Retrieving results from Route

When a route is pushed to the navigation, we may want to expect something back from it— for example, when we ask for something from the user in a new route, we can take the value returned via the pop() method's result parameter.

The push method and its variants return a Future. The Future resolves when the route is popped and the value of Future is the pop() method's result parameter.

We have seen that we can pass arguments to a new Route. As the inverse path is also possible, instead of sending a message to the second screen, we can take a message when it pops back.

In Screen 2, we just make sure to return something when doing the pop from Navigator:

// part of navigation_widgetsapp_navigation_result.dart 
class _NavigatorResultAppState
extends State<NavigatorResultApp> {

Widget _screen2(BuildContext context) {
// ... hidden for brevety
child: Text("Back to Screen 1"),
onPressed: () {
Navigator.of(context).pop("Good bye from screen 2");

The second argument in the pop method is the result from the route.

In the caller screen, we need to take the result back:

// part of navigation_widgetsapp_navigation_result.dart 
class _NavigatorResultAppState
extends State<NavigatorResultApp> {

Widget _screen1(BuildContext context) {
// ... hidden for brevety

child: Text("Go to Screen 2"),
onPressed: () async {
final message = await Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/2') ??
"Came from back button";

setState(() {
_message = message;
Please check out the source code of this chapter on GitHub for the full example.

The result of push is a Future we need to take using the await keyword. Here, we just set it to a new _message variable that is displayed in a text.

If you do not remember how to work with Future, take a look back at Chapter 2, Intermediate Dart Programming, in the Futures and async section.
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