Displaying items in different forms

There are different appearances of items. Players can put items in hands. When they put items in hands, the items can be visually displayed in the hands of the avatars. These require more graphic work. We need to draw several graphics of the avatar mounting the items for each direction. It is four or eight directions for each item; we may have thousands of items and they may even have their own animations.

Therefore, instead of drawing all animation for all items, some low-budget virtual world projects choose to draw only animations of important items. For the other items, they may not even display them on the avatar's graphics.

Some virtual worlds illustrate the items as cards. They add the game play elements of card games into the item's system of the virtual world. The card system can be helpful for players to read different information of the item easily. For example, in the following card inventory panel (http://www.spgame.com/), the cards with gold frame are rare cards that can greatly enhance the power. The sword and shoe cards with the same background color indicate that they are in the same collection.

Displaying items in different forms
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