilizing data provided by Vortex, with funding provided by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP).

Source: © Technical University of Denmark (“DTU”), a university registered in Denmark CC BY 4.0 (DTU 2018). B&W rendering: Soysal.

Photos depict (Top) Wind farm in the midwest, US. (Bottom) Transportation of a wind turbine blade.

Figure 5.9 Top: Wind farm in the midwest, US. Bottom: Transportation of a wind turbine blade.

Source: © Soysal.

A commercial wind turbine site must be easily accessible from highways and located near high‐voltage power lines for connection to the grid. Cities, difficult terrains, forests, and inaccessible mountain areas limit commercial‐scale wind power development. Although lands used to install wind turbines can still be used for farming, a certain area needs to be secured for tower foundations switchgear and other equipment. Public acceptance, environmental concerns, and land use constraints impose additional restrictions to wind power development.

World Energy Council specialists estimated the wind resource available for electric generation by geographic regions as shown Table 5.2. The estimation assumes that 4% of the area with sufficient wind resource can be used for commercial wind farm development. The primary energy equivalent is calculated by dividing the electricity generation potential by a factor of 0.3, which is a typical efficiency of wind turbines, including transmission losses (UNDP 2000, p. 164, Table 5.21).

Table 5.2 Estimated wind resource potentials for electric generation.

Source: UNDP (2000, p. 164, Table 5.21).

Region Available land with wind class 3–7 (× 1000 km2) Electric generation potential of wind resource if 4% land is used (TWh) Primary Energy Equivalent (EJ)
North America   7876   5000  60
South America and Caribbean   3310   2100  25
Western Europe   1968   1300  16
Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union   6783   4300  52
Middle East and North Africa   2566   1600  19
Sub‐Saharan Africa   2209   1400  17
Pacific Asia   4188   2700  32
China   1056    700   8
Central and South Asia    243    200   2
Total 30,200 18,700 231

Kinetic energy available from wind at a certain location depends on many factors including air density, elevation, topography of the land, vegetation, buildings, and large structures.

Utility‐scale wind farms are feasible in areas where the wind speed is consistently in the operational range of available wind turbines. Average wind speed may be used for a rough estimate of the electric generation potential of the wind resource in a region. For a more realistic estimation, the frequency distribution of the wind resource and turbine characteristics should be considered. Methods for assessment of prospective wind turbine sites are described in Chapter 9.

5.7.2 Strengths and Challenges of Wind Energy

Wind is a clean, sustainable, and renewable source of energy. Wind powered generation, like solar and hydroelectric, is free from carbon dioxide or toxic emissions, particulate matter, solid waste, and land or water pollution. Unlike fossil fuel and nuclear power plants, wind powered generation units do not use any water.

Commercial wind farms have a larger footprint for the energy they generate. However, since the turbines are located at a sufficient distance to avoid wake and turbulence, the land under spaced turbine towers can be used for other purposes, including agricultural farms, roads, storage, and recreational or industrial parks.

Unlike solar irradiance, wind may be available at any time of the day. However, wind speed and direction are less predictable than solar irradiance. Because wind is a consequence of uneven solar heating, in some regions wind may complement solar energy in electric generation. Hence, wind‐solar hybrid generation may produce steadier power output during a day or year around.

Wind turbine blades drive an electric generator which directly delivers three‐phase AC power to the external circuit. While advanced electronic controls are still used to regulate voltage and frequency using an electronic converter, utility‐scale units are directly synchronized with the power grid. Wind powered energy conversion does not suffer from low thermodynamic efficiency of fossil fuel fired generation. Depending on the design, the efficiency of a wind turbine can reach as high as the theoretical maximum efficiency of 59%, known as the Betz limit.

Effective use of available wind resources relies on technologic advancements. Composite materials used to make larger, lightweight, and stronger blades combined with advanced airfoil design improve the performance of wind turbines. Strong permanent magnets made from advanced magnetic materials led to the improved design of permanent magnet synchronous generators used in small wind turbines. Since such turbines have become commercially available at affordable prices, residential and small commercial wind generation propagated from rural areas to suburbs and even cities increasing the share of distributed generation in electric supply.

Generators used in large units have evolved from constant‐speed induction machines with soft start to more controllable variable‐speed machines. Advanced technologies to allow control of ramp‐rate, output voltage, and low‐voltage‐ride‐through (LVRT) ability are emerging (Smith 2005). Technologic evolution progressively reduces the adverse effects of the variable wind power generation on the interconnections and increases its reliability.

In addition to turbine and generator technologies, structural improvements allow the use of higher turbine towers. Increased tower height has several benefits. First, longer turbine blades can be used, which result in quadratically increased rotor‐swept area, and consequently quadratic increase of the turbine power output. Larger single units increase the efficiency and unit cost of generated electricity. Turbines installed on higher towers are exposed to more uniform wind at higher velocity, hence generate electric power at a higher capacity factor.

5.7.3 Environmental Impacts of Wind Powered Generation

Although wind power generation has significantly smaller impact on the environment, development of wind farms near populated areas has created considerable public reaction. Public concerns to wind turbines can be combined in three groups; visual impact, interactions with wildlife, and audible noise. Visual Impact

Wind farms and small individual wind turbines are more visible in a larger area compared to conventional power plants. Because most wind turbines are mounted on white monopole towers, they change the natural landscape. Rotation of the blades creates a flickering effect, especially early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the Sun is lower behind the turbines. At night, the blinking red lights to mark the tower tips for the aeronautical safety may be disturbing for the population living in rural areas. Impacts on Wildlife

Since the early years of wind power development, impacts of commercial‐size wind turbines on migrating birds and bats have been the focus of public debates. There are long‐standing evidences of bird and bat deaths by collision with turbine blades. Environmentalists are particularly concerned about bat fatalities caused by wind turbines because bats can live up to 30 years of age or more. Their slow reproductive rates increase the risk of endangerment or extinction if large numbers of migratory bats are killed by turbine blades.

Scientists have recently speculated that some bat fatalities may occur for reasons other than hitting a turbine blade. An effect called barotrauma, which is caused by rapid and excessive pressure change, is another potential reason for bat fatalities. An atmospheric pressure drop around rotating turbine blades is undetectable for bats, but their respiratory system cannot handle such pressure change (Baerwald and D'Amours 2008).

Since wind turbines are necessarily distant from each other, wind farms do not present land fragmentation issues for migration of ground mammals. The large tower foundations and access road between turbines may, however, impact at some degree the diversity of the ecosystem. Audible Noise

Wind turbine blades produce low frequency wobbling sound as they turn. Wind turbine noise has been one of the major sources of reaction to wind farm development, although its level is much lower compared to the ambient noise in cities, including train, roadway, aircraft, and construction equipment noise. Most household appliances, and even sometimes the background noise of the rustling leaves and falling water, is noticeable. Especially because the sound is periodic and continues day and night it is annoying for many people who live in quiet countryside.

Noise level is expressed as ratio of the sound pressure to a reference level on logarithmic scale denoted in dB (decibel). Since sound propagates in all directions from the point source, its pressure attenuates by the inverse square of the distance. Many countries and local governments around the world published standards, codes, and guidelines to restrict the distance of commercial wind farms from buildings based on the outdoor noise level created by wind turbines. Wind farm developers, therefore, estimate the geographic distribution of the noise level at the planning stage using comprehensive acoustic simulation software. Noise level limitations rightfully restrict the maximum exploitation of the wind resource at populated areas.

