
About the author


part 1 Planning

1 Successful presentations

Live test

The power of demonstration

Classified results

Engaging the emotions

The decade’s political success story

In times of war

The Greeks valued oratory


2 Why presentations fail

Does it matter if a presentation fails?

Check how well you are presenting

Two common misconceptions

What does your presentation actually cost?

The Dirty Dozen


3 Essential planning: getting started

The important of your own role

Elevator Speech

Beware relying on facts alone

Four kinds of questions


4 Deciding what to say

Five main types of presentation

Negative elements

Positive elements

Filtering the content

Talk about what you know

Problem solving

Brand proposition

Is there a take-away?


part 2 Doing it

5 Drafting your presentation

Getting caught out

‘Say a few words’

Tale of two talks

What to talk about

Write your headline

Blank page to first draft

Using stories


6 Being persuasive

The purpose of a presentation

Why delivery is important

What do people expect from you?

Seven essentials of persuasion




7 Using visual aids

Types of visual aids

Good enough is not enough

Projecting slides or film

Video or film clips

The visual aids you create

Use of props


8 Connecting with the audience

Seven-point strategy for overcoming nervousness

How audiences listen

Power of association

Overcoming the rejection reflex

How audiences process information

How large groups and nations process information

Dealing with facts

Why you must be succinct

Body language

Unspoken language


9 Delivering your message

Power in delivery

The mind instructs the body

Appearance and charisma

Be committed to helping the audience

The way you sound

Using a microphone

Take charge of the platform

Pitch, pace and pauses

Involve your audience

Connecting with the audience

Gestures and movement

Presentation essentials


part 3 Reviewing and coaching

10 For experienced presenters

The ten elements

Six different kinds of presentation

The importance of the right language

How skilful orators stir the emotions

The emotional journey


11 Going forward

Chapter summaries

Checking your progress

Spoken summary


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