
Despite being a relatively new language, Dart is not poor or lacking in resources. On the contrary, in version 2, it already has various modern language resources that help the developer to write effective high-level code.

One perfect feature to exemplify this is the async-await feature:

This enables the developer to write non-blocking calls with a very simple syntax, allowing the application to continue to render with no drawbacks.

As Dart focuses on the developer, another important thing for mobile and web developers is building user interfaces. With this in mind, the Dart syntax is easy to understand when you think in UI terms. Let's see an example:

These screenshots are taken from the official Dart website:

The collection if operator that can be seen in the preceding screenshot is one great example of a new feature that is easy to understand even if you are new to Dart.

Dart is evolving alongside Flutter, and these are only some of the important strengths the language provides to the framework. As long as you realize Dart is easy to learn and how much it contributes to Flutter power, the challenge of learning a new language together with a new framework becomes easier and even enjoyable.

In this book, we are not going to dive too deep into the details of the Dart syntax. You can check the source code of this chapter on GitHub for syntax examples and use this as a study guide or a learning path for the language. Later, you can explore specific syntax or features while you advance in your Flutter framework journey.

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