5.8 Hydraulic Energy

Hydraulic energy is a direct consequence of solar energy; the water cycle originates from natural evaporation of water by the Sun. Water evaporation rate per unit surface area is higher for oceans than land. In addition, oceans cover about 70% of the Earth's surface. Water mainly evaporated from the oceans and carried by wind over the land is the principal cause of the continuous water supply through precipitation. Water precipitated on the land eventually returns to the oceans by river outflow. The total amount of water on the Earth is finite, but because of the solar‐powered cycle, the energy from water is always available.

Like solar and wind energy, the power of water has been used since ancient civilizations. Archimedes is credited to discovering the lifting force of water, water pressure, helical pumps, and many other applications of hydropower. Waterwheels have been used for centuries to drive sawmills, grain grinding mills, and many other machines. Ancient Greeks used waterwheels for grinding wheat into flour more than 2000 years ago. Before the industrial revolution, hydropower was converted into mechanical work for milling and pumping. In 1870, a small hydroelectric unit was installed in a house named Cragside, in Rothbury, Northumberland, England (IPCC 2011, p. 443). The first hydroelectric power station with 12.5‐kW capacity started in 1882 in Appleton, Wisconsin (US Bureau of Reclamation 2016). Use of hydropower to generate electricity became popular because the first hydroelectric stations proved to be more efficient than fossil fuel burning power plants. Today hydroelectric power generation spans a broad range from a few watts to several gigawatts. The world's largest hydroelectric power station at Three Gorges Dam in China with 22.5‐GW capacity has been generating approximately 100 TWh electric energy every year since 2012.

5.8.1 Hydroelectric Potential

Hydropower is not evenly accessible at every region of the world and most of the substantial resources are remotely located. Electric power is the only energy carrier to transmit these resources to populated areas. Moreover, international and intercontinental electric grid connections distribute hydropower resources worldwide.

Hydraulic resource potential is estimated by evaluating the world's annual water balance. About 577 billion (109) cubic meters of water evaporates every year from ocean and land surfaces. Out of this amount, 119 billion cubic meters precipitate on land. About two‐thirds of the precipitation is absorbed by vegetation and soil but most of this water evaporates again. The estimated amount of runoff water, which is theoretically available for energy purposes is about 47 billion cubic meters (UNDP 2000, p. 153). The amount of runoff water by continent can be estimated considering the yearly amount of inland precipitation.

Assuming that the runoff water is evenly distributed across a region, the available potential energy of water should be proportional to the product of runoff volumes and average altitude (Wp = mgh ; g ≃ 9.81). In reality, however, the runoff water is not evenly distributed. Moreover, seasonal variations of precipitation also influence the potential energy.

Technical potential depends on available technologies and feasibility of resources. Development of new technologies to exploit smaller hydroelectric sources increases the technical potential. Estimation of the technical potential varies by countries and is sometimes underestimated or inflated due to incomplete assessments or political reasons. Estimated regional theoretical and technical hydroelectric potentials are shown in Figure 5.10.

Conventional hydroelectric plants are typically designed, engineered, and developed by international consortiums. Less developed countries may not be able to afford the large initial cost of hydroelectric plants because of financial constraints. Moreover, socioeconomic impacts may increase the initial cost and delay construction of large hydroelectric plants.

Bar chart depicts the hydroelectric potential by regions.

Figure 5.10 Hydroelectric potential by regions.

Source: UNDP 2000 and World Atlas and Industry Guide, 1998 (https://www.hydropower-dams.com/world-atlas).

5.8.2 Strengths and Challenges of Hydroelectric Generation

Hydroelectric power plants are clean and reliable energy sources. Generating electricity by hydropower instead of fossil fuels avoids significant amounts of greenhouse gas emission, air pollution, and release of toxic elements to the environment.

Reservoir backup and pumped storage hydroelectric units add massive energy storage capability to the electric power system. Since the power output can be adjusted in a relatively short time, hydroelectric power plants conveniently adjust the electric generation to the variable demand in the interconnected grid.

Development of a hydroelectric plant is a multipurpose project. Dams regulate water flow in rivers and help flood control. Reservoirs improve the regional climate and vegetation. The area around dams is often used for recreational activities and increases the value of the region.

On the other hand, like any large project, hydroelectric power generation also has adverse environmental and social impacts. Construction of a dam impacts the biodiversity by blocking the fish migration path and changing the food chain. Certain fish species, like salmon, migrate downstream as they grow up and come back to the area where they were born to lay their eggs. Blocking the natural lifecycle of such species may cause a significant decrease in population, and even lead to their extinction.

Construction of a dam causes flooding to a vast area, which generates a wide range of public reactions depending on the population density, education and economic level of the population, existence of historic landmarks, and cultural heritage value of the land. Running river hydroelectric power plants control the river flow for electric generation, which may interfere with the benefits of farmers who need the water for irrigation. Dams constructed on larger rivers also affect transportation and trade along the river. Many dams constructed in the northwest United States were designed with fish ladders and locks to resolve the environmental and socio‐economic issues.

5.9 Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is the heat stored in the Earth. The total thermal energy in the Earth's solid core is enormous. However, only a small fraction of this energy is natural heat that can be technically extracted from the Earth's crust up to a maximum depth of 10 km. In this region, the temperature increases by depth about 30 °C every kilometer on average. The vertical temperature gradient is not uniform and can change in range from half of the average value to as much as ten times more. For example, at 5‐km depth, in one zone the temperature may be only 70 or 80 °C while in another it may exceed 500 °C (Palmerini 1993).

Heat coming from the ground has been known since ancient civilizations and used for bathing, therapy, or rituals. Exploiting geothermal steam started about 1827 to support boric acid extraction from volcanic mud in Italy. In the following years, geothermal heat was used for industrial drying processes and space heating. In early years of the twentieth century, geothermal energy provided mechanical power and electricity. The first geothermal electric generation powered four light bulbs in 1904 at the Larderello dry steam field in Italy. The first industrial power plant, with 250‐kW generation capacity, started operation in 1913 in the same place (Tiwari and Ghosal 2005). Italy continued to be pioneer in geothermal energy use and increased its geothermal electric capacity to 127‐MW by 1944.

In the US, the first geothermal power plant with a 250‐kW generator was installed in Geysers, California in 1925. Currently, 24 countries use geothermal electric generation to supply base load. In 2008, the estimated worldwide yearly geothermal generation was 67.2 TWh. Direct heat produced from geothermal resources in 78 countries is estimated about 0.4 EJ/year equivalent to 121 TWh/year (UNDP 2000).

5.9.1 Sources of Geothermal Energy

Thermal energy in the Earth comes from two sources. One of them is extremely hot magma that contains molten or semi‐molten rocks, the other is the radioactive decay of unstable elements. Magma reaching the surface directly through tectonic faults can result in volcanic eruptions, which contain huge uncontrollable thermal energy. The aquifers or ground water heated by magma or radioactive decay can rise to the surface either mixed with steam or gases, and erupt as geysers or simply form hot water springs. Natural discharges of geothermal energy are generally uncontrollable and intermittent. Thermal energy available in the earth can, nevertheless, be extracted in a controllable way by drilling until reaching a feasible heat source, depending on the intended commercial application.

