Chapter 14. Jini

In this chapter…

Now that we have looked at Universal Plug and Play home networking technology, it's time to see Sun Microsystems'home networking protocol—Jini. The Jini vision is simply this: You can walk up with any Jini-enabled device—be it a digital camera, a new printer, a PDA, a set-top box, or a mobile phone—plug it into a TCP/IP-based home network, and be able to automatically see and use the variety of other Jini-enabled devices in your vicinity. Any resource available on the home network is available to your Jini-enabled device, as if it were directly attached to it, or the device had been explicitly programmed to use it. In this chapter we'll look at what Jini is in terms of the six key concepts that the technology introduces into the home networking industry. We'll describe the benefits of Jini-based home networks and explain the synergies between Java and HAVi. [1]

[1] Portions of this chapter are adapted from Core Jini by W. Keith Edwards, (c)1999. Reprinted by permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

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