Flutter's support for accessibility

Implementing accessibility correctly in mobile apps enhances the user experience and helps to increase the number of installs and decrease the number of uninstalls. Flutter has components to provide accessibility support: 

  • Contrast: Flutter exposes tools so the developer can colorize widgets appropriately with sufficient contrast.
Check the W3C recommended contrast specifications: https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html.
  • Large fonts: In Flutter, text widgets respect this OS setting when determining font sizes. They are scaled up if the user desires it.
In Android and iOS, we can enable large fonts through accessibility settings in the OS configurations.
  • Screen readersTalkBack in Android and VoiceOver in iOS enable visually impaired users to get spoken feedback about the contents of the screen.
Flutter provides the Semantics widget for the developer to allow the description of the meaning of the widgets so that screen readers can work properly. Check out the widget documentation: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/Semantics-class.html.
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