Underground heat sources are transferred to the ground near the surface by either conduction or convection. The temperature gradient in the ground is non‐uniform and highly variable depending on the geological structure of the region. Geothermal energy resources can be grouped in four types (UNDP 2000):

  • Hydrothermal resources. Hot water or steam found at moderate depths, typically less than 10 km.
  • Geo‐pressured resources. Deep hot‐water aquifers containing dissolved methane under high pressure.
  • Hot dry rocks. Extraordinarily hot geologic formations with little or no water.
  • Magma. Molten or semi‐molten rocks at much higher temperatures than the average.

Exploration of geothermal sources is similar to oil and gas exploration. Because of the high cost of complete exploration, more promising zones are determined by regional geological and geochemical studies. The structure of the potential area is first thoroughly surveyed by detailed geological, geochemical, and geophysical studies. If commercially valuable resources are located within a reasonable technical certainty, then several test wells are drilled to obtain a more realistic geothermal model of the prospective site. The depth of the exploratory drilling depends on location of the reservoir and the intended use of the resource. Smaller diameter exploratory bores called “slim holes” reduce the initial investment, but their flow rate is significantly lower than standard wells. The diameter of production wells is between 9 and 13 in. (23–33 cm) to provide a fluid flow in the range from tens to hundreds of tons per hour. Test wells normally have the same profile as the production wells. Some of the test wells, therefore, may be large enough to start a small‐scale production that can offset part of the investment for exploration studies. The goal of the test wells is to obtain the physical and chemical characteristics of the reservoir. The temperature and steam/water ratio of the geothermal fluid determines the type of application. Pre‐production wells are operated at different production conditions to assess the probable production for the following 12–20 years. In addition, productive‐size exploratory drilling can produce a quantity of fluid needed for the first operation of the commercial‐size power plant, reducing the overall capital cost of the project. During the exploration phase, the prefeasibility studies are conducted to estimate the cost/benefit ratio of the site. Based on the findings, the project may be terminated or move on to the commercial‐scale development.

Current technologies allow exploitation of hydrothermal resources, which are a small fraction of the geothermal resources available in the Earth. Enhanced geothermal system (EGS) technologies are emerging to reach less accessible resources, lower permeability formations, hot dry rocks, and magma by hydraulic stimulation and fracking (IPCC 2011).

5.9.2 Geothermal Energy Potential

The theoretical global potential of geothermal energy is about 140,000,000 EJ, but 600,000 EJ is classified as useful accessible resource base. The portion of the accessible resource base expected to become economical within 40–50 years is estimated to be about 5000 EJ. Reserves accessible with current and emerging new technologies in a relatively shorter timeframe are only 500 EJ (UNDP 2000). Still, geothermal energy has enormous potential; even the technically and economically accessible reserves (about 434 EJ), exceeds the total annual global primary energy consumption. The regional distribution of geothermal energy potential is shown in Figure 5.7 and Table 5.4.

Like all other renewable resources, availability of geothermal energy also varies by location and the only way to transmit this energy to remote consumers is conversion to electricity. Geothermal power generation has many limitations. First, it suffers from low thermodynamic conversion efficiency, therefore large amounts of geothermal fluids at relatively higher temperatures must be extracted. In addition, use of geothermal energy results in significant air and water pollution. Therefore, rather than the quantity of available energy, conversion technologies and mitigation of environmental impacts determine the exploitation of geothermal energy in power generation.

5.9.3 End‐uses of Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is used for direct heat production, electric generation, or combined heat and power (CHP) cogeneration. Direct heat production is more efficient but transmission of heat by steam is limited to short distances from the point of use. Electric generation is more valuable, flexible, and controllable, but less efficient due to the lower thermodynamic efficiency of the conversion of heat into mechanical work. Heat and power cogeneration plants are the most efficient conversion systems since the heat rejected as the part of thermodynamic cycle is used for other purposes.

Table 5.4 Regional geothermal energy potential.

Source: UNDP (2000, p. 165, Table 5.23).

Region Energy (EJ) Share (%)
North America  26,000,000  18.6
Latin America and Caribbean  26,000,000  18.6
Western Europe   7,000,000   5.0
Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union  23,000,000  16.4
Middle East and North Africa   6,000,000   4.3
Sub‐Saharan Africa  17,000,000  12.1
Pacific Asia (excl. China)  11,000,000   7.9
China  11,000,000   7.9
Central and South Asia  13,000,000   9.3
Total 140,000,000 100.0 Geothermal Heating

Heating and cooling applications using a geothermal heat pump (GHP) should not be confused with conversion of geothermal energy sources into heat and power. Also known as “earth‐coupled,” and “ground‐source,” such systems operate based on the temperature difference between the air above the surface and ground or water below the surface. Depending on latitude, the temperature below the ground or water surface stays constant year‐around in the range between 45 °F (7 °C) and 75 °F (21 °C). In winter, when the air temperature is lower, a thermodynamic heat pump transfers energy from higher temperatures below the surface to heat the air in a building space. In summer the energy flow is reversed from the higher temperature in a building to cooler ground or water.

Geothermal energy is used in a broad range of direct heating applications depending on the temperature of the geothermal fluid either discharged naturally or extracted by drilling a well. Natural hot springs are among touristic attractions in touristic, therapeutic, and recreational resorts around the world. Space heating in residential districts, commercial buildings, and workshops is common in regions where hot springs are available. Industrial and commercial applications can be grouped as drying, evaporation, distillation, refrigeration, process heating, industrial‐space air conditioning, and other processes such as extraction, washing, baking, etc.

Geothermal heating is achieved by simply direct contact with the pipes that carry geothermal fluid or, in more advanced systems, using a heat exchanger to transfer geothermal steam or water to a fluid that circulates in a secondary loop. Drying, evaporation, and distillation are based on this technique.

Timber and wood preparation, pulp and paper processing, textile industry, leather and fur treatment, synthetic fuel production and enhancement, chemical processes, and mineral production are among common applications of geothermal heating. Agricultural applications include greenhouse and soil heating, mushroom cultivation, fish hatching, food processing, food drying, and canning.

An evaporation process is used to concentrate solutions. One of the common applications is used salt production. Distillation is based on evaporation and controlled condensation of a liquid. Seawater desalination, water purification, heavy water (deuterium) production, and liquor production are traditional distillation applications. Fractional distillation is used to separate components of a liquid mixture that have different boiling temperatures. The hydrocarbon industry uses fractional distillation to separate liquid petroleum gases (LPG) from crude oil and raw natural gas. Geothermal energy can be also used for cooling and refrigeration by using an appropriate thermodynamic system. Figure 5.12 shows heating fluid temperatures needed for various industrial and agricultural operations where geothermal energy can be directly applied.

Bar chart depicts an average geothermal fluid temperatures which is required for various applications.

Figure 5.12 Average geothermal fluid temperatures required for various applications.

