
The offspring suggested I make a few acknowledgments: "I’d like to thank my arms for always being at my side, and my legs for always supporting me..."

I’d like to think I’m not quite that dorky, though I may be close. Instead, I’d like to thank:

Chloe, for ensuring that all projects built are equipped with evasive maneuvering capabilities.

Oliver, for making sure that the office door hinges work well.

Loki, for ensuring that I’m able to hear in case of an emergency and for making sure I’m not forgotten in the office.

Smudge, for emotional support (both giving and receiving).

Sai Yamanoor, Mike Lewis, Oona Räisänen, Gianluigi Spagnuolo, and Youssef Touil for tech editing the book, spotting errors, and ensuring that the projects worked for everybody. What errors may remain in this book are mine and mine alone.

Everyone at The Pragmatic Bookshelf for taking a chance with this book.

Patrick Di Justo, for doing an awesome job, as always, of making my stuff sound the way I wanted it to sound.

Rebecca and Reed, as always, for putting up with my disappearances and weird projects, sometimes with little or no explanation.

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