
Thank you to everyone at Wiley Publishing for their outstanding work on this project: to Mary E. James, for encouraging me to take on this project, and for allowing me the latitude to develop a book that engages in deeper learning; to Jim Minatel for his expert support and help throughout the development of this book; to Adaobi Obi Tulton, the project editor, for keeping everything on track and for having the patience to deal with my many, many questions—I greatly appreciate her hard work, diligence, encouragement, and support; to Dassi Zeidel, the production editor, for her hard work in tying everything together to create such a polished final product; to Luann Rouff, the copy editor, for meticulously translating this book into readable U.S. English, and for adding all those Oxford commas! Thanks to the technical editors, Robert Zhu (Microsoft) and Jason Kridner ( Foundation), for their expert review and constructive feedback on the technical content in this book. Thanks also to Cathy Wicks (Texas Instruments) and Nuria Llin (Texas Instruments) for their advice and support in the development of this book.

Thank you also to the thousands of people who take the time to comment on my YouTube videos, blog, and website articles. I truly appreciate all of the feedback, advice, and comments—it has really helped in the development of the topics in this book.

The School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University, is a great place to work, largely because of its esprit de corps, and its commitment to rigorous, innovative, and accessible engineering education. Thanks to Patrick McNally, Head of School, and all of my colleagues in the school for supporting, encouraging, and even tolerating me in the development of this book. Thanks to (my brother) David Molloy for his expert software advice and support. Thanks, David, for keeping me grounded! Thanks to Jennifer Bruton for her meticulous and expert review of the circuits, software, and content in this book. Thanks, Jennifer, for listening! Thanks to Noel Murphy for his rigorous review of the hardware chapters—he clearly missed his calling as a technical copy editor! Thanks also to Martin Collier, Pascal Landais, Michele Pringle, Robert Sadleir, Ronan Scaife, and John Whelan for their expertise, support, and advice, which I sought on numerous occasions.

My biggest thank-you must, of course, go to my own family. This book was written over seven months, predominantly at night and on weekends. Thanks to my wife, Sally, and our children, Daragh, Eoghan, Aidan, and Sarah, for putting up with me while I was writing this book. Thank you, Mam, Dad, David, and Catriona for your lifelong inspiration, support, and encouragement. Finally, thank you to my extended family for graciously excusing my absence at family events for the past seven months—I have no excuses now!

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