Source: Palmerini (1993) and Lindal (1973). Geothermal Power Generation

Industrial scale geothermal power generation needs higher temperatures and flow rates compared to direct‐use for heat. In practice, two types of reservoirs grouped as steam‐dominated and water‐dominated are exploited for electric generation or electric‐heat cogeneration. Figure 5.13 illustrates the operating principle of four basic systems used for geothermal power generation (Palmerini 1993).

Steam‐dominated reservoirs contain a superheated fluid at high temperature and pressure such that dry and saturated steam extracted at the wellhead can be directly piped to the generation system. In the simplest configuration, dry steam is fed directly to the turbine and exhausted to the atmosphere as shown in Figure 5.14(a). Despite its lower initial cost, such systems have several drawbacks. The steam coming out of the ground generally contains a mixture of gases including carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and numerous toxic gases. Part of these gases can be condensed and processed to obtain liquid carbon dioxide, sulfur, and other industrial products. The system shown in Figure 5.14(b) uses a gas extractor to separate condensate and non‐condensable gases. More advanced systems use one or more upstream surface heat exchangers/evaporators to separate practically all gas content from steam.

Water‐dominated reservoirs that contain hot water or a mixture of water and steam are more common. In the reservoir the fluid is under high pressure, as it rises in the well, the pressure drops and a mixture of liquid and steam reaches the wellhead. The fluid can be maintained in liquid phase by increasing the pressure by pumps in the well or extracted in a mixed phase. Depending on the reservoir temperature, either pressurized or mixed phase fluid can be used for power generation.

Schematic illustration of the operating principles of four different types of geothermal electric generation systems.

Figure 5.13 Operating principles of four different types of geothermal electric generation systems.

Pressurized fluid evaporated in a flasher/separator the geothermal emits a mixture of steam and gases. In a flashed system shown in Figure 5.14(c) steam and non‐condensate gases extracted from the geothermal fluid enters the turbine and residual water is reinjected into the ground. The reinjected fluid can be as high as 80% of the extracted geothermal fluid. The mixture of steam and gases exiting the turbine is processed in a condenser and gas extractor to separate the condensate and non‐condensate components.

Figure 5.14(d) illustrates the operation of a “binary system” that converts energy from mixed‐phase fluid. A heat exchanger transfers heat to a working fluid, which circulates in a secondary loop through the turbine for thermodynamic conversion. The cooled geothermal fluid exiting the heat exchanger is reinjected into the ground. Such systems utilize a special type of turbine that operates at a lower temperature range than the turbines fed by steam generated in fossil‐fuel fired boilers. The thermodynamic cycle implemented in such systems is named “organic Rankine cycle” (ORC) because it uses an organic compound, such as isobutane, with a lower boiling temperature than water at atmospheric pressure. ORC allows operation of the turbine at the temperature range available from geothermal sources.

The efficiency, which is the ratio of the useful energy output to the thermal energy available from the source strongly depends on the heat‐sink temperature limited by the ambient temperature. Geothermal sources used for power generation can increase the working fluid temperature up to a few hundred degrees Celsius. In the case of low‐temperature sources, especially below 100 °C, the efficiency can be as low as 10–20%. Power‐heat cogeneration systems increase the overall efficiency by recovering the excess heat for direct heating applications.

Depending on the physical characteristics of the heat source, practical geothermal conversion systems may combine multiple stage upstream reboilers, pre‐flash or double flash processes or combinations of flashed and binary cycles (Palmerini 1993).

Geothermal fluid requirement of various power plant types depends on the reservoir temperature, as shown in Table 5.5. The lowest cost plant type is exhausting into the atmosphere, but it requires the greatest amount of geothermal fluid extraction. Single flash power plants are the lower cost, but they require greater amounts of fluid extraction. They are not feasible for reservoir temperature less than 150 °C. Multiple flash and binary cycle facilities need higher initial investment, but they can operate with less geothermal fluid. Direct steam dominant power plants are preferred for reservoir temperature is above 200 °C

From efficiency and fluid consumption standpoint, direct use of geothermal heat is clearly more advantageous than electric generation. Direct heating applications are, however, limited by difficulty of transfer to end‐users. However, electric power is more flexible and controllable.

Table 5.5 Geothermal fluid requirements of various power plants.

Source: Palmerini (1993).

Cycle Required GT fluid supply (kg/kWh)
Reservoir temperature (°C) 120 150 200 250
Single flash
Free exhausting (Figure 5.13a) 650 150  80
Condensing (Figure 5.13b) 150  80  50
Binary cycle (Figure 5.13d) 400 140  70

5.9.4 Strengths and Challenges of Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy resources are considered renewable since the heat tapped from an active reservoir is continuously restored by natural heat production, conduction, and convection from surrounding hotter regions. The extracted geothermal fluids are naturally replenished or returned to the reservoir after heat has been transferred to the conversion process.

Industrial power plants, on the other hand, may cause local declines in pressure and temperature within the reservoir over their economic lifespan. The cooled zones with reduced pressure are eventually reformed from surrounding regions after extraction ends.

Initial and operating cost of geothermal power plants are typically higher than other types of generation facilities because of the special material used to prevent corrosion, as well as periodic maintenance requirements of pipes and equipment. Electric generation in such plants is, however, steady and controllable. In general, geothermal power plants serve as base load supply in interconnected electric systems.

Turbines used in geothermal electric generation operate on the Rankine cycle, which has thermodynamic efficiency limited by the temperature of the heat source above ambient temperature. Power generation units fed from lower temperature reservoirs have overall efficiency from single digits to about 20%. To increase the efficiency, steam leaving the turbine must be cooled either by water or air. Water‐cooled systems evaporate considerable amount of fresh water.

Geothermal energy is not as clean as solar, wind, and hydropower. Environmental impacts of geothermal energy can be divided in two groups. Temporary issues are related to pollution during the exploration and drilling phase. Permanent environmental impacts are associated with maintenance, make‐up drilling, and pollution that result from power plant operation. Geothermal fluids contain sulfur, ammonia, and heavy metals such as mercury. Although geothermal energy conversion processes release carbon dioxide (a mixture of polluting gases including methane, nitrogen oxides, and hydrogen sulfide), they are less than greenhouse gases released by fossil fuel combustion (Goldstein, Hiriart, Bertani et al. 2011) Whereas toxic elements such as mercury and arsenic are also released, they are in trace quantities and generally do not create a significant environmental concern. The operational pollution created by geothermal power plants, however, is still less than fossil fuel fired energy production. On the other hand, numerous geothermal byproducts that have commercial value can be retrieved from geothermal fluid. Some examples are boric acid, sulfur, carbon dioxide, potassium salts, and silica. Processing of exhaust gases has the double benefit of production of valuable chemicals while reducing the toxic emissions.

Residual water from geothermal power plant operation is reinjected into the same reservoir to be reheated by the natural process. The production wells and reinjection bores must be effectively isolated by casing to prevent pollution of fresh ground water. In addition, extraction and reinjection of the thermal fluid may cause seismic activity and vibrations that can trigger earthquakes.

Because geothermal energy is a domestic resource, its use to replace foreign oil and natural gas enhances energy security of nations. Like other renewable resources, geothermal energy is also independent from volatility of energy prices due to economic and political conditions.

5.10 Biomass Energy

Substances derived from plants, animals, and microorganisms are commonly known as biomass. Since such materials are replenished by natural processes, energy extracted from any kind of biomass is considered renewable. Biomass is essentially a hydrocarbon that produces heat by combustion like fossil fuels. In fact, all fossil fuels are ancient biomass converted over millions of years by natural processes. Bioenergy refers to a broad range of fuels in solid, liquid, and gas form either used directly or after an industrial process.

Biomass has always been the main source of energy for humanity. Wood, animal dung, and plants have been burned for cooking and heating. Still in rural parts of the world and technologically less advanced regions, biomass is the primary energy source for heating. Modern biofuels are obtained from a wide range of biological feedstocks using advanced chemical processes.

In 2016, the share of biofuels and waste constituted 9.5% of the world's TPES, representing 62.4% of global supply of renewables (IEA 2018b). In developing countries, traditional solid biofuels (wood, charcoal, etc.) are extensively used for residential heating and cooking. In poor countries, use of unprocessed biomass can be as high as 90% of the energy supply (UNDP 2000). Bioenergy may be used directly as a heat source or converted to mechanical work by heat engines at the point of use. Firewood, wood pellets, sawdust, and charcoal are used for residential heating.

Some industrial facilities burn combustible waste produced on‐site for process heating. Many thermoelectric power plants use biofuels, industrial waste and municipal waste are used in to generate electricity. Cogeneration plants, in addition to generating electricity, transmit residual thermal energy in the form of steam for industrial processes, space heating in residential districts or commercial building complexes. Electricity is a convenient and controllable energy carrier to transmit bioenergy to consumers for a broad range of end uses.

5.10.1 Biomass Sources

Bioenergy is produced by processing a wide variety of materials commonly known as biomass, obtained from living organisms such as plants, animals, algae, and bacteria. Such materials are mainly hydrocarbons produced by either photosynthesis or biosynthesis. Biomass resources are abundant in most parts of the world.

Photos depict an ethanol production in the midwest region of the US.

Figure 5.14 Ethanol production in the midwest region of the US.

Source: © Soysal.

Plant‐based biomass includes woody or non‐woody substances, processed waste, or processed fuel. Trees, shrubs, bushes, bamboo, palms are woody biomass. Non‐woody biomass, mainly used for biofuel production, is from energy crops such as sugarcane, soybean, and corn. Other examples are residues, and clippings and roots of industrial plants such as cereal straw, cotton, tobacco, bananas, potatoes, etc. Processed wastes comprise industrial byproducts like sawmill chip and dust, wood bark, plant oil cake, black liquor from pulp and paper mills, and paper products in collected trash. Processed fuels are charcoal, methanol, ethanol, plant oils, biogas, and similar biomass ready to be used as fuel.

Residues from forest industries are valuable byproducts to produce biofuels. However, Biomass feedstock production and regeneration of the forests must be balanced by replanting and sustainable management to allow natural propagation. Agricultural residues can be also used for biofuel production, but some part of these residues must remain at the site for fertilization and soil conditioning.

Ethanol made from sugar cane, soybean, and corn is a potential alternative substitute to petroleum‐based fuels. The fuel‐ethanol industry is extremely water‐ and energy‐intensive. Especially, the cultivation of corn for ethanol production requires vast agricultural land, substantial amounts of ground water, and energy for heavy agricultural equipment. Depending on the climate, production of one unit volume of corn ethanol requires between 3 and 160 units of fresh water from farming to processing (Wu and Chiu 2011). Interactions of biofuel production with ground water and food supply are discussed in more detail in Chapter 12. A cornfield and an ethanol production facility in the Midwest US are depicted in Figure 5.14. In the US, retail gasoline sold at most gas stations contains 10% corn‐based ethanol. Regular vehicle engines can burn gasoline that contains up to 15% (E‐15) or can be modified to use a mixture of 15% gasoline and 85% ethanol (E‐85). The gas pump in Figure 5.14 displays retail prices of various gasoline‐ethanol mixtures in 2017.

Photo depicts the Spittelau Waste Incineration CHP plant in Vienna, on the Danube River.

Figure 5.15 Spittelau Waste Incineration CHP plant in Vienna, on the Danube River.

Source: © Soysal.

Municipal solid waste is a renewable source indirectly associated with biomass since it contains paper, cardboard, vegetable residues, discarded food, etc. Energy potential of municipal solid waste depends on the composition of the refuse materials and recycling policies. Industrialized countries generate 0.9–1.9 kg per capita of municipal solid waste every day. Energy contents range from 4 to 13 MJ/kg and reach as high as 15.9 MJ/kg in Canada and the United States (UNDP 2000).

In many developed countries special power plants burn municipal solid waste to produce steam for electric generation and/or district heating. Municipal waste may also be processed to produce methane and synthetic fuels.

Because disposal of municipal solid waste for landfill in densely populated urban areas is increasingly constrained, energy conversion becomes more profitable. Figure 5.15 shows a waste‐burning CHP plant constructed on the Danube River in a highly populated district of Vienna. The Spittelau waste incineration plant processes 250,000 tons of municipal waste every year to generate 120,000 MW‐hours of electricity and 500,000 MW‐hours of district heating.

Separating and recycling of non‐combustible contents improves the energy output of waste‐to‐energy power plants. Municipal solid waste incineration requires advanced pollution abatement equipment to prevent harmful emission of toxic and polluting gases.

Discarded animal parts from food industry, animal fat, and manure are animal‐based biomass resources. Dung, which is a traditional solid biofuel in rural parts of some poor countries, can be processed to obtain biogas, which is a valuable modern renewable. Whale oil used to be the main fuel for lighting before petroleum. All animal residues can be used to produce liquid or gas biofuels. Biogas extracted from sewage, part of the byproducts of the food industry, and most of municipal wastes are animal‐based biomass. Figure 5.16 shows the share of biomass sources in the primary bioenergy mix (IEA 2009).

Pie chart depicts the share of various sources of biomass in the primary bioenergy mix.

Figure 5.16 Share of various sources of biomass in the primary bioenergy mix.

Source: IPCC (2011, p. 217, Chapter 2: Bioenergy).

5.10.2 Energy Potential of Biomass Resources

Estimation of energy conversion potential of biomass resources is generally based on the size of land available for biomass plantation, the regional distribution of this land and distances to consumption centers, the productivity of the land for biomass production including the technical and economic performance of conversion technologies, and net energy balance.

The growth of biomass supply in industrialized countries is mainly based on the development of cost‐effective biomass production, collection, and conversion systems to create biomass‐derived fuels that can compete with fossil fuels in the energy supply mix with relatively less contribution to the climate change. Given the land area available for agriculture and advanced agricultural methods implemented in developed countries, the biomass production opportunities are generally considered substantial.

In developing countries, biomass production may conflict with land‐use for food production. Moreover, low‐tech use of traditional biomass is inefficient and may cause energy‐related health problems. Exposure to particulate matters and carbon monoxide discharged from incomplete combustion of biomass in closed spaces can cause respiratory infections, problems in pregnancy, and even death. Large amounts of undocumented traditional biomass in poor areas are difficult to estimate.

Several researchers estimated biomass energy potential using integrated models. The projections of primary bioenergy supply in 2050 differ in a wide range from 40–50 to 500 EJ. The variation is mainly due to assumptions and difficulties in accounting traditional applications, which are usually not officially recorded. Regional geographic differences, support policies, and degree of agricultural development are also sources of uncertainties.

According to IEA energy statistics, TPES from bioenergy sources totaled between 48 and 65 EJ in 2008 (IEA 2010). The uncertainty stems from the insufficient data about the consumption of traditional biomass (wood, straw, dung, etc.) in less developed regions using low tech conversion methods. Between 37 and 43 EJ global primary energy from traditional biomass was converted with 10–20% efficiency yielding only 3–6 EJ/yr secondary energy.

Total primary energy of 11.3 EJ supplied from modern bioenergy (processed solid and liquid biomass, biogas) was converted to secondary sources with an average efficiency of 58%. The conversion efficiency was as high as 80% in heating applications, followed by 60% in the use of biofuels for transportation. Efficiency in electric generation is around 30% because of the lower thermodynamic efficiency of heat engines. Overall efficiency of traditional and modern biomass global consumption is from 21% to 27%.

Strapasson and others estimated total global bioenergy production including traditional biomass and residues as 60 EJ/yr in 2015 (Strapasson, Woods, Chum et al. 2017). Based on the integrated models, they project the global bioenergy production in 2050 to be between 70 and 360 EJ/yr, depending on different land‐use prospects, food diet patterns, and climate change mitigation efforts. Data about the global potential of biomass energy is being continuously updated to reach a consensus on a reliable database (Rosillo‐Calle 2016).

5.10.3 Bioenergy Conversion Technologies

Biomass resources are abundant in most parts of the world. The challenge is their sustainable management, efficient conversion, and delivery to the consumers in the form of modern and affordable energy services. Biomass resources can be converted to chemical fuels by several methods.

Feedstock for bioenergy production can be grouped as oil crops, sugar and starch crops, lignocellulosic biomass, biodegradable waste, and photosynthetic microorganisms. Throughout a series of conversion steps, raw biomass is transformed into a final secondary energy source such as heat, electricity, or biofuel. Because of the wide range of biomass feedstock and diversity of end‐uses, many bioenergy process technologies have been developed.

The simplest way to use biomass is direct combustion to obtain heat. Forest wood, bushes, straw, leaves, dung, and other materials are being burned directly in many parts of the world. Advanced bioenergy routes necessitate some sort of screening, pretreatment, upgrading, and conversion steps. For example, firewood sold on the market is selected, cleaned, cut to a convenient size, perhaps treated, and packaged. Charcoal used for direct heating and cooking is basically wood processed to enhance the heating value.

Raw biomass has lower energy density compared to fossil fuels. Moreover, the moisture content may vary considerably. Transportation of biomass is, therefore, more expensive than fossil fuels that contain comparable amount of energy. Biomass must be preprocessed and treated to enhance the fuel quality.

In general, liquid and gas biofuels are cheaper to transport, store, and handle than solid biofuels. The goal of advanced processes is to convert raw biomass into high energy density synthetic fuels that can be substituted to petroleum products and natural gas. Modern bioenergy process chains can be grouped in three main categories identified as thermochemical, physicochemical, and biologic routes. Thermochemical Conversion

Burning raw biomass is not energy‐efficient and produces smoke that contains considerable amounts of particulate matter. In addition, its higher water content reduces the energy density, thus increasing transportation and handling costs. To be more marketable, solid biomass is dried, chopped into small pieces, and transformed into pellets by compression. Pelletized sawdust and wood shaving are byproducts of forest, lumber, and furniture industries. Wood pellets are common as heating fuel both in households and industry. Pellets are convenient for long distance transportation and even traded internationally. However, they tend to absorb moisture during transportation and storage.

In thermochemical conversion processes biomass undergoes chemical degradation under high temperature. Combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, and torrefaction are the main technologies used to upgrade the fuel properties of biomass. Essentially, they are all oxidation reactions occurring at different temperature ranges with different amounts of oxygen entering in the reaction.

Torrefaction transforms biomass into a dry product with high energy density that looks like coal. This upgraded product does not absorb water in transportation and storage. It can be also used to produce pellets, which further reduce transportation and handling costs.

Pyrolysis is controlled thermal decomposition of biomass at 500 °C in the absence of oxygen. Pyrolysis of biomass yields charcoal, liquid bio‐oil, and a mixture of gas named syngas. Bio‐oil can be further upgraded to be used as a transport fuel by hydrothermal upgrading using water and solvents at a temperature range between 300 and 400 °C. Physicochemical Conversion

Physicochemical processes are mainly used for liquid biofuel production. Oil crops like rapeseed, soybean, and palm are first pressed to extract oil, then converted into liquid biofuel by a catalytic process known as transesterification. Fatty acid methyl/ethyl ester (FAME and FAEE) are commonly known as biodiesel; they have lower energy content than diesel fuel obtained from petroleum, and have blending limitations in some applications. Biodiesel can also be produced by hydrotreatment process of vegetable oils and animal fats. FAME and hydrotreated diesel are classified as first‐generation biodiesel. Second‐generation of biodiesel, also known as green diesel or synthetic diesel, is obtained by gasification of biomass (wood, straw, etc.) followed by Fischer Tropsch (FT) synthesis (IEA 2009). Biological Conversion

Biological processes use living microorganisms such as enzymes or bacteria to degrade the feedstock into liquid or gaseous fuels. Sugar and starch‐based crops (sugarcane, sugar beet, corn, soybean, etc.) are fermented to obtain ethanol or methanol. Lignocellulosic feedstock (grass, wood, bamboo, etc.) can be also fermented for alcohol production. In anaerobic digestion microorganisms break down a biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen. Anaerobic digestion is used to obtain biofuels mostly from wet biomass. Bio‐photochemical processes are emerging for hydrogen production using algae involving the action of sunlight.

A detailed description of different conversion technologies particularly developed for biofuel production is available in the main report on bioenergy published by International Energy Agency (IEA 2009).

5.10.4 Strengths and Challenges of Bioenergy

Biomass is a renewable energy resource either naturally grown or produced as agricultural product. Biofuels are in general cleaner than fossil fuels, but more pollutant compared to other renewable energy sources.

Raw biomass needs additional processes to be converted into consumable bioenergy products that can compete in the energy market. Such techniques involve a complex chain of advanced processes. Despite methods developed to enhance the fuel quality, biofuels have lower energy density compared to fossil fuels. This makes transportation and handling more expensive than fossil fuels.

Unlike other renewables, biomass is not a free energy source. The cost of biomass production often represents from 50% to 90% of the total cost of final energy products delivered to consumers.

Biofuels can be easily stored, transported, and delivered to consumers like conventional fuels. In contrast to intermittent wind and solar energy, biofuels can produce controllable, continuous, reliable, and steady energy output, similar to fossil fuels. Liquid biofuels are potential alternatives to petroleum and can be used either alone or blended with oil products. However, energy density of biofuels by volume is lower than all fossil fuels.

Cultivation of biomass crops requires substantial dedicated farmland area. Land requirements depend on energy crop yields, water availability, and the efficiency of biomass conversion into usable fuels. Land use for bioenergy production has been a controversial issue. While unused agricultural land areas in many developed countries could become significant biomass production areas, long‐term projections are alarming (UNDP 2000).

Biomass production requires substantial amounts of water for irrigation. In addition, liquid biofuel and biogas production processes also use water. Water requirements for biomass depend on the climate conditions. It is estimated that in the US, ethanol production consumes 40–140 units of water per unit volume of finished product. Evidently, irrigation water returns to ground even though some part evaporates, and the total water on earth remain the same. However, as biomass production increases, in some regions the limited freshwater resources will have to be shared between agriculture of food products and biomass farming. IPCC studies indicate that even without considering water requirements for biomass production, water shortages are possible for about half the world's population as early as 2025. Thus, the water constraint for extended biomass production will likely be of importance, especially in the long term (UNDP 2000).

Large‐scale biomass production may have negative impacts on soil fertility, biodiversity, and landscape. While use of biofuels instead of fossil fuels eliminate some part of the air pollution, emissions caused by farming equipment and transportation vehicles offset part of this benefit. On the other hand, biomass cultivation can protect land from erosion.

Farming machines and transportation from farmlands to processing plants consume energy, mostly oil products. Energy balance in biofuel production is described by the ratio of energy return on energy invested (EROI). Solid biomass used directly for heat produces 10–30 times greater energy output than the energy used to produce them, hence EROI for solid biofuels ranges from 10 to 30. Energy balance is not that favorable for liquid biofuels; some estimates suggest EROI as low as 1.3 for corn ethanol produced in the US. Nevertheless, ethanol production from sugarcane has higher EROI because of the higher energy content of the initial biomass. Advancements of biofuel process technologies tend to reduce the energy used to produce liquid biofuels.

Biofuel production relies on harvesting methods and process technologies. Cost of energy used for cultivation and processing impact the competitiveness of modern biofuels. Hence, fluctuations of oil prices, market conditions, and political decisions are major factors that affect the resource potential of biofuels in long‐term.

5.11 Future Trend of Renewable Energy Development

The share of renewable sources in the energy mix depends on technologic innovations, climate change, and scenarios regarding social, economic, and political factors. In general, renewable energy development needs substantial capital investment and use of advanced technologies. Although most renewable energy sources are free, because of the initial investment, the cost of energy delivered to the end users is higher compared to the energy converted by burning non‐renewable sources. Hence, development of facilities using renewable sources often need support of governments in the form of policies, standards, and financial incentives.

Climate change is the main motivation for replacing coal‐burning power plants with cleaner energy sources. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has developed a comprehensive model to forecast long‐term changes in the global energy mix. Figure 5.17 shows the projections of the use of renewables in electric generation and heat production based on three scenarios considered in the IEA's World Energy Outlook 2016 (IEA 2016). The current policies scenario assumes no change in policies and measures governments have developed before 2016. The new policies scenario considers the possible impacts of the consensus reached by 196 countries in the 21st United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCC) convention known as COP21. The third scenario labeled as “450 scenario” incorporates measures aiming to limit the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to about 450 ppm of carbon dioxide equivalent. Based on the research surrounding climate change mitigation, the 450 Scenario is now expressed as realizing a 50% chance of limiting warming to a 2 °C temperature rise above pre‐industrial level by 2100.

In all scenarios, the share of renewable sources in the global energy supply is expected to increase, but at different rates depending on the implementation of policies. With existing policies remaining in place, the share of renewables in the total primary energy demand (TPED) will increase from 8% to 13% of the TPED by 2040. Based on the “New Policies Scenario” of the IEA, the global share of renewable energy in the world's TPED will rise to 16% in the same period. To limit the global temperature rise and meet the air quality and universal access to modern energy goals set forth in UNFCC (Sustainable Development Scenario), the share of renewable energy must be at least 30% (IEA 2018c).

Bar chart depicts the projection of global total primary energy demand.

Figure 5.17 Projection of global total primary energy demand (TPED).

Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2016 (IEA 2016, p. 412, Table 10.1).

While energy consumption for heating will grow considerably, the proportions of conventional and renewable heat sources do not change much with the considered scenarios. Electric generation, however, grows in long‐term projections with increasing shares of renewables. In addition to the energy‐related climate policies, the cost of conversion from renewables to electricity is decreasing. While hydroelectric generation remains the largest source generation from all renewables grows, with solar PV and wind powered generation increasing most rapidly.

Commercial scale onshore and offshore wind power is the fastest growing type of renewable source. Continuously decreasing unit costs of PV modules stimulates the growth of residential scale electric generation. Advanced technologies that reduce the battery cost per unit energy stored help resolving the grid penetration issues related to intermittent renewable sources.

5.12 Chapter Review

Renewable energy is a primary energy source that replenishes forever by natural processes and is not depleted by consumption. Sunlight, wind, water, naturally heated liquids extracted from earth, photosynthesis, and biosynthesis are major forms of renewable energy that can be converted into heat, mechanical work, electricity, or fuels. All renewable sources, except geothermal energy are direct or indirect consequences of solar energy reaching the Earth.

Technical potential of renewable resources exceeds the current and projected TPES of the world. Renewable sources are available everywhere on the Earth but commercial scale conversion to usable forms depends on the quantity that can be extracted, time variations, energy flow rate, accessibility, and many socioeconomic factors. The main problem about renewables is their cost‐effective conversion and integration in the existing energy system, rather than their available quantity.

Non‐combustible sources include hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, and ocean energy. These sources are mostly delivered to end‐users in the form of electric power. Solar and geothermal energy can be also converted directly into heat. CHP generation facilities can deliver excess heat in the form of steam for industrial processes or district heating. Combustible biomass can be used for direct heating or electric generation. Conversion to direct heat is more efficient than electric generation but transmission of heat to end users is limited. Electricity is a more convenient energy carrier and offers great practical flexibility to consumers.

Capacity factor is the ratio of the total electric energy generated by a facility over a time interval, and the total energy that the facility could generate if it were operated at full capacity over the considered interval, typically a year. Capacity factor of large conventional hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass‐fired power plants is higher than the intermittent wind, solar, and small hydropower facilities.

Solar power received per unit area is called irradiance and measured in W/m2. Irradiance has two components named DNI and DHI. GHI is the total radiant power received on a unit horizontal surface. Solar irradiance at a location depends on the latitude, altitude, and clarity of the air. Solar irradiance changes rapidly with the passage of clouds. Solar energy captured over a certain interval on a unit's horizontal surface is defined as solar irradiation or insolation. Insolation changes throughout the year with the length of the daylight time.

Solar energy can be directly converted into electricity using PV modules or into heat using solar collectors. PV modules are rated for standard test conditions (STC), defined as 1‐kW/m2 irradiance and 25 °C ambient temperature. Although PV cell efficiency has significantly increased by advanced technologies, commercial modules have a maximum efficiency in the order of 20%. Integration of large‐scale PV generation in an electric grid presents penetration issues due to the rapid changes of generated power throughout the day and unavailability at night. Solar collectors convert solar energy into heat, mostly used for space or water heating. The efficiency of direct thermal conversion is higher than electric conversion. CSP plants produce steam, which is used for electric generation.

Hydropower relies on the water cycle. Conventional hydroelectric power plants have the biggest share in renewable electric generation. Large dams allow huge energy storage and provide multiple uses including agricultural irrigation, river flow regulation, flood prevention, and development of recreational sites. Major socioeconomic impacts of large hydroelectric power plants are the relocation of local communities and flooding of cultural treasures. Run‐of‐river facilities can be constructed in a broad range of power capacities from kilowatts to gigawatts. They do not require a large reservoir and can be constructed in a shorter time with smaller capital investment, but their output power shows daily or seasonal variations. Run‐of‐river power plants may have adverse impacts on fish migration, river transportation, and amount of water needed for agricultural irrigation.

Wind results from uneven heating at different locations. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of moving air into electricity. The power output of a wind turbine is proportional to the cube of the wind speed, hence it changes rapidly with the wind speed variations. Integration of large‐scale electric generation from wind presents similar penetration issues as PV generation because of the fast and often unpredictable variations of the generated power.

Geothermal energy is based on the ground fluids heated by magma or decay of radioactive minerals in the Earth. Geothermal energy can be used for direct heating applications or electric generation. Geothermal power plants convert heat from the extracted fluid into mechanical work through ORC for electric generation. Efficiency of geothermal electric generation is limited with the low thermodynamic efficiency of ORC. Although conversion of geothermal energy has many environmental impacts due to the carbon dioxide and toxic gas emissions, it is cleaner than fossil fuel burning power plants.

Biomass and hydrocarbon‐based waste are combustible renewable sources that are used to generate electricity, produce heat, or both. Large amounts of biomass are directly burned in less‐developed regions for conventional heating and cooking. Modern biomass is processed to produce solid or liquid fuels or biogas.

Long‐term projections based on several scenarios show that fossil fuels will continue to dominate primary energy supply, and the share of renewables will significantly increase.

5.13 Review Quiz

  1. Which one of the following statements is not true for renewable energy?
    1. Renewable energy sources are available in limited quantities.
    2. Renewable energy is available at every location in the world in various amounts.
    3. Most renewable sources are delivered to consumers in the form of electricity or heat.
    4. Intermittent nature of wind and solar energy presents challenges in their integration into conventional electric grid.
  2. Which renewable source is dominant in electric generation?
    1. Hydropower
    2. Biofuels
    3. Solar power
    4. Wind power
  3. Which renewable energy technology is dominant in direct heat production worldwide?
    1. Solar thermal collectors
    2. Photovoltaic cells
    3. Geothermal heat pumps
    4. Biomass combustion
  4. Which renewable energy source below is more dominant in the transportation sector?
    1. Biofuels
    2. Biomass
    3. Waste
    4. Hydroelectric
  5. Which renewable energy technology has the biggest share in the global thermal capacity?
    1. Modern bio‐heat
    2. Solar water heating
    3. Geothermal heat
    4. Ocean thermal energy
  6. Which region below generates the greatest amount of electric energy from hydropower?
    1. North America
    2. South America
    3. Asia
    4. Europe
  7. Which region below generates the greatest amount of electric energy from wind power?
    1. North America
    2. South America
    3. Asia
    4. Europe
  8. Renewable energy generation from which renewable source below has had the highest increase rate since year 2000?
    1. Biomass
    2. Wind
    3. Solar
    4. Hydro
  9. A higher capacity factor indicates that
    1. maximum energy that the installed capacity can generate is larger.
    2. the generation facility has larger installed capacity.
    3. generated energy is closer to the maximum energy the installed capacity can generate in a certain time interval.
    4. the cost of the generated energy per installed capacity is smaller.
  10. Which electric generation plants operate at the highest capacity factor worldwide?
    1. Hydroelectric
    2. Geothermal
    3. Wind farms
    4. Bioenergy

Answers: 1‐a, 2‐a, 3‐d, 4‐a, 5‐b, 6‐c, 7‐d, 8‐b, 9‐c, 10‐b.

Research Topics and Problems

Research and Discussion Topics

  1. What are the social, economic, and environmental impacts of building a large dam?
  2. What are the major uses of a hydraulic dam?
  3. Why is the efficiency of a hydroelectric power plant higher than a fossil fuel fired power plant?
  4. What are the major reasons for public reactions to the construction of wind farms?
  5. Compare the benefits and drawbacks of commercial‐size photovoltaic solar farms and concentrated solar power plants.
  6. Why can't electric power generation in a country solely depend on renewable energy?
  7. What are the major challenges of large‐scale electric generation using wind and solar energy?
  8. Discuss the environmental impacts of biomass production.
  9. What are the technical limitations of using geothermal energy in large‐scale electric generation?
  10. What are the main factors that affect the long‐term growth of renewable energy development?
  11. The state of Hawaii consists of islands and imports most of its primary energy supply either from mainland US or other countries in the form of fossil fuels. Research the renewable energy options locally available in Hawaii and write a proposal to supply the primary energy need completely from renewables.
  12. Research statistical databases to estimate the solar energy potential in Death Valley, Nevada. How large an area would be needed to supply all primary energy needs in the state from solar energy? What are the possible challenges of such a project?
  13. What measures can be taken to overcome the issues associated with the integration of large wind and solar power generation plants?
  14. What are the positive and negative impacts of residential size PV and wind generation on the electric grid?


  1. The Bonneville hydroelectric power plant generated 4.86 TWh electric energy in 2018. Using data given in Table 5.3 estimate its capacity factor.
  2. A wind farm with installed capacity of 50‐MW generates 265 GWh energy in one year. What is the capacity factor?
  3. Determine the land area needed to develop a wind farm of 50‐MW capacity using 2‐MW wind turbines with 60 m blade length. Assume that sufficient wind resource is available to operate the turbines at rated power and the turbines must be spaced by seven times the blade length to avoid wake and turbulence.
  4. The first offshore wind farm of the United States was installed near Rock Island in the state of Rhode Island. The installed capacity of the wind farm is 30 MW. How much energy will this unit generate in one year if it operates at a capacity factor of 60%.
  5. A house has a south‐facing roof area of 60‐m2 with 30° angle in respect to the horizontal plane. The daily global horizontal irradiation (GHI) averaged over one year is 4500‐Wh/m2 at the location. Estimate the yearly solar energy potential for this house.
  6. The owner of the house described in Problem 5 would like to install a solar PV array on the roof. The rated power of the selected PV module is 250 W fort 1 kW/m2 irradiance, and the dimensions are 40 cm width and 64 cm height. How much electric energy would this array generate in one year?
  7. The heating values of pure gasoline and pure ethanol are 32.0 and 21.1 MJ/l respectively. How much heat per liter would produce combustion of (a) pure gasoline, (b) a blend of 90% gasoline and 10% ethanol, and (c) blend of 15% gasoline and 85% ethanol?
  8. Prices on various gasoline products seen in the pump picture in Figure 5.14 are listed below:
    • Premium, unleaded gasoline, without ethanol: 2.999 $/gallon
    • Unleaded gasoline and 10% ethanol: 2.549 $/gallon
    • E‐15: 2.4999 $/gallon
    • E‐85: 2.399 $/gallon

    Using the heating values of Problem 7, calculate the unit price in $/MJ for gasoline without ethanol and the blends of gasoline containing 10%, 15%, and 85% ethanol.

Recommended Web Sites


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